首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 下一個加密貨幣將於 7 月 9 日星期二爆炸——Bonk、Pepe、Ultra、Chromia

Next Cryptocurrency to Explode Tuesday, July 9 — Bonk, Pepe, Ultra, Chromia

下一個加密貨幣將於 7 月 9 日星期二爆炸——Bonk、Pepe、Ultra、Chromia

發布: 2024/07/09 19:05 閱讀: 579

原文作者:InsideBitcoin News


下一個加密貨幣將於 7 月 9 日星期二爆炸——Bonk、Pepe、Ultra、Chromia

Although cryptocurrency prices have been falling for a while, the overall feeling in the market remains positive. Recently, Bitcoin (BTC) has been struggling to get back to $60K and above, and Ethereum (ETH) is striving to stabilize at $3,000.

儘管加密貨幣價格已經下跌了一段時間,但市場的整體感覺仍然樂觀。最近,比特幣(BTC)一直在努力回到 6 萬美元及以上,而以太坊(ETH)則努力穩定在 3,000 美元。

However, identifying the next cryptocurrencies to explode might take some work as most funds are attracted to pumping assets. Today’s article explores the performance of cryptocurrencies that have dominated the gainers list in the last 24 hours. The objective is to identify coins with some potential and inform investors and traders about each token. 

然而,確定下一個爆炸性的加密貨幣可能需要一些工作,因為大多數資金都被吸引湧入資產。今天的文章探討了過去 24 小時內主導上漲名單的加密貨幣的表現。目的是識別具有一定潛力的代幣,並向投資者和交易者介紹每種代幣。 

Next Cryptocurrency To Explode


Today’s article discusses the performance of potentially explosive cryptos that investors should add to their watchlist. It also includes a special mention of Pepe Unchained, a new Pepe-themed meme coin launched on its Ethereum Layer 2 blockchain. Within minutes, it attracted over $150,000 in investments. The details of its presale and the performance of the top-performing cryptos today are shared below.

今天的文章討論了投資者應添加到觀察清單中的潛在爆炸性加密貨幣的表現。它還特別提到了 Pepe Unchained,這是在以太坊第 2 層區塊鏈上推出的新 Pepe 主題模因硬幣。幾分鐘之內,它就吸引了超過 15 萬美元的投資。以下分享了其預售的詳細資訊以及當今表現最佳的加密貨幣的性能。

  1. Bonk (BONK)

Amid growing interest in the Solana ETF, the Solana-based meme token BONK has seen significant gains, leading today’s crypto market. Over the past 24 hours, BONK’s value has surged by 24.34%, reaching $0.00002665, aiming to recover last week’s losses.

Bonk (BONK) 隨著人們對 Solana ETF 的興趣日益濃厚,基於 Solana 的 meme 代幣 BONK 取得了顯著的收益,引領了當今的加密貨幣市場。過去24小時內,BONK價值飆升24.34%,達到0.00002665美元,可望收復上週損失。

Initially, BONK faced a bearish trend with support at a low of $0.00002. However, a proposal to reduce token supply boosted investor sentiment, increasing market capitalization by 24.26% to $1.83 billion.

最初,BONK 面臨看跌趨勢,支撐位為 0.00002 美元低點。然而,減少代幣供應的提議提振了投資者情緒,使市值增加了 24.26%,達到 18.3 億美元。

According to CoinMarketCap, BONK has outperformed other Solana network meme coins like WIF, BOME, and SLERF. The rise in interest is due to several developments, including BONK’s addition to the on-chain data provider Xangle. Investors can now access real-time information about BONK, from circulation to exchange listings, all in one place.

根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,BONK 的表現優於其他 Solana 網路迷因幣,如 WIF、BOME 和 SLERF。興趣的上升歸因於多項發展,包括 BONK 加入鏈上數據提供者 Xangle。投資者現在可以在一個地方獲取有關 BONK 從流通到交易所上市的即時資訊。

The Bonk DAO account on X also announced a request to burn over 84 billion BONK tokens from its Treasury. BONKBot gave these tokens to the DAO in Q2, which can now be used to vote on community initiatives.

