首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 下一個加密貨幣將於 7 月 21 日星期六爆炸 — zkSync、Core、GMX、Dogecoin

Next Cryptocurrency to Explode Saturday, July 21 — zkSync, Core, GMX, Dogecoin

下一個加密貨幣將於 7 月 21 日星期六爆炸 — zkSync、Core、GMX、Dogecoin

發布: 2024/07/21 23:16 閱讀: 713

原文作者:InsideBitcoin News


While Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies are experiencing price volatility, some altcoins are experiencing bullish trends, boasting significant increases. Meanwhile, other cryptocurrencies also show signs of readiness to surpass crucial resistance levels.


Many altcoins, like Stacks, JasmyCoin, and Centrifuge, are experiencing a bullish trend. Based on the market data from these cryptocurrencies, some have posted gains in the same period, and higher gains are likely. It’s becoming evident that some of these tokens will become the next cryptocurrencies to explode.

許多山寨幣,如 Stacks、JasmyCoin 和 Centrifuge,正在經歷看漲趨勢。根據這些加密貨幣的市場數據,一些加密貨幣在同一時期取得了收益,並且可能會出現更高的收益。越來越明顯的是,其中一些代幣將成為下一個爆炸性的加密貨幣。

Next Cryptocurrency To Explode


Many investors will be moving to seize new opportunities in the current market. Analysts are highlighting the potential of upcoming projects, and one example worth checking out is WienerAI. The project aims to merge AI and crypto trading to create a powerful, user-friendly trading platform. Below, we’ll look at updates on the project and its future.

許多投資者將採取行動,抓住當前市場的新機會。分析師們強調了即將推出的專案的潛力,其中一個值得關注的例子是 WienerAI。該計畫旨在將人工智慧和加密貨幣交易結合起來,創建一個強大的、用戶友好的交易平台。下面,我們將了解該專案的最新動態及其未來。

1. zkSync (ZK)


The price of zkSync (ZK) is now trading between 14 and 19 cents. Despite a recent dip, the coin has surged by 23.15% in the past week over the last six months. The bulls are striving to break the nearest resistance at 20 cents. If successful, the next target is 23 cents, indicating a potential rise of nearly thirty percent from the current range.

zkSync(ZK)的價格目前在 14 至 19 美分之間交易。儘管最近有所下跌,但在過去六個月裡,該代幣在過去一周內上漲了 23.15%。多頭正在努力突破最近的阻力位 20 美分。如果成功,下一個目標是 23 美分,表示當前區間可能上漲近 30%。

With crucial support around 12 and 9 cents, these levels could come into play if the bears take control. The battle between bulls and bears has kept the price in a tight range, but a breakout could signal another growth phase for ZK.

由於關鍵支撐位在 12 美分和 9 美分左右,如果空頭佔據主導地位,這些水平可能會發揮作用。多頭和空頭之間的鬥爭使價格保持在窄幅區間,但突破可能預示著 ZK 的另一個成長階段。

Support levels at 12 cents provide a safety net for maintaining the price below 20 cents. If the bulls regain control and break the 20 cents resistance, ZK can aim for 23 cents, representing nearly a 30% increase. The Simple Moving Averages of 17 cents (10 days) and 16 cents (100 days), along with an RSI of 47.85, suggest the coin might be undervalued and ready for a jump. With proper momentum, zkSync could easily breach its nearest resistance levels.

12 美分的支撐位為將價格維持在 20 美分以下提供了安全網。如果多頭重新控制並突破20美分阻力位,ZK可以瞄準23美分,漲幅近30%。 17 美分(10 天)和 16 美分(100 天)的簡單移動平均線以及 47.85 的 RSI 表明該代幣可能被低估並準備好上漲。如果勢頭適當,zkSync 可以輕鬆突破最近的阻力位。

2. Core (CORE)

2. 核心(CORE)

Core is Solana’s main liquidity aggregator, making token trading easy. Core (CORE) is a decentralized blockchain platform that provides scalable and secure solutions for various applications. The CORE network emphasizes interoperability, enabling seamless interaction between blockchains and integrating multiple decentralized applications (dApps). CORE uses innovative consensus mechanisms and architectures to overcome current blockchain limitations like scalability, speed, and cost.

Core 是 Solana 的主要流動性聚合器,讓代幣交易變得容易。 Core(CORE)是一個去中心化的區塊鏈平台,為各種應用程式提供可擴展且安全的解決方案。 CORE網路強調互通性,實現區塊鏈之間的無縫互動並整合多個去中心化應用程式(dApp)。 CORE 使用創新的共識機制和架構來克服當前的區塊鏈限制,例如可擴展性、速度和成本。

CORE uses a hybrid consensus mechanism that combines Proof of Stake (PoS) with other advanced technologies. This ensures high throughput and security, leading to faster transaction processing and lower fees than traditional blockchain networks. Moreover, CORE is designed to be developer-friendly, offering tools and resources to support the creation and deployment of dApps on its platform.

