首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 2023 年值得關注的加密貨幣:狗狗幣 (DOGE)、以太坊經典 (ETC) 和 VC Spectra (SPCT)

Cryptocurrencies to Keep an Eye on in 2023: Dogecoin (DOGE), Ethereum Classic (ETC), and VC Spectra (SPCT)

2023 年值得關注的加密貨幣:狗狗幣 (DOGE)、以太坊經典 (ETC) 和 VC Spectra (SPCT)

發布: 2023/10/26 04:16 閱讀: 431



Dogecoin (DOGE) recently climbed above $0.060, sparking interest among potential buyers. Historical trends, positive market sentiment, and recent developments suggest potential growth, with a price prediction of $0.070 in November. Meanwhile, Ethereum Classic (ETC) and VC Spectra (SPCT), a decentralized hedge fund, also show promise. 

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 最近攀升至 0.060 美元以上,引發了潛在買家的興趣。歷史趨勢、積極的市場情緒和最近的發展表明潛在的成長,11 月的價格預測為 0.070 美元。同時,以太坊經典(ETC)和去中心化對沖基金 VC Spectra(SPCT)也顯示出前景。

Let’s dive deeper into these crypto trends to help you identify the best crypto to buy now.



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  • Dogecoin’s (DOGE) price rose from $0.058 to $0.060 in a week, suggesting a potential bullish trend due to historical patterns, market sentiment, and recent developments.
  • 狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的價格在一周內從 0.058 美元上漲至 0.060 美元,這表明由於歷史模式、市場情緒和近期事態發展而存在潛在的看漲趨勢。

  • Ethereum Classic’s (ETC) price rose from $14.88 to $15.33 in a week due to increased adoption of smart contracts, making it a promising blockchain technology.
  • 由於智能合約的採用增加,以太坊經典(ETC)的價格在一周內從 14.88 美元上漲至 15.33 美元,使其成為一種有前景的區塊鏈技術。

  • VC Spectra (SPCT) raised $2.4 million in a private seed sale and is currently in a public presale with an impressive 587% increase to $0.055.
  • VC Spectra (SPCT) 透過私人種子銷售籌集了 240 萬美元,目前正在進行公開預售,漲幅高達 587%,達到 0.055 美元。

DOGE Above $0.060 Sparks Interest to Buy Dogecoin 

DOGE 高於 0.060 美元引發購買狗狗幣的興趣

As of October 14, the price of Dogecoin (DOGE) stood at $0.058, and in just one week, it climbed to $0.060. DOGE continued its upward momentum in the following days, reaching $0.064 by October 23.

截至 10 月 14 日,狗狗幣(DOGE)的價格為 0.058 美元,短短一週內就攀升至 0.060 美元。 DOGE 在接下來的幾天繼續上漲勢頭,到 10 月 23 日達到 0.064 美元。

This gain of over 10% hints at a potential bullish trajectory for those interested to buy Dogecoin (DOGE), as several factors and recent developments come into play.

由於幾個因素和最近的事態發展發揮作用,超過 10% 的漲幅暗示著有興趣購買狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的人可能會看漲。

First, the historical price trends indicate that Dogecoin (DOGE) has experienced significant ups and downs, including an all-time high (ATH) of $0.73. While it’s currently down from that peak, the coin’s resilience and ability to recover cannot be underestimated.


Market sentiment is also an essential factor. The broader crypto market conditions influence Dogecoin’s (DOGE) price, and with recent regulatory hurdles seemingly cleared, it’s positioned for growth. Additionally, the rise of meme coins has fueled the competition, but Dogecoin’s community, boosted by figures like Elon Musk, remains robust.


Finally, recent developments, including the implementation of the “DRC-20” token standard and Elon Musk’s continued support, signal potential for innovation and adoption for those looking to buy Dogecoin (DOGE). These factors suggest that Dogecoin (DOGE) could make substantial gains in November, with the DOGE price prediction of $0.070

最後,最近的發展,包括「DRC-20」代幣標準的實施和馬斯克的持續支持,為那些希望購買狗狗幣(DOGE)的人帶來了創新和採用的潛力。這些因素表明狗狗幣(DOGE)可能在 11 月大幅上漲,DOGE 價格預測為 0.070 美元。

Ethereum Classic (ETC) Price Surges on Smart Contract Adoption

以太坊經典 (ETC) 價格因智能合約採用而飆升

As of October 14, the Ethereum Classic price was marked at around $14.88, and within a week, the Ethereum Classic price had made a climb to $15.33 as of October 21. Like DOGE, ETC has continued its bullish trajectory, reaching $15.98 on October 23, a 7.39% surge.

