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Crypto Whale’s Moves Cause Concern in the Market


發布: 2024/07/05 04:04 閱讀: 890




Crypto Whale's Actions Spark Market Concerns


Amidst ongoing uncertainties in the cryptocurrency realm, the actions of a crypto whale have raised significant apprehensions.


ETH Price Fluctuations and Whale Transactions


The whale in question recently transferred 12,374 ETH to Compound and subsequently borrowed $31.4 million in stablecoins. Notably, if Ethereum's price falls to $2,984, the whale's long positions will face liquidation. Moreover, Ethereum has experienced a decline from $3,500 to $3,124 within a four-day period. The over 10% drop in ETH's value since Monday has fueled anxiety over potential further declines.

相關鯨魚最近將 12,374 ETH 轉移到Compound,隨後借入了 3,140 萬美元的穩定幣。值得注意的是,如果以太幣價格跌至2984美元,鯨魚的多頭部位將面臨清算。此外,以太幣在四天內從 3,500 美元跌至 3,124 美元。自周一以來 ETH 價值下跌超過 10%,加劇了人們對可能進一步下跌的擔憂。

Whales Seizing Opportunities


Despite the cryptocurrency market's downturn, some whales are perceiving this as an opportunity. One prominent whale recently acquired over $30 million worth of 9,425 ETH from Binance. Notably, the whale's cumulative transaction value reportedly surged to $120 million.

儘管加密貨幣市場低迷,但一些鯨魚仍認為這是一個機會。一隻著名的鯨魚最近從幣安收購了價值超過 3000 萬美元的 9,425 ETH。值得注意的是,據報道,鯨魚的累積交易價值飆升至 1.2 億美元。

The whale's acquisitions included high-volume coins such as BNB, MATIC, LINK, and AVAX, along with leading meme coins including Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, Pepe Coin, and Floki.

鯨魚的收購包括 BNB、MATIC、LINK 和 AVAX 等大批量代幣,以及 Shiba Inu、Dogecoin、Pepe Coin 和 Floki 等領先的 meme 代幣。

Correlation Between Ethereum and Bitcoin


The decline in Ethereum's value exhibits a correlation with Bitcoin's price action. Reports suggest that large investors and miners are contributing to Bitcoin's drop. Market analyst Charles Edwards highlights that long-term Bitcoin holders are actively selling their positions.


Edwards' analysis, based on Glassnode data, reveals a negative flow of 374,000 Bitcoin. The monetary equivalent of this analysis is estimated at $24 billion, indicating a significant movement of BTC toward exchanges.

Edwards 基於 Glassnode 數據的分析揭示了 374,000 比特幣的負流量。該分析的貨幣等價物估計為 240 億美元,顯示 BTC 向交易所發生了重大變化。

Ethereum's Future


The potential liquidation of the whale with millions of dollars in Ethereum transactions could amplify market fears. A potential drop to the $2,984 liquidation level could trigger a further decline and exacerbate liquidations.

以太坊交易中數百萬美元的巨鯨可能會被清算,這可能會加劇市場的擔憂。可能跌至 2,984 美元的清算水準可能會引發進一步下跌並加劇清算。

Amidst these developments, Ethereum continues to attract buyers at the $3,200 level despite today's 5% drop. The market capitalization of ETH has fallen to $376 billion due to the price decline. ETH's trading volume currently stands at $20.7 billion post-sales.

在這些發展中,儘管今天下跌了 5%,以太坊繼續在 3,200 美元的水平上吸引買家。由於價格下跌,ETH 市值已跌至 3,760 億美元。 ETH 售後交易量目前為 207 億美元。


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