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Which Cryptocurrencies Have the Highest Number of Daily Active Addresses?


發布: 2024/09/30 02:31 閱讀: 438




Which Cryptocurrencies Have the Highest Number of Daily Active Addresses?


IntoTheBlock, a market intelligence platform, has analyzed the number of daily active addresses for prominent cryptocurrencies. This metric gauges user activity intensity on their networks.

市場情報平台 IntoTheBlock 分析了知名加密貨幣的每日活躍位址數量。此指標衡量網路上的使用者活動強度。

Solana Leads the Pack

Solana 領先

Solana (SOL) tops the list with $3.04 million daily active addresses. Its network has garnered attention this year, notably due to the meme coin trend, attracting new users. New protocols like Pump.Fun have elevated meme coin trading on Solana. Liquid staking in SOL has also drawn investors.

Solana (SOL) 以 304 萬美元的每日活躍地址位居榜首。其網絡今年引起了人們的關注,特別是由於模因硬幣的趨勢,吸引了新用戶。 Pump.Fun 等新協議提高了 Solana 上的 meme 幣交易量。 SOL 的流動質押也吸引了投資者。

Toncoin and Tron Surge

Toncoin 和 Tron 激增

Toncoin (TON) ranks second with 2.89 million daily active addresses. Its growth aligns with Telegram's rising popularity for mini-apps and games. Tron (TRX) follows with 2.5 million addresses, attributed to increased stablecoin activity, network growth, and its meme coin-generating platform, SunPump.

Toncoin(TON)以 289 萬日活躍地址排名第二。它的成長與 Telegram 在迷你應用程式和遊戲中日益流行的趨勢一致。 Tron (TRX) 緊隨其後,擁有 250 萬個地址,這歸因於穩定幣活動的增加、網路的增長及其 meme 硬幣生成平台 SunPump。

Dogs, Bitcoin, and Ethereum


DOGS, a Telegram-based meme coin launched as an airdrop, has a daily active address count of 809,810. Bitcoin (BTC) holds fifth place with 779,650 addresses, reflecting its dominance and recent developments like the BRC-20 token standard and Bitcoin ETFs. Ether (ETH) has approximately 417,000 daily active addresses, indicating Ethereum's ongoing utility amidst its deflationary shift.

DOGS 是一種以空投方式推出的基於 Telegram 的迷因幣,每日活躍地址數為 809,810 個。比特幣(BTC)以 779,650 個地址位居第五,反映了其主導地位以及 BRC-20 代幣標準和比特幣 ETF 等最新發展。以太坊 (ETH) 擁有約 417,000 個每日活躍地址,這表明以太坊在通縮轉變中的持續效用。

Other Notable Cryptocurrencies


Litecoin (LTC), Algorand (ALGO), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Avalanche (AVAX) round out the top ten list with 316,640, 79,850, 44,190, and 43,760 daily active addresses, respectively.

萊特幣 (LTC)、Algorand (ALGO)、狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和 Avalanche (AVAX) 分別以 316,640、79,850、44,190 和 43,760 個每日活躍地址位居前十名。


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