CORE 採用混合共識機制,將權益證明 (PoS) 與其他先進技術結合。這確保了高吞吐量和安全性,從而比傳統區塊鏈網路更快的交易處理和更低的費用。此外,CORE 的設計對開發人員友好,提供工具和資源來支援在其平台上建立和部署 dApp。

CORE chart price movements indicate a shift in market sentiment from bearish to bullish. Investors need to be cautious and time the market well. If the price breaks past the resistance level, it will confirm a bullish trend.

CORE 圖表價格走勢顯示市場情緒從看跌轉向看漲。投資人需謹慎行事,把握市場時機。如果價格突破阻力位,則將確認看漲趨勢。

At the time of analysis, Core (CORE) was priced at $1.51. If the trend continues, CORE’s price might reach resistance levels of $1.5683 and $2.6908. If the trend reverses, the cost could fall to the support level of $0.8596.

截至分析時,Core (CORE) 的價格為 1.51 美元。如果這種趨勢持續下去,CORE 的價格可能會達到 1.5683 美元和 2.6908 美元的阻力位。如果趨勢逆轉,成本可能會跌至 0.8596 美元的支撐位。

3. WienerAI (WAI)

3. 維納人工智慧(WAI)

WienerAI is transforming crypto trading with its advanced AI trading bot for consumers. This innovative combination of sausage, dog, and artificial intelligence aims to lead the market. Built on the Ethereum blockchain, WienerAI merges cutting-edge technology with a fun, user-friendly interface.

WienerAI 正在透過其先進的人工智慧交易機器人為消費者改變加密貨幣交易。這種香腸、狗和人工智慧的創新組合旨在引領市場。 WienerAI 基於以太坊區塊鏈構建,將尖端技術與有趣、用戶友好的介面融為一體。

The project addresses a common issue in crypto trading: identifying valuable opportunities in a vast and complex market. WienerAI’s predictive technology and AI interface enable users to analyze the crypto market and make informed decisions quickly. This approach helps novice and experienced traders navigate the volatile crypto market.

該專案解決了加密貨幣交易中的一個常見問題:在廣泛而複雜的市場中識別有價值的機會。 WienerAI 的預測技術和人工智慧介面使用戶能夠分析加密市場並快速做出明智的決策。這種方法可以幫助新手和經驗豐富的交易者駕馭波動的加密貨幣市場。

Despite being a newly launched meme coin, WienerAI offers several impressive features. Its AI-enhanced trading tool provides instant, predictive, and user-friendly market analysis, increasing users’ chances of success. Additionally, it facilitates seamless, MEV-protected swaps through decentralized exchanges, allowing users to seize every golden opportunity.

儘管是新推出的迷因幣,WienerAI 仍提供了一些令人印象深刻的功能。其人工智慧增強的交易工具提供即時、預測性和用戶友好的市場分析,增加用戶的成功機會。此外,它還透過去中心化交易所促進無縫、MEV 保護的交換,讓用戶抓住每一個黃金機會。

Recent news has excited the crypto community, as WienerAI has reached a milestone of over $7.5 million raised. This achievement reflects the growing confidence in WienerAI’s potential to revolutionize crypto trading. The team’s enthusiasm and vision for a bright future are attracting more investors to the WienerAI community.

最近的消息令加密社群感到興奮,WienerAI 已籌集了超過 750 萬美元的資金,達到了里程碑。這項成就反映出人們對 WienerAI 徹底改變加密貨幣交易的潛力的信心不斷增強。團隊的熱情和對美好未來的願景正在吸引更多投資者加入 WienerAI 社群。

The ongoing WienerAI presale presents a unique chance for early adopters to purchase tokens at a discounted price. The presale is gaining traction, with the current trading price at $0.0.00073 and over $7 million raised. With the presale ending in less than 20 days, there is a sense of urgency, encouraging potential investors to act quickly and join the WienerAI revolution.

正在進行的 WienerAI 預售為早期採用者提供了以折扣價購買代幣的獨特機會。預售越來越受歡迎,目前交易價格為 0.0.00073 美元,籌集資金超過 700 萬美元。預售結束還有不到20天,有一種緊迫感,鼓勵潛在投資者迅速行動,加入WienerAI革命。

Moreover, WienerAI has caught the attention of major crypto media outlets, such as Finbold, Bitcoinist, and CryptoNews. These partnerships have helped publicize WienerAI’s innovative approach to AI-powered trading. The widespread coverage indicates that WienerAI is gaining recognition and credibility in the competitive crypto space.

此外,WienerAI 也引起了 Finbold、Bitcoinist 和 CryptoNews 等主要加密媒體的關注。這些合作夥伴關係幫助宣傳了 WienerAI 在人工智慧驅動的交易方面的創新方法。廣泛的報導顯示 WienerAI 在競爭激烈的加密貨幣領域正在獲得認可和可信度。

Visit the WienerAI Presale

訪問 WienerAI 預售

4. GMX (GMX)


GMX (Global Markets eXchange) is making its mark in the competitive cryptocurrency market with its innovative technology. It uses Metis roll-up technology, which lowers transaction fees and increases throughput. This solution addresses a common issue for cryptocurrency users: high costs and slow transaction speeds.