X 上的 Bonk DAO 帳戶也宣布請求從其財政部銷毀超過 840 億個 BONK 代幣。 BONKBot 在第二季將這些代幣交給了 DAO,現在可以用來對社區倡議進行投票。

Market analysts noted a 158.09% increase in trading volume, reaching $562.24 million, indicating renewed investor interest post-announcement. While the proposal awaits final community vote approval, its immediate market impact is clear. This follows an April precedent when the BONK DAO approved a burn of 278.39 trillion BONK tokens with a 99.9% approval rate. Previous token burns have typically led to positive price adjustments, showing investor confidence in the token’s management and strategy.

市場分析師指出,交易量增加了 158.09%,達到 5.6224 億美元,顯示投資者在公告發布後興趣重新燃起。雖然該提案正在等待最終的社區投票批准,但其直接的市場影響是顯而易見的。這是繼 4 月的先例後,BONK DAO 批准銷毀 278.39 兆個 BONK 代幣,批准率高達 99.9%。先前的代幣銷毀通常會導致積極的價格調整,顯示投資者對代幣的管理和策略充滿信心。

  1. Pepe (PEPE)

The PEPE price has rebounded strongly from its monthly lows after failing to maintain support at $0.00000925. This has drawn significant buying interest, pushing the price close to $0.00001. However, the trading volume is still a limiting factor as the buying momentum is fading. Consequently, the price may stay within a consolidated range for a while before experiencing significant movement.

Pepe (PEPE)PEPE 價格在未能維持 0.00000925 美元的支撐位後,已從月度低點強勁反彈。這引起了巨大的購買興趣,將價格推至接近 0.00001 美元。然而,由於購買動力正在減弱,交易量仍然是一個限制。因此,在經歷大幅波動之前,價格可能會在一段時間內保持在鞏固區間內。

On Monday, meme coins saw a strong rally, with popular tokens like Bonk and Pepe among the top performers in the market. The frog-themed Pepe token was the second-best performer, with holders seeing profits of over 15% in the last 24 hours. The Ethereum-based token also increased its trading volume by 63% to $1.15 billion, the highest among meme coins.

週一,迷因幣出現強勁反彈,Bonk 和 Pepe 等熱門代幣位列市場表現最佳。以青蛙為主題的 Pepe 代幣表現第二好,持有者在過去 24 小時內獲利超過 15%。這款基於以太坊的代幣的交易量也增加了 63%,達到 11.5 億美元,是 meme 代幣中最高的。

The PEPE price has been moving upward within a parallel channel for several months. Recently, a bearish trend pushed the price below the support level. However, instead of continuing to fall, the price started to rebound. The RSI also reversed after hitting the lower limit. Meanwhile, the MACD is close to a bullish crossover, indicating that buying pressure may soon increase. Until then, the price might stay stable before experiencing a significant rise beyond $0.000012.

幾個月來,PEPE 價格一直在平行通道內上漲。最近,看跌趨勢將價格推至支撐位下方。然而,價格並沒有繼續下跌,而是開始反彈。 RSI在觸及下限後也出現反轉。與此同時,MACD 接近看漲交叉,表明買盤壓力可能很快就會增加。在此之前,價格可能會保持穩定,然後大幅上漲至 0.000012 美元以上。

  1. Pepe Unchained (PEPU)

解放的佩佩 (PEPU)

Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) surpasses expectations by raising over $2.85 million in presale funds. On Saturday, the new meme coin, which operates on its own blockchain built on Ethereum, had already crossed the $2.5 million mark. It then added another $250,000 within 24 hours.

Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) 籌集了超過 285 萬美元的預售資金,超出了預期。週六,這款新的 Meme 代幣在以太坊上建立了自己的區塊鏈,其價格已突破 250 萬美元大關。然後,它在 24 小時內又追加了 25 萬美元。

Unlike the broader crypto market, Pepe Unchained is approaching the $3 million milestone this week and may reach it before its one-month anniversary. Elsewhere in the market, caution prevails. Currently priced at $0.0083258, the $PEPU price is set to increase to $0.00835910 in less than two days during the next presale stage.

與更廣泛的加密貨幣市場不同,Pepe Unchained 本週將接近 300 萬美元的里程碑,並可能在其成立一個月週年紀念日之前達到這一目標。在市場的其他地方,人們普遍持謹慎態度。目前售價為 0.0083258 美元,PEPU 價格將在不到兩天的下一個預售階段上漲至 0.00835910 美元。

Pepe Unchained’s presale success stands out against the market’s recent bearish trend. While the broader crypto market has shifted towards fear, as indicated by a drop below the 40 level on the CoinMarketCap Fear & Greed Index, Pepe Unchained’s presale activity suggests “extreme greed.” Raising $250,000 in just over 24 hours represents a 10% increase, while most other coins are losing value.

Pepe Unchained 的預售成功在市場近期的看跌趨勢中脫穎而出。雖然更廣泛的加密貨幣市場已經轉向恐懼,正如 CoinMarketCap 恐懼與貪婪指數跌破 40 水平所表明的那樣,但 Pepe Unchained 的預售活動表明「極度貪婪」。在短短 24 小時內籌集了 25 萬美元,相當於增加了 10%,而大多數其他代幣正在貶值。

Investors are excited about Pepe Unchained because it offers significant improvements over its predecessor, $PEPE. With $PEPU tokens, investors enjoy lower gas fees and faster transaction speeds, thanks to its own Layer 2 chain built on Ethereum.

投資者對 Pepe Unchained 感到興奮,因為它比前作 $PEPE 有了顯著的改進。使用 $PEPU 代幣,投資者可以享受更低的汽油費和更快的交易速度,這要歸功於其自己的基於以太坊構建的第 2 層鏈。

Having its blockchain enhances Pepe Unchained’s potential. It’s not just a single token but the foundation for a new ecosystem that includes DeFi, NFTs, other meme coins, and even AI-related tokens. Pepe Unchained has all it takes to put it among upcoming cryptocurrencies to explode. Join now to secure your stake before the market turns bullish and propels $PEPU investors to new heights.

擁有區塊鏈可以增強 Pepe Unchained 的潛力。它不僅僅是一個單一的代幣,而是一個新生態系統的基礎,其中包括 DeFi、NFT、其他迷因幣,甚至是人工智慧相關代幣。 Pepe Unchained 具備將其躋身即將爆發的加密貨幣行列的一切條件。立即加入,在市場轉好並將 $PEPU 投資者推向新高度之前確保您的股份。

  1. Ultra (UOS)

Ultra is a platform for publishing video games and related content. Its mission is to break the monopoly of platforms like Steam and offer developers, players, and influencers new opportunities. Ultra aims to provide a fairer solution for both players and developers. Players can enjoy instantly playable games, earn UOS using the platform, and access exclusive games. Developers benefit from better marketing tools and the potential for 20% higher sales revenue.

Ultra (UOS)Ultra 是一個發布視訊遊戲及相關內容的平台。它的使命是打破 Steam 等平台的壟斷,為開發者、玩家和影響者提供新的機會。 Ultra旨在為玩家和開發者提供更公平的解決方案。玩家可以享受即時可玩的遊戲,使用該平台賺取UOS,並訪問獨家遊戲。開發人員受益於更好的行銷工具以及銷售收入增加 20% 的潛力。

In addition to game publishing, Ultra offers advertising platforms for both the demand and service sides, players’ ability to resell used games, and a platform-exclusive app. Ultra distinguishes itself by building a top-tier PC game publishing platform that can outperform current solutions. This infrastructure provides specific advantages to developers and players, helping Ultra achieve its goals.

