首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 新的加密貨幣 ICO Dogecoin20 推出,第一天籌集了 250,000 美元——下一個大 Meme 幣?

New Cryptocurrency ICO Dogecoin20 Launches With $250,000 Raised On Day One – Next Big Meme Coin?

新的加密貨幣 ICO Dogecoin20 推出,第一天籌集了 250,000 美元——下一個大 Meme 幣?

發布: 2024/03/15 20:20 閱讀: 455

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


Dogecoin20 is the latest and greatest addition to the Doge family of meme coins. Dogecoin20 ($DOGE20) is the standout uber upgrade of the dog meme coin and could be the next Dogecoin or Shiba Inu. 

Dogecoin20 是 Doge 迷因幣家族中最新、最偉大的成員。 Dogecoin20($DOGE20)是狗狗迷因硬幣的傑出升級版,可能是下一個狗狗幣或柴犬。

Dogecoin20 has raised $250,000 in less than 24 hours, making it a prime candidate to be the next meme coin for a viral explosion.

Dogecoin20 在不到 24 小時內籌集了 25 萬美元,使其成為下一個病毒式爆炸的模因幣的主要候選人。

From joke to multi-billion dollar valuation, Dogecoin is the top dog meme coin by dint of a community built around the meme humor of the internet. It was Doge that captured the zeitgeist of the crypto online world when Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer dreamt up the joke coin while working on their day jobs.

從笑話到數十億美元的估值,憑藉圍繞著網路迷因幽默建立的社區,狗狗幣成為頂級狗迷因硬幣。當比利馬庫斯(Billy Markus)和傑克遜帕爾默(Jackson Palmer)在日常工作中夢想出笑話幣時,Doge 抓住了加密線上世界的時代精神。

No one is laughing anymore about meme coins. The meme coin category is valued at $56 billion, while Dogecoin and Shiba Inu cryptocurrencies have market capitalizations of $22 billion and $16 billion, respectively. Put that another way, Dogecoin has a market valuation that is the same as Warner Bros. Discovery or State Street.

沒有人再嘲笑模因幣了。 Meme 幣類別估值為 560 億美元,而狗狗幣和柴犬加密貨幣的市值分別為 220 億美元和 160 億美元。換句話說,狗狗幣的市場估值與華納兄弟探索公司或道富銀行相同。

Just as the death of bitcoin has been foretold many times, it is the same with meme coins. However, while there is only one bitcoin, there are thousands of meme coins vying for our attention. 


Yet none is better placed to capture the attention of market participants than Dogecoin20 – and that’s because it is the first serious upgrade of the Dogecoin brand and product offering.

然而,沒有什麼比狗狗幣 20 更能吸引市場參與者的注意了——這是因為它是狗狗幣品牌和產品的首次重大升級。

Already a quarter of a million dollars has been contributed in the Dogecoin20 presale as the new Dogecoin takes sprints towards its first price increase in its staged fundraising. 


There’s no time to lose to catch the lowest-ever price for the next crypto to explode and mint more meme coin millionaires. 


Additionally, buyers can stake-to-earn from the get-go, even while the fundraising is still underway, providing further incentive to get in early during the ICO. Rewards for stakers at the time of writing is 2,073% per annum. 

此外,即使籌款仍在進行中,買家也可以從一開始就進行質押以賺取收益,這為在 ICO 期間儘早參與提供了進一步的誘因。截至本文撰寫時,質押者的獎勵為每年 2,073%。

As we have seen, Shiba Inu and Dogecoin today command multi-billion dollar valuations. From an alpha-seeking investor’s point of view that means there are likely to be better risk-reward opportunities among the smaller-cap meme coins. 


That hunch is borne out by the facts, as shown in the chart below where newcomer ‘small fry’ competitors such as $PEPE, $WIF and $FLOKI are outperforming the old hands.

