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New Cryptocurrency Emerges as a Contender Against Dogecoin and Cardano


發布: 2024/01/24 18:35 閱讀: 297





  • Rebel Satoshi becomes the DeFi torchbearer and is expected to officially launch in February 2024.
  • Rebel Satoshi 成為 DeFi 火炬手,預計於 2024 年 2 月正式上線。

  • Indian crypto exchange Flitpay welcomes Dogecoin deposits and withdrawals in a new listing.
  • 印度加密貨幣交易所 Flitpay 在新上市中歡迎狗狗幣存款和提款。

  • Whales have pumped $13 billion into Cardano over a seven-day average.
  • 鯨魚在 7 天的平均時間內向卡爾達諾注入了 130 億美元。

Newcomer Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) continues to make waves as a revolutionary meme coin that will very soon launch on exchanges.


Other relevant crypto news involves top DeFi coins, Dogecoin (DOGE), and Cardano (ADA). While the former is now available on a large India-based crypto exchange, whales have poured billions of dollars into the latter.

其他相關的加密新聞包括頂級 DeFi 代幣、狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和卡爾達諾 (ADA)。雖然前者現在可以在印度的一家大型加密貨幣交易所上使用,但鯨魚已經向後者投入了數十億美元。

Before looking at these two names, let’s first learn about the exciting Rebel Satoshi.

在看這兩個名字之前,我們先來了解一下令人興奮的Rebel Satoshi。

Rebel Satoshi Rallies For Decentralized Finance


Inspired by Satoshi Nakamoto, Rebel Satoshi is the torchbearer for decentralized financial freedom. Through this vision, the project is a movement to challenge oppressive elites and redistribute wealth to the commoner.


Rebel Satoshi‘s community shows strength in numbers, as evidenced by raising over $1.5 million in its presale. This amount will go a long way to help Rebel Satoshi‘s revolutionary cause and goal to be worth $100 million in market cap

Rebel Satoshi 的社區在數量上表現出了實力,預售籌集了超過 150 萬美元就證明了這一點。這筆資金將大大幫助 Rebel Satoshi 的革命事業和市值達到 1 億美元的目標。

Thus, it’s clear that explosive potential is present, making Rebel Satoshi a top crypto to invest in. Hitting the market cap goal requires using elements from the best DeFi projects, like staking and NFTs

因此,很明顯,Rebel Satoshi 存在爆炸性潛力,使其成為最值得投資的加密貨幣。要達到市值目標,需要使用最佳 DeFi 項目的元素,例如質押和 NFT。

These are possible through the Revolutionary Staking Hub and Rebel NFT Vault, respectively, with the $RBLZ token. Early adopters boasting the most $RBLZ holdings also gain exclusive perks like inclusion in the Rebel Meme Hall of Fame and Rebellion Secret Council (for insider updates and governance power). 

這些可以透過 Revolutionary Stake Hub 和 Rebel NFT Vault 分別使用 $RBLZ 代幣來實現。擁有最多 $RBLZ 持有量的早期採用者還可以獲得獨家福利,例如加入 Rebel Meme 名人堂和 Rebellion 秘密委員會(用於內部更新和治理權力)。

Investors have rushed to buy $RBLZ in Rebel Satoshi‘s presale, which is in the last stage. This demand has resulted in a 120% surge for $RBLZ from $0.010 to $0.022 since the beginning round. 

Rebel Satoshi預售已進入最後階段,投資人紛紛搶購$RBLZ。自第一輪以來,這一需求導致 RBLZ 價格從 0.010 美元飆升至 0.022 美元,漲幅達 120%。

Current buyers can gain more tokens with a 20% deposit bonus. Next month, they should expect a 13.6% gain after the presale when $RBLZ is worth $0.025. Moreover, Rebel Satoshi is poised to go live during this period!

當前買家可以透過 20% 的存款獎金獲得更多代幣。下個月,當 $RBLZ 價值 0.025 美元時,他們預計預售後將上漲 13.6%。此外,Rebel Satoshi 也準備在此期間上線!

Dogecoin Gets Listed on Major Indian Crypto Exchange


Surprisingly, DOGE has performed poorly on the charts. It’s down 27% from its December 2023 high of $0.107, currently worth $0.078. Regardless, Dogecoin continues to gain global exposure, as seen by the project’s recent listing on a major Indian exchange. The name in question is Flitpay, which now allows deposits and withdrawals for DOGE. Like other top altcoins, users can earn a 1% ‘assured bonus’ to reclaim their deposit fees.

