首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 分析師表示,新的 0.01 美元加密貨幣 Pandoshi 預計將從狗狗幣和柴犬手中奪取市場份額

New $0.01 Cryptocurrency Pandoshi Poised to Take Market Share from Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, Say Analysts

分析師表示,新的 0.01 美元加密貨幣 Pandoshi 預計將從狗狗幣和柴犬手中奪取市場份額

發布: 2024/02/17 06:36 閱讀: 222



The cryptocurrency market has seen the rise of meme coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. However, a new player, Pandoshi, seems ready to give them tough competition. Analysts believe Pandoshi can capture significant market share with innovative features and strong community engagement.

加密貨幣市場見證了狗狗幣和柴犬等迷因幣的興起。然而,新玩家潘多西似乎已經準備好為他們帶來激烈的競爭。分析師認為,Pandoshi 可以憑藉創新功能和強大的社區參與度佔領重要的市場份額。

What is Pandoshi?

Pandoshi emerges as a manifesto championing decentralization, privacy, and monetary freedom. Its mission is to build an ecosystem of decentralized products that enable frictionless on-chain interactions. 

什麼是 Pandoshi? Pandoshi 是一份倡導去中心化、隱私和金錢自由的宣言。它的使命是建立一個去中心化產品的生態系統,以實現無摩擦的鏈上互動。

The native token, PAMBO, operates on a deflationary model with a buyback-and-burn mechanism. As per tokenomics, the burning of PAMBO tokens will continue until 80% of the supply is out of circulation. 

原生代幣 PAMBO 在通貨緊縮模型上運行,並具有回購和銷毀機制。根據代幣經濟學,PAMBO 代幣的銷毀將持續到 80% 的供應量停止流通為止。

Pandoshi also has BAMBOO as the governance token for community voting. Unlike PAMBO, BAMBOO has an inflationary supply without a hard cap.

Pandoshi 也擁有 BAMBOO 作為社群投票的治理代幣。與 PAMBO 不同,BAMBOO 的供應量是通貨膨脹的,沒有硬性上限。

Pandoshi aims to launch a full suite of decentralized offerings:

Pandoshi 旨在推出一整套去中心化產品:

Pandoshi Wallet: A non-custodial cryptocurrency wallet that has already launched on Android. The iOS app is expected in the coming weeks

Pandoshi 錢包:一款已在 Android 上推出的非託管加密貨幣錢包。 iOS 應用程式預計將在未來幾週內推出

PandaChain: A low-cost Proof-of-Stake layer-2 blockchain solution to enable faster and affordable transactions.

PandaChain:一種低成本的權益證明第 2 層區塊鏈解決方案,可實現更快且經濟實惠的交易。

PandoshiSwap: A decentralized exchange with PAMBO as one of the initially tradable pairs. The DEX will contribute to PAMBO burn via trading fee accumulation and buyback.

PandoshiSwap:去中心化交易所,PAMBO 作為最初的可交易對之一。 DEX將透過交易費累積和回購為PAMBO銷毀做出貢獻。

Cardoshi: A crypto debit card with no KYC requirements, providing easy spending of PAMBO and other cryptocurrencies for daily transactions. 

Cardoshi:一種無需 KYC 要求的加密金融卡,可輕鬆消費 PAMBO 和其他加密貨幣進行日常交易。

Dogecoin: The Original Meme Coin

Dogecoin started in 2013 as a joke but soon captured investor interest. Its popularity has peaked during speculative rallies, with the price surging dramatically within short intervals. 

狗狗幣:最初的 Meme 幣狗狗幣於 2013 年開始只是一個笑話,但很快就引起了投資者的興趣。它的受歡迎程度在投機性反彈期間達到頂峰,價格在短時間內急劇飆升。

Companies like Tesla and SpaceX have expressed support, expanding DOGE’s utility for online payments and donations. The vibrant Dogecoin community is recognized for coordinating charity fundraisers, adding to its appeal.