這種預感得到了事實的證實,如下圖所示,$PEPE、$WIF 和 $FLOKI 等新來者「小魚」競爭對手的表現優於老手。

Dogecoin Needs An Upgrade – Dogecoin20 To The Rescue

狗狗幣需要升級 – Dogecoin20 來救援

Still, for all Dogecoin’s success since its launch in 2013, a decade is a very long time in cryptoland so it is time for a revamp, and that’s exactly what Dogecoin20 is all about.

儘管如此,儘管狗狗幣自2013 年推出以來取得了巨大的成功,但十年對於加密貨幣領域來說是一段很長的時間,所以現在是時候進行改造了,而這正是狗狗幣20的意義所在。

Ten years in crypto is the equivalent of a century in the legacy world, so, it could be said, the revisiting of Dogecoin is long overdue.


And to say that crypto watchers are straining at the leash to get in on the Doge action would be the understatement of this emerging crypto bull cycle.


Elon Musk is still obsessed with Dogecoin. At the Tesla Giga Berlin event this week he was asked if Dogecoin would be turned on for payments for his companies. His reply was greeted by cheers from the audience: “At some point, I think we should enable that… Dogecoin to the moon.” In response, Dogecoin pumped another 10%.

伊隆馬斯克仍然沉迷於狗狗幣。在本週的 Tesla Giga Berlin 活動中,有人問他是否會啟用狗狗幣來為公司付款。他的回答引起了觀眾的歡呼:“在某個時候,我認為我們應該實現......狗狗幣登上月球。”作為回應,狗狗幣又上漲了 10%。

Those who bought Dogecoin at its low point nine years ago will today be sitting on a gain of 92,632%. Even more remarkably, those returns are against a backdrop in which Dogecoin is 77% off its all-time high.

那些在九年前的低點買入狗狗幣的人今天將獲得 92,632% 的收益。更值得注意的是,這些回報是在狗狗幣比歷史最高點低 77% 的背景下實現的。

The Dogecoin shiba inu mascot has much further to run, which is why $DOGE20 has come at just the right time, with a menu of improvements that will power the Dogecoin meme coin community to new heights.

狗狗幣柴犬吉祥物還有很長的路要走,這就是為什麼 $DOGE20 來得正是時候,它的一系列改進將推動狗狗幣 meme 硬幣社區達到新的高度。

Dogecoin On Ethereum Makes Dogecoin20 The Future-Proof Always-Improving Doge – Here’s Why


When Dogecoin was designed, it leaned heavily on the technology of what was the second largest coin to bitcoin at the time, Litecoin. Litecoin was actually a fork from the bitcoin blockchain, from which it inherited the idea of proof-of-work for its block verification mechanism, but with a twist – a newer system called Scrypt. 

當狗狗幣被設計時,它很大程度上依賴當時僅次於比特幣的第二大貨幣萊特幣的技術。萊特幣實際上是比特幣區塊鏈的一個分支,它繼承了比特幣區塊鏈驗證機制的工作量證明的理念,但有一個變化——一個名為 Scrypt 的新系統。

Scrypt is less energy intensive and faster than bitcoin’s proof-of-work, hence its adoption by Litecoin and a number of other coins, Dogecoin included. 

與比特幣的工作量證明相比,Scrypt 的能源消耗更少且速度更快,因此它被萊特幣和包括狗狗幣在內的許多其他硬幣採用。

Fast-forward to 2024 and even Scrypt is a laggard technologically speaking as more and more coins shift to proof of stake, which dispenses with the computationally expensive proof of work mining in favor of the orders of magnitude faster proof-of-stake that does not require the solving of math problems through wasteful competitive processes between miners.

快進到2024 年,隨著越來越多的代幣轉向權益證明,甚至Scrypt 在技術上也落後了,這省去了計算成本高昂的工作量證明挖礦,轉而採用速度快幾個數量級的權益證明需要透過礦工之間浪費的競爭過程來解決數學問題。

Unlike Dogecoin then, Dogecoin20 runs on the proof-of-stake Ethereum network, bringing Dogecoin up-to-date with the latest blockchain technology. 