GMX(Global Markets eXchange)以其創新技術在競爭激烈的加密貨幣市場中嶄露頭角。它使用 Metis roll-up 技術,可降低交易費用並提高吞吐量。此解決方案解決了加密貨幣用戶的常見問題:成本高、交易速度慢。

In addition, GMX operates on a decentralized model. This means it avoids a single point of failure, ensuring more security. Users can also make anonymous transactions, which is crucial for privacy in the crypto market.

此外,GMX 採用去中心化模式運作。這意味著它可以避免單點故障,確保更高的安全性。用戶還可以進行匿名交易,這對於加密貨幣市場的隱私至關重要。

GMX is trading at $32.63 and has a market capitalization of $312.79 million. In the last 24 hours, its price has increased by over 5%, ranking it 175th among all cryptocurrencies with a daily volume of $38.91 million. This upward trend is expected to continue through 2025. With supportive regulations and ongoing technological advancements, the GMX token could average $110, potentially reaching as high as $135. This optimistic outlook is based on increased adoption of crypto investments and lower inflation rates, which could attract more investors to GMX.

GMX 的交易價格為 32.63 美元,市值為 3.1279 億美元。在過去24小時內,其價格上漲超過5%,在所有加密貨幣中排名第175位,每日交易量為3,891萬美元。這種上升趨勢預計將持續到 2025 年。這種樂觀的前景是基於加密貨幣投資的增加和通貨膨脹率的降低,這可能會吸引更多投資者進入 GMX。

Moreover, GMX has formed partnerships with leading fintech firms and cryptocurrency exchanges. These alliances have expanded its reach, increased liquidity, and enhanced its currency’s utility. For example, collaborations with cryptocurrency liquidity providers enable GMX to settle large trades quickly without significant price fluctuations. Such strategic partnerships improve GMX’s functionality, boost consumer trust, and encourage broader adoption.

此外,GMX 還與領先的金融科技公司和加密貨幣交易所建立了合作夥伴關係。這些聯盟擴大了其影響範圍,增加了流動性,並增強了其貨幣的效用。例如,與加密貨幣流動性提供者的合作使 GMX 能夠快速結算大額交易,而不會大幅價格波動。這種策略夥伴關係改善了 GMX 的功能,增強了消費者的信任,並鼓勵更廣泛的採用。

In other news, GMX and Gains Network have proposed integrating their liquidity into Kwenta’s platform. These integrations aim to improve the trading experience for Kwenta users by providing access to more markets and liquidity. Additionally, Kwenta’s roadmap focuses on user experience, including features like logging in with traditional web2 credentials and sponsoring gasless transactions.

在其他消息中,GMX 和 Gains Network 提議將其流動性整合到 Kwenta 的平台中。這些整合旨在透過提供更多市場和流動性來改善 Kwenta 用戶的交易體驗。此外,Kwenta 的路線圖著重於使用者體驗,包括使用傳統 web2 憑證登入和贊助無 Gas 交易等功能。

5. Dogecoin (DOGE)


Dogecoin has seen a recent increase in price, closely following Bitcoin’s trends, according to data from IntoTheBlock. Bitcoin recently rose to $67,000 after dropping below $60,000, and Dogecoin followed a similar pattern.

根據 IntoTheBlock 的數據,狗狗幣最近價格上漲,緊跟著比特幣的趨勢。比特幣在跌破 6 萬美元後最近升至 6.7 萬美元,狗狗幣也遵循類似的模式。

Bitcoin increased by over 15% in one week, leading Dogecoin to surge more than 17%. This price rise is due to renewed bullish sentiment among crypto investors. On-chain metrics also show a positive outlook for Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, with significant investments from crypto whales. Data from IntoTheBlock indicates that Dogecoin whales have increased their holdings, as the concentration metric has risen recently.

比特幣一週內上漲超過 15%,帶動狗狗幣飆升超過 17%。此次價格上漲是由於加密貨幣投資者重新看漲情緒所致。鏈上指標也顯示狗狗幣和柴犬的正面前景,加密鯨魚的大量投資。來自 IntoTheBlock 的數據表明,隨著最近集中度指標的上升,狗狗幣鯨魚增加了其持有量。

Crypto analysts expect more price rallies for Dogecoin. Kevin (formerly OG Yomi), a crypto analyst, mentioned that Dogecoin is forming an inverse head-and-shoulders pattern at the support level on the daily time frame. If the pattern completes, he predicts a target price between $0.15 and $0.17.

加密貨幣分析師預計狗狗幣的價格將會進一步上漲。加密貨幣分析師 Kevin(原 OG Yomi)提到,狗狗幣正在每日時間框架的支撐位上形成反向頭肩形態。如果該形態完成,他預測目標價在 0.15 美元到 0.17 美元之間。

The improved US macroeconomic landscape has boosted investor confidence. Additionally, investors are hopeful about Donald Trump’s potential positive influence on cryptocurrency regulations and acceptance, as he is a crypto-friendly candidate in the US 2024 Presidential Campaign.

美國宏觀經濟情勢的改善提振了投資者信心。此外,投資者對唐納德·川普對加密貨幣監管和接受度的潛在積極影響充滿希望,因為他是美國 2024 年總統競選中對加密貨幣友好的候選人。


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