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Cryptocurrencies Turn Green as BTC Holds Above $60,000

BTC 維持在 6 萬美元以上,加密貨幣轉綠

發布: 2024/06/28 04:02 閱讀: 221



BTC 維持在 6 萬美元以上,加密貨幣轉綠

Cryptocurrencies Rebound with BTC Sustaining $60,000

加密貨幣反彈,BTC 維持 6 萬美元

Cryptocurrencies have experienced a surge in value as Bitcoin (BTC) remains above $60,000. This movement is particularly notable in meme coins, which have historically demonstrated rapid growth during bull markets.

隨著比特幣 (BTC) 保持在 60,000 美元以上,加密貨幣的價值大幅上漲。這一趨勢在模因幣中尤其引人注目,歷史上模因幣在牛市期間表現出快速增長。

Meme Coin Market Overview

Meme 幣市場概覽

Despite the proliferation of meme coins, with over 2.4 million currently listed on Coinmarketcap, competition has increased in this cycle. As a result, new altcoins face reduced growth potential.

儘管 Meme 幣數量激增,目前 Coinmarketcap 上列出的幣種已超過 240 萬枚,但在此週期中競爭卻加劇。因此,新的山寨幣面臨著成長潛力的下降。

Shiba Coin (SHIB) Performance in Turkish Lira

Shiba Coin (SHIB) 兌 土耳其里拉 的表現

As of this writing, SHIB is valued at 0.0005758 TL, according to 21milyon.com. It has experienced a 30.40% decline in value over the past 30 days in Turkish Lira, with weekly losses of 5.18%. However, USDT has also seen a weekly decline of 1.4%, suggesting a need for adjustment in loss rates.

根據 21milyon.com 的數據,截至撰寫本文時,SHIB 的估值為 0.0005758 TL。土耳其里拉在過去 30 天貶值了 30.40%,每週下跌 5.18%。然而,USDT 也出現了 1.4% 的周跌幅,顯示損失率需要調整。

Technically, SHIB has failed to reclaim its parallel channel support at $0.0000208.

從技術上講,SHIB 未能收回其平行通道支撐位 0.0000208 美元。

PEPE Coin Outlook


PEPE, a popular meme coin of the previous year, has maintained its value above the $0.00001066 support. Despite facing limited attention, its price has continued to rise.

PEPE 是去年流行的模因幣,其價值一直保持在 0.00001066 美元的支撐位之上。儘管關注度有限,但其價格仍在持續上漲。

A breakout above $0.0000131 is possible, providing a surprise for traders. However, Bitcoin's stability will be a determining factor.

有可能突破 0.0000131 美元,給交易者帶來驚喜。然而,比特幣的穩定性將是一個決定因素。

WIF Coin Chart Analysis

WIF 幣種圖表分析

WIF Coin has recovered from its June 24 decline to $1.53, rising approximately 50% to $2.25. However, traders should be aware of selling opportunities during periods of decline.

WIF 幣已從 6 月 24 日的跌勢中恢復至 1.53 美元,上漲約 50% 至 2.25 美元。然而,交易者應該意識到下跌期間的賣出機會。

To continue its growth, WIF Coin must reclaim $2.37. Beyond that, a retest of $3.71 is possible. Once again, Bitcoin's behavior will be crucial. The relatively recent emergence of WIF Coin and its history of key support visits suggest minimal risk of excessive selling at this stage.

為了繼續成長,WIF 幣必須收回 2.37 美元。除此之外,還有可能重新測試 3.71 美元。比特幣的行為將再次變得至關重要。 WIF 幣相對較新的出現及其關鍵支持訪問的歷史表明,現階段過度拋售的風險很小。


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