除了遊戲發行之外,Ultra 還為需求方和服務方提供廣告平台、玩家轉售二手遊戲的能力以及平台專屬應用程式。 Ultra 的獨特之處在於建立了一個超越當前解決方案的頂級 PC 遊戲發布平台。該基礎設施為開發者和玩家提供了特定的優勢,幫助 Ultra 實現其目標。

Today, the UOS price is $0.09161, up 12.11% in the last 24 hours. The market cap has also grown by 12.11%, reaching $34,636,317, and the 24-hour trading volume has risen by 148.92%, hitting $2,395,143.


With solid fundamentals and support from a dedicated crypto community, EOS has significant potential. If EOS announces collaborations with other networks, its price could surpass $2 by 2024. If the crypto market remains bullish, the average EOS price might stay around $2.19 in 2024. However, if the market declines, the minimum EOS value could drop to $0.05 in 2024.

憑藉著堅實的基礎和專門的加密貨幣社群的支持,EOS 具有巨大的潛力。如果EOS 宣布與其他網路合作,到2024 年,其價格可能會超過2 美元。降至0.05 美元。

  1. Chromia (CHR)

The price of CHR has surged by 16.50% in the last 24 hours, with a 40.02% increase in trading volume. Over the past week, it has jumped by 20.48%, boasting a Year-to-Date (YTD) return of 125.41%. This indicates a solid long-term bullish trend for the altcoin.

Chromia (CHR)CHR價格近24小時飆升16.50%,成交量增加40.02%。過去一周,該股上漲了 20.48%,年初至今 (YTD) 回報率為 125.41%。這顯示山寨幣具有穩固的長期看漲趨勢。

Chromia (CHR) is a blockchain platform and cryptocurrency designed to provide scalable and decentralized infrastructure for decentralized applications (dApps) and games. Its unique value proposition and ability to reverse negative market trends and exceed the $0.26 mark with an 8% daily increase make it a promising investment.

Chromia (CHR) 是一個區塊鏈平台和加密貨幣,旨在為去中心化應用程式 (dApp) 和遊戲提供可擴展和去中心化的基礎設施。其獨特的價值主張以及扭轉負面市場趨勢並以 8% 的日漲幅突破 0.26 美元大關的能力,使其成為一項有前景的投資。

This rally happened as Chromia joined the AWS Partner Network, increasing its visibility and accessibility. The Chromia team announced that this would link Chromia’s infrastructure to the AWS Marketplace used by millions of customers. Furthermore, the launch of Chromia’s MVP Mainnet on July 16 is expected to strengthen its market position further.

這次反彈發生在 Chromia 加入 AWS 合作夥伴網路之際,提高了其可見度和可訪問性。 Chromia 團隊宣布,這會將 Chromia 的基礎設施與數百萬客戶使用的 AWS Marketplace 連接起來。此外,7 月 16 日 Chromia MVP 主網的推出預計將進一步鞏固其市場地位。

The MACD technical indicator’s green histogram shows a constant decline, suggesting reduced buying and selling pressure in the crypto market. However, the averages continue to rise, indicating a mixed sentiment.


If the market can keep the OM price above the crucial support level of $0.2580, the bulls may regain momentum and target the upper resistance level of $0.3430. This could make CHR one of the next cryptos to explode. On the other hand, if the bears take over, the Mantra price could drop to $0.1925 this month.

如果市場能夠將 OM 價格保持在關鍵支撐位 0.2580 美元之上,多頭可能會重新獲得動力,並瞄準上方阻力位 0.3430 美元。這可能使 CHR 成為下一個爆炸的加密貨幣之一。另一方面,如果空頭接管,Mantra 價格本月可能會跌至 0.1925 美元。


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