截至10 月14 日,以太坊經典價格約為14.88 美元,一周內,截至10 月21 日,以太坊經典價格已攀升至15.33 美元。與DOGE 一樣,ETC 繼續其看漲軌跡,於10 月23 日達到15.98 美元,飆漲7.39%。

One of the key drivers of this positive trend for the Ethereum Classic price is the increasing adoption of ETC for smart contracts and agreements between individuals and businesses on the blockchain. Ethereum Classic’s (ETC) role as a platform for these smart contracts positions it as a promising blockchain technology. 

以太坊經典價格這一積極趨勢的關鍵驅動因素之一是越來越多地採用 ETC 來實現區塊鏈上個人和企業之間的智慧合約和協議。以太坊經典(ETC)作為這些智慧合約平台的角色使其成為一種有前景的區塊鏈技術。

With a focus on shareholder agreements, customer contracts, employee arrangements, and provider relationships, Ethereum Classic (ETC) is proving to be a versatile and reliable platform for facilitating various transactions.


The growing interest in blockchain technology, coupled with ETC’s real-world use cases, has boosted investor confidence and market sentiment. Moreover, the continued expansion of ETC’s network activity and its seamless integration with various industries underscore the potential for further growth. 

人們對區塊鏈技術日益濃厚的興趣,加上 ETC 的實際用例,提振了投資者信心和市場情緒。此外,ETC網路活動的持續擴展及其與各產業的無縫整合凸顯了進一步成長的潛力。

With the cryptocurrency market on the rise and an ecosystem that’s continually evolving, ETC is well-positioned for a bullish trajectory in the coming months, with an Ethereum Classic price prediction of $18.31 in November.

隨著加密貨幣市場的崛起和生態系統的不斷發展,ETC 在未來幾個月的看漲軌跡中處於有利地位,11 月以太坊經典價格預測為 18.31 美元。

VC Spectra (SPCT) Makes Waves with Phenomenal Presale Growth

VC Spectra (SPCT) 憑藉驚人的預售成長掀起波瀾

VC Spectra (SPCT) kickstarted its journey by raising an impressive $2.4 million during its private seed sale. Now, VC Spectra is making a significant impact with its public presale, which is turning heads in the crypto community. 

VC Spectra (SPCT) 在其私人種子銷售期間籌集了令人印象深刻的 240 萬美元,從而開啟了其旅程。現在,VC Spectra 的公開預售產生了重大影響,引起了加密貨幣社群的關注。

The presale has progressed into four stages to date:


  • Stage 1: SPCT tokens were initially available for just $0.008, with 125 million tokens up for grabs. 
  • 第一階段:SPCT 代幣最初售價僅 0.008 美元,共有 1.25 億枚代幣可供搶購。

  • Stage 2: Priced at $0.011, this stage immediately granted early adopters a 37.5% ROI and an opportunity for others to get in early and be part of the growth story.
  • 第 2 階段:定價為 0.011 美元,該階段立即為早期採用者提供了 37.5% 的投資回報率,並為其他人提供了早期參與並成為成長故事一部分的機會。

  • Stage 3: At $0.044, the SPCT price saw a significant jump, reflecting the market’s enthusiasm.
  • 第三階段:SPCT價格大幅上漲至0.044美元,反映了市場的熱情。

  • Stage 4: The current altcoin price stands at $0.055, marking an impressive 587.5% increase since the initial offering.
  • 第四階段:目前山寨幣價格為 0.055 美元,自首次發行以來上漲了 587.5%,令人印象深刻。

VC Spectra’s public presale is expected to conclude with a price of $0.080, representing a tenfold increase from the initial value – a remarkable 900% surge. After the presale, SPCT tokens will become available on major exchanges.

VC Spectra 的公開預售預計將以 0.080 美元的價格結束,較初始價格上漲 10 倍,漲幅高達 900%。預售後,SPCT代幣將在主要交易所上市。

Exceptional demand for VC Spectra (SPCT) has exceeded the initial price forecast of $0.080, making VC Spectra (SPCT) one of the best cryptos to invest in now.

對 VC Spectra (SPCT) 的巨大需求已經超過了 0.080 美元的最初價格預測,使 VC Spectra (SPCT) 成為目前最值得投資的加密貨幣之一。

In addition to the price appreciation, VC Spectra rewards users with quarterly dividends and buybacks from the profits generated through their investments. Moreover, VC Spectra provides users exclusive access to fresh new ICOs during the seed/private sale phase and voting rights within the ecosystem.

除了價格升值之外,VC Spectra 還會獎勵用戶季度股息以及從投資產生的利潤中進行回購。此外,VC Spectra 為使用者提供了在種子/私人銷售階段獨家存取新 ICO 的權限以及生態系統內的投票權。

Learn more about the VC Spectra presale here:

了解有關 VC Spectra 預售的更多資訊:

Presale | Website | Telegram | Twitter

預售 |網站 |電報|推特

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2023 年值得關注的加密貨幣:狗狗幣 (DOGE)、以太坊經典 (ETC) 和 VC Spectra (SPCT) 首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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