首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 下一個加密貨幣將於 4 月 18 日星期四爆炸 – Pyth Network、Dogecoin、Injective

Next Cryptocurrency To Explode Thursday, April 18 – Pyth Network, Dogecoin, Injective

下一個加密貨幣將於 4 月 18 日星期四爆炸 – Pyth Network、Dogecoin、Injective

發布: 2024/04/19 03:30 閱讀: 619

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


Bitcoin continues its choppy trends even as the market approaches the halving event. Ideally, the price of BTC would kick into an uptrend ahead of the halving date. However, its price has shifted primarily between the $64k and $62k range for many days of the week.  

即使市場接近減半事件,比特幣仍持續其波動趨勢。理想情況下,比特幣的價格將在減半日期之前進入上升趨勢。然而,一周中的許多天,其價格主要在 64,000 美元和 62,000 美元之間波動。

Generally, Investors anticipate a trend reversal after the halving events. However, the chance of a reversal depends on fund inflow into the crypto market. In the meantime, Funds are rotating into Altcoins as several alts are gradually recording trend reversals. 


Next Cryptocurrency To Explode


In a few days, the crypto now has a new Dogecoin crypto to make Doge Day. DOGE20 went live on the decentralized exchange Uniswap today ahead of Doge Day. Today’s post spotlights the project and shares details that investors should know. 

幾天后,加密貨幣現在有了新的狗狗幣加密貨幣來慶祝狗狗日。 DOGE20 今天在狗狗日之前在去中心化交易所 Uniswap 上線。今天的帖子重點介紹了該項目並分享了投資者應該了解的細節。

1. Dogecoin20 (DOGE20) 


Doge-themed coins would soon have their day. In about two days, the crypto community will mark Doge Day. The 20th of April is earmarked as the date to remind the world that cryptocurrency is not only about finance and technology. It aims to input some fun into the ecosystem. 

以總督為主題的硬幣很快就會盛行。大約兩天后,加密貨幣社群將迎來狗狗日。 4 月 20 日被指定為提醒世界加密貨幣不僅僅是金融和科技的日子。它的目的是為生態系統注入一些樂趣。

Besides being a day for crypto enthusiasts to have fun, the date is also a few days away from the Dogecoin20 listing date. The DOGE20 has been on presale for a few weeks now and investors are finally getting their chance at trading the token on an exchange platform. The tokens listing was announced on the project’s official Twitter handle today. 

這天除了是加密貨幣愛好者狂歡的一天外,距離狗狗幣20上市日期還有幾天。 DOGE20 已經預售幾週了,投資者終於有機會在交易平台上交易該代幣。今天,該項目的官方 Twitter 帳號上宣布了代幣上市。

The team has achieved remarkable success with the presale offering of the token, raising over 10 million dollars in presale funds, and gathering a community of thousands of raving fans. Dogecoin20 twitter handle boasts thousands of followers across varying age demography. The growing engagement on its Twitter handle also proves the potential of the new crypto project. 

該團隊透過代幣預售取得了巨大成功,籌集了超過 1000 萬美元的預售資金,並聚集了數千名狂熱粉絲。 Dogecoin20 推特帳號擁有數千名不同年齡層的粉絲。其 Twitter 帳號上不斷增長的參與度也證明了新加密專案的潛力。

The world is about to find out how the DOGE20 community would influence the crypto market. A recent announcement on its official Twitter handle reveals that the token is now live on Uniswap, and the liquidity is locked. 

世界即將了解 DOGE20 社群將如何影響加密貨幣市場。其官方 Twitter 帳號最近發布的公告顯示,該代幣現已在 Uniswap 上上線,流動性已被鎖定。

Thus, investors can now trade the token, and early investors who participate in the presale can take ROI on investment. However, the DOGE20 token has a 7-day lock period to preserve the value of the token. The project’s website and the Twitter handle offer further information about the exchange listing. It also guides investors on how to claim their tokens. 

因此,投資者現在可以交易代幣,參與預售的早期投資者可以獲得投資回報。然而,DOGE20 代幣有 7 天的鎖定期,以保持代幣的價值。該專案的網站和 Twitter 帳號提供了有關交易所上市的更多資訊。它還指導投資者如何領取他們的代幣。

Visit Dogecoin20 Website

請造訪 Dogecoin20 網站

2. Dogecoin (DOGE) 


Since the rise of Solana as the platform of choice for the meme culture, cat-themed meme crypto has taken over the trend. Dogecoin, a dog-themed cryptocurrency, dominated the previous bully cycle. In a few days, the crypto community would mark a fun crypto day, code named Doge Day. 

自從 Solana 崛起為 meme 文化的首選平台以來,以貓為主題的 meme 加密貨幣已經佔據了這一趨勢。狗狗幣是一種以狗為主題的加密貨幣,在先前的霸凌週期中佔據主導地位。幾天后,加密社群將迎來一個有趣的加密日,代號為「Doge Day」。

Even though there is negligible anticipation of the day, it could result in a marginal increase in the price of DOGE tokens. Investors who take a position in Dogecoin ahead of Doge Day can take marginal ROI despite a market-wide crypto price decline. 

儘管這一天的預期可以忽略不計,但它可能會導致 DOGE 代幣的價格小幅上漲。儘管整個市場的加密貨幣價格下跌,但在狗狗日之前持有狗狗幣的投資者仍可以獲得邊際投資回報。

Already, the price of DOGE is up by over 2% in the last 24 hours and the token’s trading volume is up by 6% against the declining price action of the past 7 days. Presently, the token has an RSI reading of 57 on the weekly timeframe and an ADI value of 43. The indicators signify that the bulls have the potential to keep the token on a continued uptrend. 

