首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 5 種價格低於 0 美元的加密貨幣,其中 10 種加密貨幣預計將在未來一周飆升

5 Cryptocurrencies Priced Below $0, 10 Poised for Potential Surge in the Upcoming Week

5 種價格低於 0 美元的加密貨幣,其中 10 種加密貨幣預計將在未來一周飆升

發布: 2023/12/14 06:06 閱讀: 975

原文作者:Coinpedia Fintech News


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5 種價格低於 0 美元、10 美元的加密貨幣預計將在未來一周內飆升的帖子首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

The global cryptocurrency market is currently experiencing a dynamic phase. As of December 13, the market cap has dipped to $1.54 trillion, indicating a 2.66% loss over 24 hours. Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) have seen respective declines of 2.20% and 2.84%. Meanwhile, VeChain (VET), with a recent gain of 6.18%, along with Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), Hedera (HBAR), and the emerging ScapesMania, all priced under $0.10, are drawing attention for their potential upswing. This fluctuating market scenario, influenced by factors like the US Fed’s interest rate decisions and seasonal liquidations, sets a dynamic stage for these cryptocurrencies.

全球加密貨幣市場目前正經歷一個充滿活力的階段。截至 12 月 13 日,市值已跌至 1.54 兆美元,24 小時內下跌 2.66%。比特幣(BTC)和以太幣(ETH)分別下跌2.20%和2.84%。同時,唯鏈(VET) 最近漲幅為6.18%,與狗狗幣(DOGE)、柴犬(SHIB)、常春藤幣(HBAR) 和新興的ScapesMania 一起,其價格均低於0.10 美元,因其潛在的上漲而受到關注。 。這種波動的市場狀況受到聯準會利率決策和季節性清算等因素的影響,為這些加密貨幣奠定了一個動態的階段。

The current market is far from stable so it makes sense to turn to the less popular ones for holiday buying. Moreover, cheaper altcoins are an ideal option for those trying to avoid the higher price tag of mainstream cryptocurrencies. All coins mentioned in this text have incredible growth potential, and can even realistically shoot up by more than 10% this week

目前的市場遠遠不穩定,因此轉向不太受歡迎的產品進行假日購買是有道理的。此外,對於那些試圖避免主流加密貨幣更高價格標籤的人來說,更便宜的山寨幣是一個理想的選擇。本文中提到的所有代幣都具有令人難以置信的成長潛力,本週甚至可以實際上漲 10% 以上。



  • ScapesMania: Emerging altcoin with a strong presale and potential for post-listing growth.
  • ScapesMania:新興的山寨幣,具有強勁的預售能力和上市後成長的潛力。

  • VeChain (VET): Launched a node marketplace, indicating growth potential at $0.029.
  • VeChain (VET):推出了節點市場,顯示成長潛力為 0.029 美元。

  • Dogecoin (DOGE): Increased whale holdings suggest a bullish future, despite recent price dip.
  • 狗狗幣(DOGE):儘管最近價格下跌,但鯨魚持有量的增加表明未來看漲。

  • Shiba Inu (SHIB): Showing signs of recovery and increased interest from major investors.
  • 柴犬(SHIB):顯示出復甦的跡像以及主要投資者的興趣增加。

  • Hedera (HBAR): Strengthened by new partnerships, reflected in a recent 3.06% price surge.
  • Hedera (HBAR):透過新的合作關係得到加強,最近價格飆升 3.06% 反映了這一點。

ScapesMania: A Rising Star in the Crypto Universe


ScapesMania is a one-of-a-kind gaming ecosystem, where crypto-savvy audiences join forces with the vibrant community of casual players, paving the way to substantial growth. The ScapesMania community is buzzing with enthusiasm, which is reflected in more than $1,715,000 raised from crowd/retail contributions to date.

ScapesMania 是一個獨一無二的遊戲生態系統,精通加密貨幣的受眾與充滿活力的休閒玩家社群聯手,為大幅成長鋪平了道路。 ScapesMania 社區充滿了熱情,迄今為止從眾籌/零售捐款中籌集了超過 1,715,000 美元。

Empowering Holders


ScapesMania ensures participants get precisely what they desire: gamers enjoy their favourite pastime, while crypto enthusiasts can leverage the ecosystem’s performance and shape its future through DAO, all without engaging in gameplay.

ScapesMania 確保參與者準確地獲得他們想要的東西:遊戲玩家享受他們最喜歡的消遣,而加密貨幣愛好者可以利用生態系統的性能並透過 DAO 塑造其未來,所有這些都無需參與遊戲。

Furthermore, acquiring ScapesMania tokens unlocks extra perks. By joining the presale, you can access bonuses totaling up to 127%. You can also earn referral rewards by introducing ScapesMania to your friends. Plus, holders can participate in token buyback & burn events and staking.

