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6 New Cryptocurrencies That Could Pump This July

6 種新的加密貨幣可能會在今年 7 月上市

發布: 2024/07/02 22:06 閱讀: 305

原文作者:CoinPedia News


6 種新的加密貨幣可能會在今年 7 月上市

6 New Cryptocurrencies That Could Boost Growth This July

六種新的加密貨幣可能會促進今年 7 月的成長

The crypto market has begun July on a positive note, buoyed by favorable macroeconomic conditions, political campaigns, and Bitcoin miners' diminished selling activity. These factors suggest that July could be an opportune time to invest in cryptocurrencies. Here are six promising options:

受有利的宏觀經濟條件、政治運動和比特幣礦商銷售活動減少的提振,加密貨幣市場在 7 月開始呈現積極態勢。這些因素顯示七月可能是投資加密貨幣的好時機。以下是六個有希望的選擇:

1. Pepe Unchained

1. 被解放的佩佩

Amid the crypto market's recovery, meme coins have demonstrated resilience. Pepe Unchained stands out as a novel meme coin with its own blockchain, leveraging Ethereum's Layer 2 infrastructure. This provides enhanced speed and cost-efficiency while preserving Ethereum's decentralization and security. Pepe Unchained is also a dedicated Layer 2 platform for meme coins, enabling developers to launch meme coins and related dApps, fostering an ecosystem driven by both entertainment and technological advancement.

在加密貨幣市場的復甦中,模因幣展現了韌性。 Pepe Unchained 作為一種新穎的模因硬幣脫穎而出,擁有自己的區塊鏈,利用以太坊的第 2 層基礎設施。這提高了速度和成本效率,同時保留了以太坊的去中心化和安全性。 Pepe Unchained 也是 Meme 幣的專用第 2 層平台,使開發人員能夠推出 Meme 幣和相關 dApp,從而培育一個由娛樂和技術進步驅動的生態系統。

2. WienerAI


WienerAI combines the appeal of meme coins with the power of AI. Its AI-powered trading bot assists users in navigating the market, providing insights and facilitating seamless trade execution. The bot's intuitive interface and protection against malicious behavior make it accessible to both novice and experienced traders. By addressing the limitations of traditional on-chain trading, WienerAI has gained traction with both meme coin enthusiasts and value-seeking investors.

WienerAI 將模因幣的吸引力與人工智慧的力量結合在一起。其人工智慧驅動的交易機器人可協助用戶駕馭市場、提供見解並促進無縫交易執行。該機器人直覺的介面和針對惡意行為的保護使其可供新手和經驗豐富的交易者使用。透過解決傳統鏈上交易的局限性,WienerAI 贏得了 meme 幣愛好者和尋求價值的投資者的青睞。

3. PlayDoge

3. 玩狗

Play-to-Earn (P2E) games have surged in popularity, with PlayDoge emerging at the intersection of P2E and meme coins. Its P2E game is inspired by the classic Tamagotchi, tasking users with caring for virtual pets and earning rewards for engagement. The game's utility token, $PLAY, incentivizes players and supports in-game purchases. PlayDoge combines nostalgia with value creation, making it an attractive prospect for gamers and investors alike.

Play-to-Earn (P2E) 遊戲越來越受歡迎,PlayDoge 出現在 P2E 和 meme 貨幣的交叉點上。其 P2E 遊戲的靈感來自經典的電子寵物,要求用戶照顧虛擬寵物並透過參與獲得獎勵。遊戲的實用代幣 $PLAY 可以激勵玩家並支持遊戲內購買。 PlayDoge 將懷舊與價值創造融為一體,使其對遊戲玩家和投資者都具有吸引力。

4. Base Dawgz

4. 道格茲基地

Base Dawgz distinguishes itself from other meme coins by its mascot, a base-jumping Shiba Inu dog that transcends multiple blockchains. Its presence on Base, Ethereum, Solana, BSC, and Avalanche broadens its reach and growth potential. Additionally, Base Dawgz has implemented a referral program that rewards users for introducing new participants, fostering community growth and viral adoption.

Base Dawgz 因其吉祥物而區別於其他迷因幣,它是一隻超越多個區塊鏈的定點跳傘柴犬。它在 Base、以太坊、Solana、BSC 和 Avalanche 上的存在擴大了其覆蓋範圍和成長潛力。此外,Base Dawgz 還實施了一項推薦計劃,獎勵用戶介紹新參與者、促進社區發展和病毒式採用。

5. Mega Dice Token

5. Mega Dice 代幣

Mega Dice, a leading crypto casino, has launched its token, $DICE, to empower its new gamification layer. The token rewards existing users and attracts new ones with daily crypto rewards based on the casino's performance. This is an unprecedented feature in the crypto casino landscape, potentially unlocking significant benefits for $DICE holders. Additionally, exclusive rewards and bonuses are available for token holders.

Mega Dice 是一家領先的加密貨幣賭場,已推出其代幣 $DICE,以增強其新的遊戲化層。該代幣獎勵現有用戶,並根據賭場的表現透過每日加密貨幣獎勵吸引新用戶。這是加密貨幣賭場領域前所未有的功能,有可能為 $DICE 持有者帶來巨大的好處。此外,代幣持有者還可以獲得獨家獎勵和獎金。

6. 99Bitcoins Token

6. 99Bitcoins 代幣

99Bitcoins, a renowned crypto-media organization, has introduced its 99Bitcoins token as part of its "Learn-to-Earn" platform. Users hold $99BTC to access the platform, fostering demand for the token. The gamified learning platform enables users to earn points for completing educational milestones, translating to increased token rewards. 99Bitcoins has a strong reputation and a vast audience, positioning its token as a potential beneficiary of the growing appetite for crypto education.

著名的加密媒體組織 99Bitcoins 推出了 99Bitcoins 代幣,作為其「學習賺錢」平台的一部分。用戶持有 99 比特幣才能存取該平台,從而刺激了對該代幣的需求。遊戲化學習平台使用戶能夠透過完成教育里程碑來賺取積分,轉化為更多的代幣獎勵。 99Bitcoins 擁有良好的聲譽和廣泛的受眾,將其代幣定位為加密教育日益增長的需求的潛在受益者。


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