DOGE 的價格在過去 24 小時內上漲了 2% 以上,與過去 7 天的價格下跌相比,該代幣的交易量增加了 6%。目前,該代幣在每週時間範圍內的 RSI 讀數為 57,ADI 值為 43。

Moreover, Dogecoin’s MACD reading remains bullish on the uptrend at the time of writing, and Ema50 and EMA200 readings indicate a bullish trend as they trend above the current price. DOGE shows strength for the upside in the short time and it offers investors the opportunity to take marginal ROI from the market. However, the over outlook in the market remains bearish, and it might affect the long-term value of the asset. 

此外,在撰寫本文時,狗狗幣的 MACD 讀數仍然看漲上升趨勢,Ema50 和 EMA200 讀數表明看漲趨勢,因為它們的趨勢高於當前價格。 DOGE 在短期內顯示出上漲的力量,它為投資者提供了從市場中獲取邊際投資回報率的機會。然而,市場整體前景仍看跌,可能會影響資產的長期價值。

3. Pyth Network (PYTH) 


Python Network was one of the crypto tokens that amassed significant value in the early days of the bull market. At the peak of the market, PYTH had a value of over $1. It outperformed several of the top cryptocurrencies. 

Python Network 是牛市初期累積了巨大價值的加密代幣之一。在市場高峰期,PYTH 的價值超過 1 美元。它的表現優於幾種頂級加密貨幣。

However, PYTH has lost a significant portion of its gains to the bearish trends in the crypto market. The token is now approximately valued at $1, nearly 40% below its peak value. Its market cap is also down by a significant margin compared to what it recorded on the uptrend.

然而,PYTH 因加密貨幣市場的看跌趨勢而損失了很大一部分收益。該代幣目前估值約為 1 美元,比高峰低近 40%。與上升趨勢相比,其市值也大幅下降。

Nevertheless, PYTH is one of the crypto tokens to watch in this market. At press time, the token is on a reversal trend with over 5% gain in the last 24 hours. In addition to increasing prices, PYTH has also seen some increase in trading volume against the overall trends in the market. 

儘管如此,PYTH 仍然是這個市場上值得關注的加密代幣之一。截至發稿,該代幣正處於反轉趨勢,過去 24 小時內漲幅超過 5%。除了價格上漲之外,PYTH 的交易量也與市場整體趨勢相比增加。

Generally, this price action suggests the return of investor interest in the asset, which can cause a marginal increase in price. Also, the current price of PYTH is relatively closer to the ATH value than most altcoins. The possibility of breaking the ATH in the near term could substantially impact the market perception of PYTH potential. The TVL of PYTH across various networks is also on the rise, according to a post on its social media handle. 

一般來說,這種價格走勢表明投資者對該資產的興趣有所回歸,這可能會導致價格小幅上漲。此外,PYTH 目前的價格比大多數山寨幣更接近 ATH 的價值。短期內突破 ATH 的可能性可能會嚴重影響市場對 PYTH 潛力的看法。根據其社交媒體帳號上的帖子,PYTH 在各個網路上的 TVL 也在上升。

Investors looking at crypto tokens for short-term trading opportunities should include PYTHON in their watch list, as the token has the potential for further upside. Moreover, Pyth Network offers a unique service in the crypto industry, meaning that its assets will continually remain in demand. 

尋求加密代幣短期交易機會的投資者應將 PYTHON 納入其觀察名單,因為該代幣具有進一步上漲的潛力。此外,Pyth Network 在加密產業提供獨特的服務,這意味著其資產將持續保持需求。

4. Injective (INJ) 

4. 單射(INJ)

The price of injective is up by over 15% today, and it has a price of $28 at the time of writing. INJ is also among the top crypto gainers of the bull market, amassing over 400% gains at the peak of the trend. Investors praise the token as one of the best performances as its price climbed from about $9 in October to about $55 in March.

今天注射劑的價格上漲了 15% 以上,在撰寫本文時價格為 28 美元。 INJ 也是多頭加密貨幣漲幅最大的股票之一,在趨勢高峰時漲幅超過 400%。投資者稱讚該代幣是表現最好的代幣之一,其價格從 10 月的約 9 美元攀升至 3 月的約 55 美元。

However, there are signals that INJ might be on track for another leg up. Technical analysis of the token shows that investors might be able to take a position for short-term gains; however, the long-term moving average indicator on the daily chart shows that investors might bear on the asset in the long term as its current price trends below its 200-day EMA. 

然而,有跡象表明 INJ 可能有望再次崛起。代幣的技術分析表明,投資者可能能夠透過建倉來獲得短期收益;然而,日線圖上的長期移動平均線指標顯示,投資人可能會長期看好該資產,因為其當前價格趨勢低於 200 日均線。

Nevertheless, its 10-day EMA shows a trend reversal, positioning the token as an ideal opportunity for short-term investment. In addition, INJ’s crypto burn strategy provides the conduit to preserve its value over the long run. While the token may not return to its peak value any time soon. It would continue to push the boundary of its price in the coming days. 

儘管如此,其 10 日均線顯示出趨勢逆轉,使該代幣成為短期投資的理想機會。此外,INJ 的加密銷毀策略提供了長期維持其價值的管道。雖然代幣可能不會很快恢復到高峰。未來幾天它將繼續突破其價格界限。

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