此外,取得 ScapesMania 代幣還可解鎖額外福利。參加預售,您可以獲得總計高達 127% 的獎金。您還可以透過向您的朋友介紹 ScapesMania 來獲得推薦獎勵。此外,持有者還可以參與代幣回購和銷毀活動以及質押。

Verified Excellence


ScapesMania’s smart contract has successfully undergone scrutiny from leading security-ranking companies, providing peace of mind for holders. 


Behind ScapesMania is an award-winning team that secured a prestigious grant from a prominent player in the blockchain industry. The team upholds transparent and publicly accessible social media accounts, engaging with a flourishing community of over 60K followers.

ScapesMania 背後是一支屢獲殊榮的團隊,該團隊獲得了區塊鏈行業知名人士的著名資助。該團隊維護透明且可公開存取的社交媒體帳戶,與擁有超過 6 萬粉絲的蓬勃發展社群互動。

Potential for Expansion


ScapesMania is part of the massive $376 billion gaming industry, and its growth potential is fueled by this booming market. 

ScapesMania 是價值 3,760 億美元的龐大遊戲產業的一部分,其成長潛力受到這個蓬勃發展的市場的推動。

Already featured on major tracking platforms, ScapesMania is to hit major exchanges soon, with negotiations currently underway. After its debut on exchange platforms, holders can expect greater liquidity and easier access to trade.

ScapesMania 已經出現在主要追蹤平台上,很快就會登陸主要交易所,目前談判正在進行中。在交易平台上首次亮相後,持有者可以期待更大的流動性和更容易的交易。

ScapeMania’s Prospects

ScapeMania 的前景

ScapesMania tokens are currently a steal, priced at just $0.00436 per coin during the presale. As the last sales stage price is set at $0.01, early adopters have a chance to potentially gain a substantial 2.3x return after ScapesMania gets listed.

ScapesMania 代幣目前很便宜,預售期間每枚代幣售價僅 0.00436 美元。由於最後銷售階段價格定為0.01美元,早期採用者在ScapesMania上市後有機會獲得可觀的2.3倍回報。

The innovative core concept, robust tokenomics, stage bonuses, and benefits for holders have the potential to further increase the project’s value. Now could be the best moment to become part of the community of ScapesMania holders.

創新的核心概念、強大的代幣經濟、階段獎金和持有者的福利有可能進一步增加專案的價值。現在可能是成為 ScapesMania 持有者社群一員的最佳時機。

Secure higher gains by grabbing a sizable bonus of 10% on ScapesMania! Use code IGB617 at checkout in a special textbox for an even better deal on a cryptocurrency that could make you the envy of the entire crypto community. Act fast – the offer is valid for a limited time only.

在 ScapesMania 上獲得 10% 的巨額獎金,確保獲得更高收益!在結帳時在特殊文字方塊中使用代碼 IGB617 可以獲得更好的加密貨幣交易,這可能會讓您成為整個加密貨幣社群羨慕的對象。快速行動 – 優惠僅在有限時間內有效。

VeChain (VET): A Platform Evolving Beyond Cryptocurrency


VeChain (VET) has recently launched a marketplace for buying and selling nodes, a significant update to its Node Rewards platform. The marketplace, integrated into VeChain (VET) dedicated self-custodial wallet, VeWorld, offers a user-friendly interface for transactions, lowering the entry barrier for new participants and potentially increasing the network’s robustness.

唯鏈(VET)最近推出了一個買賣節點的市場,這是對其節點獎勵平台的重大更新。該市場整合到唯鏈(VET)專用的自我託管錢包 VeWorld 中,提供用戶友好的交易介面,降低了新參與者的進入門檻,並有可能提高網路的穩健性。

VeChain (VET) is currently priced at $0.029, showing potential for growth given its recent technological advancements and market activities.

唯鏈(VET)目前的價格為 0.029 美元,鑑於其最近的技術進步和市場活動,顯示出成長潛力。

While the new marketplace could boost VeChain (VET) appeal, it must overcome the challenge of maintaining user interest and network stability amidst a volatile market. The success of this initiative hinges on continued user engagement and the effective implementation of new features.


Dogecoin (DOGE): The Meme Coin with Serious Potential


Dogecoin’s major holders have increased their holdings by 1.32 billion Dogecoin (DOGE), signaling a strong belief in its future prospects, particularly with the upcoming Doge-1 lunar mission. This strategic accumulation by whales hints at a growing confidence in Dogecoin (DOGE) potential, despite its origins as a meme coin.