令人驚訝的是,DOGE 在圖表上表現不佳。較 2023 年 12 月高點 0.107 美元下跌 27%,目前價值 0.078 美元。不管怎樣,狗狗幣繼續獲得全球關注,從該項目最近在印度一家主要交易所上市就可以看出。有問題的名字是 Flitpay,現在允許 DOGE 存款和提款。與其他頂級山寨幣一樣,用戶可以獲得 1% 的「保證獎金」來收回存款費用。

Elon Musk is another subject in the latest news for Dogecoin. Interestingly, Musk’s recent post on X/Twitter unexpectedly attracted one of Dogecoin’s founders, Billy Markus. Musk first posted the popular ‘He’s Thinking of Other Women’ meme but referenced X/Twitter, with Markus simply responding with, “the meme has been solved.”

伊隆馬斯克是狗狗幣最新消息中的另一個話題。有趣的是,馬斯克最近在 X/Twitter 上發布的貼文出乎意料地吸引了狗狗幣的創始人之一比利馬庫斯 (Billy Markus)。馬斯克首先發布了流行的“他在考慮其他女性”模因,但引用了 X/Twitter,馬庫斯只是回應道,“模因已經解決了。”

Two space-related missions are expected for Dogecoin this year, which may be one of the value sparks as predictions imply DOGE may go beyond $0.30 by 2025.

預計狗狗幣今年將執行兩項與太空相關的任務,這可能是價值火花之一,因為預測表明狗狗幣到 2025 年可能會突破 0.30 美元。

Cardano Sees Daily Average of $13 Billion in Whale Transactions.

Cardano 預計鯨魚交易日均達 130 億美元。

‘Whale’ or large Cardano transactions are nothing out of the ordinary. Data from The Block is the latest evidence, noting a 7-day average of $13 billion. This is much higher than Ethereum, which averaged $5 billion. The presence of whales may explain Cardano’s steady uptrend in total value locked (TVL), currently at $357 million.

「鯨魚」或大規模卡爾達諾交易並沒有什麼不尋常的。 The Block 的數據就是最新的證據,該數據顯示 7 天的平均金額為 130 億美元。這遠高於以太坊的平均 50 億美元。鯨魚的存在可能解釋了卡爾達諾鎖定總價值(TVL)的穩定上升趨勢,目前為 3.57 億美元。

In other news related to Cardano, Charles Hoskinson has taken jabs at another blockchain. Any competitor is fair game for the co-founder, whether XRP, Ethereum, or Bitcoin. This time, the outspoken developer targeted Internet Computer.

在與卡爾達諾相關的其他新聞中,查爾斯·霍斯金森(Charles Hoskinson)對另一個區塊鏈進行了猛烈攻擊。對於聯合創始人來說,任何競爭對手都是公平的遊戲,無論是 XRP、以太坊還是比特幣。這一次,這位直言不諱的開發人員瞄準了網路電腦。

The latter recently announced a major upgrade, claiming their canister smart contracts could now hold 400GiB in stable memory. Hoskinson didn’t believe this figure and retorted Internet Computer’s claims.

後者最近宣布了重大升級,聲稱他們的容器智慧合約現在可以在穩定記憶體中容納 400GiB。霍斯金森不相信這個數字,並反駁了網路電腦公司的說法。

Regardless, ADA finds itself in a slump since the start of 2024, down 19% from $0.61 to $0.49. Still, estimates predict it can easily surpass $1 by 2025.

不管怎樣,自 2024 年初以來,ADA 發現自己陷入了低迷,從 0.61 美元跌至 0.49 美元,下跌了 19%。儘管如此,預計到 2025 年它的價格將輕鬆超過 1 美元。

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

如需最新更新和更多信息,請務必訪問 Rebel Satoshi 官方預售網站或透過 Telegram 聯繫 Rebel Red

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Transform Hundreds Into Millions With the Magic of Memecoins – think $BONK, but bigger!

透過 Memecoins 的魔力,將數億變成數百萬 – 想想 $BONK,但規模更大!

.rh-toggler-wrapper p:last-of-type {margin-bottom: 0;}

The key? Getting in early, especially during the IDO phase. Get in on NuggetRush now! This innovative memecoin blends play-to-earn gaming with real-world gold mining. Join soon to take advantage of the current ICO prices!

鑰匙?儘早介入,尤其是在 IDO 階段。立即加入 NuggetRush!這種創新的迷因幣將邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲與現實世界的金礦開採融為一體。盡快加入,享受當前 ICO 價格!

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The post New Cryptocurrency Emerges as a Contender Against Dogecoin and Cardano appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

新加密貨幣成為狗狗幣和卡爾達諾的競爭者一文首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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