特斯拉和 SpaceX 等公司表示支持,擴大了 DOGE 的線上支付和捐贈功能。充滿活力的狗狗幣社區因協調慈善籌款活動而受到認可,這增加了其吸引力。

Shiba Inu: The Self-Proclaimed “Dogecoin Killer” 

As a Dogecoin spinoff, Shiba Inu has also gained meteoric rise fueled by aggressive social media campaigns. Its ecosystem includes DeFi features such as the ShibaSwap platform and Shiboshi NFTs.

柴犬:自稱為「狗狗幣殺手」作為狗狗幣的衍生性商品,柴犬也在積極的社群媒體活動的推動下迅速崛起。其生態系包括 ShibaSwap 平台和 Shiboshi NFT 等 DeFi 功能。

SHIB has also attracted plenty of criticism for the speculative mania surrounding it. Detractors point out weak fundamentals and technology.


Nonetheless, Shiba Inu continues to gain traction among investors looking for high-risk, high-return crypto bets. If it overcomes the scalability and security limitations over time, SHIB could even establish itself as a decentralized finance player.

儘管如此,柴犬仍繼續受到尋求高風險、高回報加密貨幣投資的投資者的青睞。如果隨著時間的推移克服可擴展性和安全性限制,SHIB 甚至可以將自己打造成去中心化金融參與者。

Pandoshi’s Edge over Dogecoin and Shiba Inu

Pandoshi checks several boxes on tangible utility, use cases, community participation, and technology vision compared to its meme coin peers.

Pandoshi 相對於 Dogecoin 和 Shiba Inu 的優勢與 Meme 幣同行相比,Pandoshi 在有形效用、用例、社區參與和技術願景方面檢查了多個方框。

Real-World Usage: Pandoshi aims for extensive real-world adoption, from crypto debit cards to blockchain payments within its ecosystem.

現實世界的使用:Pandoshi 的目標是在現實世界中廣泛採用,從加密借記卡到其生態系統內的區塊鏈支付。

Future-Ready Platform: Unlike meme coins largely relying on external platforms, Pandoshi is launching its high-performance blockchain, wallet, DEX, and payment instruments to facilitate wide use.

面向未來的平台:與主要依賴外部平台的 meme 幣不同,Pandoshi 正在推出高效能區塊鏈、錢包、DEX 和支付工具,以促進廣泛使用。

Balanced Tokenomics: Pandoshi’s buyback-and-burn dynamics offset some weaknesses in tokens like DOGE and SHIB criticized for unlimited supply and centralized control.

平衡的代幣經濟學:Pandoshi 的回購和銷毀動態抵消了 DOGE 和 SHIB 等代幣因無限供應和集中控製而受到批評的一些弱點。


While Dogecoin retains the first-mover edge, Shiba Inu boasts higher name recognition, and both command billion-dollar market values. Pandoshi, on the other hand, brings next-generation features not seen in most meme coins so far. 

結論雖然狗狗幣保持著先發優勢,但柴犬擁有更高的知名度,兩者都擁有數十億美元的市值。另一方面,Pandoshi 帶來了迄今為止大多數模因幣中未見的下一代功能。

With a sound roadmap spanning payments, DeFi, university and the metaverse – Pandoshi seems ready to usher in the next evolution of community-driven cryptocurrencies.

憑藉涵蓋支付、DeFi、大學和虛擬宇宙的完善路線圖,Pandoshi 似乎已準備好迎接社區驅動的加密貨幣的下一個發展。

Click Here To Take Part In Pandoshi Presale

點擊此處參加 Pandoshi 預售

Visit the links below for more information about Pandoshi (PAMBO):
Website: https://pandoshi.com/
Whitepaper: https://docs.pandoshi.com/

請訪問以下鏈接,以了解有關 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 的更多信息:網站:https://pandoshi.com/Whitepaper:https://docs.pandoshi.com/


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