狗狗幣的主要持有者已增持 13.2 億狗狗幣 (DOGE),這表明對其未來前景的堅定信心,特別是即將到來的 Doge-1 月球任務。鯨魚的這種策略累積暗示著人們對狗狗幣(DOGE)潛力的信心不斷增強,儘管它起源於迷因幣。

Despite a recent 10% dip in price, the increased holdings by whales suggest a rebound and a bullish outlook for Dogecoin (DOGE). The market is responding to these movements with a keen eye on Dogecoin (DOGE) future trajectory.

儘管最近價格下跌了 10%,但鯨魚增持表明狗狗幣 (DOGE) 出現反彈和看漲前景。市場正在對這些走勢做出反應,並密切關注狗狗幣(DOGE)的未來軌跡。

The optimism surrounding the lunar mission and whale activities could drive Dogecoin (DOGE) price up. However, the market’s inherent volatility warrants cautious optimism. Investors should monitor market trends closely, as Dogecoin (DOGE) often reacts sharply to market sentiments and news.


Shiba Inu (SHIB): A Token Gaining Whale Attention

Shiba Inu (SHIB):獲得鯨魚關注的代幣

Shiba Inu (SHIB) has seen a V-shaped recovery, indicating significant purchases by whales and an end to its recent decline. The increase in large transactions signifies a growing interest among major investors, potentially setting the stage for a new price high.

柴犬(SHIB)出現了 V 型復甦,顯示鯨魚大量購買並結束了近期的跌勢。大宗交易的增加表明主要投資者的興趣日益濃厚,這可能為價格再創新高奠定基礎。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) price has shown resilience, bouncing back from a yearly low and attracting increased whale activity. This uptrend suggests a renewed market interest and the possibility of Shiba Inu (SHIB) testing new resistance levels.


The increased whale transactions and on-chain activity suggest a bullish trend for Shiba Inu (SHIB). Investors should watch for signs of continued whale interest and market adoption, which could significantly impact Shiba Inu (SHIB) valuation. 


Hedera (HBAR): Expanding Partnerships and Market Presence

Hedera (HBAR):擴大合作夥伴關係和市場佔有率

Hedera’s recent partnership expansion with Archax, including support for Hedera (HBAR) staking and tokenization projects, has positively impacted its market presence. This collaboration enhances Hedera (HBAR) offerings and positions it favorably in the competitive crypto market.

Hedera 最近與 Archax 的合作夥伴關係擴展,包括對 Hedera (HBAR) 質押和代幣化計畫的支持,對其市場影響力產生了積極影響。此次合作增強了 Hedera (HBAR) 的產品並使其在競爭激烈的加密貨幣市場中佔據有利地位。

Hedera (HBAR) has experienced a price surge of 3.06%, reaching $0.07386, with a notable increase following the partnership announcement. This uptrend reflects the market’s positive reception of Hedera (HBAR) strategic moves.

Hedera (HBAR) 的價格飆升 3.06%,達到 0.07386 美元,在宣布合作夥伴關係後漲幅顯著。這一上升趨勢反映了市場對 Hedera (HBAR) 策略舉措的積極接受。

The extended collaboration and staking support bode well for Hedera (HBAR). However, it must navigate the competitive landscape and maintain its technological edge to sustain growth. The success of its tokenization ventures and the adoption of its network will be crucial in determining its future market position.

擴大合作和質押支持對 Hedera (HBAR) 來說是個好兆頭。然而,它必須應對競爭格局並保持技術優勢才能維持成長。其代幣化企業的成功及其網絡的採用對於確定其未來的市場地位至關重要。



The current cryptocurrency landscape presents a diverse array of opportunities, particularly for tokens priced under $0.10. VeChain (VET), Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), Hedera (HBAR), and ScapesMania are uniquely positioned to potentially capitalize on the market’s dynamic nature. Each of these cryptocurrencies, with their distinct features and recent developments, offers a glimpse into the varied facets of the crypto world. From VeChain (VET) innovative marketplace to Dogecoin (DOGE) whale-driven optimism, Shiba Inu (SHIB) recovery, Hedera (HBAR) strategic partnerships, and ScapesMania’s presale success, these tokens reflect the evolving and multifaceted nature of the cryptocurrency market.

當前的加密貨幣格局提供了各種各樣的機會,特別是對於價格低於 0.10 美元的代幣。 VeChain (VET)、Dogecoin (DOGE)、Shiba Inu (SHIB)、Hedera (HBAR) 和 ScapesMania 處於獨特的地位,有可能利用市場的動態特性。這些加密貨幣中的每一種都具有獨特的特徵和最新的發展,讓我們可以一睹加密世界的各個方面。從VeChain (VET) 創新市場到Dogecoin (DOGE) 鯨魚驅動的樂觀情緒、Shiba Inu (SHIB) 復甦、Hedera (HBAR) 戰略合作夥伴關係以及ScapesMania 的預售成功,這些代幣反映了加密貨幣市場不斷發展和多方面的本質。


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  • 狗狗幣挖礦
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