True, proof-of-stake has been around for a little while, but for Ethereum it is a relatively recent development and Ethereum is arguably the most important blockchain in crypto because of its ability to run an infinite number of decentralized applications. 


Its team of developers led by founder Vitalik Buterin has shown themselves adept at upgrading the Ethereum network with minimal difficulties. The most recent example of this is the Dencun upgrade as the project progresses on its roadmap to deliver a superfast and cheap decentralized network with the scale to run all manner of commercial and industrial-grade applications.

由創辦人 Vitalik Buterin 領導的開發團隊已經證明自己擅長以最小的難度升級以太坊網路。最近的例子是 Dencun 升級,該項目正在按照其路線圖前進,以提供超快且廉價的去中心化網絡,其規模可運行各種商業和工業級應用程式。

Staking Means Rewards For Community Philanthropy, Keeping Alive The Original Dogecoin Spirit


Not only is Dogecoin20 an ERC-20 Ethereum-compliant token, making it future-proof and part of a network that is continually improving its technology stack – it is also offering passive income through on-chain staking.

Dogecoin20 不僅是符合 ERC-20 以太坊標準的代幣,使其具有面向未來的能力,並且是不斷改進其技術堆疊的網路的一部分,而且它還透過鏈上質押提供被動收入。

Community-building and staking is a partnership made in heaven. Dogecoin20 has allocated 15% of its total token supply to distributing rewards to its community of stakers. The total token supply is 140 billion.

社區營造和質押是天作之合。 Dogecoin20 已分配其總代幣供應量的 15% 用於向其權益持有者社區分配獎勵。代幣供應總量為 1400 億枚。

The rewards will be disbursed over a two-year period. In year one 12.5% of the supply will be available to distribute and in the second year a further 2.5%. The higher the proportion of the staking pool owned by a staker, the higher the reward – 6,751 Dogecoin20 are distributed in rewards for each ETH block.

獎勵將在兩年內發放。第一年將有 12.5% 的供應量可供分配,第二年將進一步分配 2.5%。質押者擁有的質押池比例越高,獎勵就越高——每個 ETH 區塊的獎勵中分配 6,751 Dogecoin20。

Staking incentivizes the community to take a long-term view. Just as how the tipping culture allowed Dogecoin to grow its community in its early days, Dogecoin20’s team sees a similar dynamic coming into play with staking. However, instead of giving away tokens, stakers will be receiving tokens as rewards as a passive income stream.

質押激勵社區採取長遠觀點。正如小費文化如何讓狗狗幣在早期發展其社區一樣,狗狗幣20 的團隊也看到了類似的動力在質押中發揮作用。然而,質押者不會贈送代幣,而是會收到代幣作為被動收入流的獎勵。

But Dogecoin20 is also staying true to the philanthropic culture of Dogecoin. Like Dogecoin, Dogecoin20 will encourage the community to “Do only good every day”.


Supporting each other and being kind were the watchwords of Dogecoin as set out at dogecoin.com. However, to do that requires the acquisition of wealth in the first place, so that a portion of it can be given away to good causes. 

dogecoin.com 上規定,互相支持和友善是狗狗幣的口號。然而,要做到這一點,首先需要獲得財富,以便將其中的一部分捐贈給慈善事業。

Dogecoin20’s mission in life is to empower its community to grow and enrich itself in order to  “do only good every day”. What’s not to like? 
$DOGE20 can be bought with ETH, USDT, BNB or with fiat using a card. Keep in touch with this fast-moving project on X/Twitter and Telegram.

Dogecoin20 的人生使命是幫助其社區不斷發展和豐富自己,以「每天只做善事」。有什麼不喜歡的? $DOGE20 可以用 ETH、USDT、BNB 或使用銀行卡的法定貨幣購買。在 X/Twitter 和 Telegram 上與這個快速發展的項目保持聯繫。

New Crypto Mining Platform - Bitcoin Minetrix

新的加密貨幣挖礦平台 - Bitcoin Minetrix



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