首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 新加密貨幣預計 2024 年將超過柴犬 (SHIB) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的表現

New Cryptocurrency Predicted to Exceed Performance of Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) in 2024

新加密貨幣預計 2024 年將超過柴犬 (SHIB) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的表現

發布: 2024/02/01 09:31 閱讀: 591



As 2024 begins, cryptocurrency investors are searching for the next big winner that could generate returns similar to Shiba Inu’s 43,800,000% gain in 2021. One emerging cryptocurrency, Pandoshi (PAMBO), shows strong signals that it could be the next breakout star.

隨著2024 年的開始,加密貨幣投資者正在尋找下一個大贏家,它可以產生類似於Shiba Inu 在2021 年43,800,000% 收益的回報。一種新興的加密貨幣Pandoshi (PAMBO) 顯示出強烈的信號,表明它可能成為下一個突破明星。

Pandoshi’s Remarkable Presale Success 

In the short time since its launch, Pandoshi has quickly raised over $3 million in its presale. This remarkable success demonstrates investor confidence in Pandoshi’s vision of championing decentralization, privacy advocacy, and user-driven financial governance.

Pandoshi 預售取得了顯著的成功 自推出以來的短時間內,Pandoshi 很快就在預售中籌集了超過 300 萬美元。這一非凡的成功表明投資者對 Pandoshi 倡導去中心化、隱私倡導和用戶驅動的財務治理的願景充滿信心。

Structured as a Layer-2 Proof of Stake protocol, Pandoshi offers several services, including a decentralized exchange, a non-custodial Pandoshi wallet already launched on Android, metaverse gaming, and an educational platform called Pandoshi University. Pandoshi also provides global digital asset transactions through crypto-compatible prepaid cards.

Pandoshi 採用第 2 層權益證明協議,提供多種服務,包括去中心化交易所、已在 Android 上推出的非託管 Pandoshi 錢包、元界遊戲以及名為 Pandoshi 大學的教育平台。 Pandoshi 也透過加密相容的預付卡提供全球數位資產交易。

Pandoshi’s presale has five phases, currently in the fifth and last stage priced at $0.01 per token. The upcoming listing phase will increase the price to $0.015, an important milestone and over 700% higher than the initial $0.002 presale price per token.

Pandoshi 的預售分為五個階段,目前處於第五階段,也是最後一個階段,每個代幣的價格為 0.01 美元。即將到來的上市階段將把價格提高到 0.015 美元,這是一個重要的里程碑,比最初每個代幣 0.002 美元的預售價格高出 700% 以上。

The PAMBO Token’s Crucial Role  

The PAMBO token is crucial within Pandoshi’s ecosystem including PandaChain, the Metaverse Game, and Pandoshi University. As a deflationary token, PAMBO increases in value from PandoshiSwap’s buy-and-burn policy and crypto-prepaid Cardoshi transactions. Participants can directly purchase PAMBO or acquire it by engaging in Pandoshi’s ecosystem.

PAMBO 代幣的重要角色 PAMBO 代幣在 PandaChain、Metaverse Game 和 Pandoshi 大學等 Pandoshi 生態系統中至關重要。作為一種通貨緊縮代幣,PAMBO 的價值透過 PandoshiSwap 的買入銷毀政策和加密預付 Cardoshi 交易而增值。參與者可以直接購買PAMBO,也可以透過參與Pandoshi的生態系統來獲取PAMBO。

Pandoshi also has a BAMBOO governance token for community members to vote on project decisions. Unlike the deflationary PAMBO, BAMBOO is inflationary.

Pandoshi 也擁有 BAMBOO 治理代幣,供社群成員對專案決策進行投票。與通貨緊縮的 PAMBO 不同,BAMBOO 是通貨膨脹的。

Groundbreaking Pandoshi Wallet Beta Version  

An important new development is Pandoshi’s launch of its open-source Pandoshi Wallet beta version on the Google Play Store, allowing storage and transactions for EVM-compatible chains. The upcoming iOS version will expand accessibility for more users.

突破性的 Pandoshi 錢包測試版 一項重要的新進展是 Pandoshi 在 Google Play 商店推出了開源 Pandoshi 錢包測試版,允許與 EVM 兼容的鏈進行存儲和交易。即將推出的 iOS 版本將為更多用戶擴展可訪問性。

Releasing the wallet during the presale phase significantly raises Pandoshi’s profile and confidence that the project is dedicated to advancing decentralized finance. The increased attention has sparked greater presale participation in acquiring PAMBO tokens.

在預售階段發布錢包顯著提高了 Pandoshi 的形象和對該項目致力於推進去中心化金融的信心。隨著關注度的增加,人們越來越多地參與購買 PAMBO 代幣的預售活動。

Shiba Inu’s Supply Challenges

As a meme-inspired cryptocurrency, Shiba Inu captured headlines with an astounding 43,800,000% return in 2021. However, in 2024 Shiba Inu faces supply constraints inhibiting major price increases.

柴犬的供應挑戰作為一種受迷因啟發的加密貨幣,柴犬在2021 年以驚人的43,800,000% 的回報率登上了新聞頭條。然而,在2024 年,柴犬面臨著供應限制,抑制了價格的大幅上漲。

With over 589 trillion tokens circulating, Shiba Inu’s total value stands at $14.6 billion based on its current $0.000025 price per token. Reaching $1 per token would require burning 589 trillion less 1.33 billion tokens to reduce supply to a feasible level for that milestone.

Shiba Inu 流通的代幣數量超過 589 萬億,根據當前每個代幣 0.000025 美元的價格計算,其總價值為 146 億美元。要達到每個代幣 1 美元的目標,需要燃燒 589 兆枚代幣,減去 13.3 億枚代幣,才能將供應量減少到該里程碑的可行水平。

Unfortunately, existing token-burning plans could not realistically achieve such an extreme reduction.


Dogecoin Dependent on Speculation 

Dogecoin gained prominence as a meme-inspired cryptocurrency supported by high-profile figures like Elon Musk. After spiking over 10% recently, the cryptocurrency underwent a market correction, erasing its weekly gains.

狗狗幣依賴投機 狗狗幣作為一種受到迷因啟發的加密貨幣而受到關注,受到伊隆馬斯克等知名人物的支持。在近期飆升超過 10% 後,加密貨幣經歷了市場調整,抹去了其每週漲幅。

Currently valued at $11.6 billion, Dogecoin’s price trades around $0.078 with a 22% drop in trading volume over the last 24 hours. As Dogecoin navigates the early months of 2024, its price trajectory relies heavily on speculative hype rather than sustainable technological developments.

狗狗幣目前估值為 116 億美元,交易價格約為 0.078 美元,過去 24 小時內交易量下降了 22%。狗狗幣在 2024 年初的幾個月中,其價格軌跡在很大程度上依賴投機炒作,而不是可持續的技術發展。


With investing manias favoring headline-grabbing meme coins, Pandoshi presents a more promising option backed by methodical development. As crypto pioneers lay the foundation for Web3 mass adoption, vision-led innovators like Pandoshi represent the future rather than fleeting trends of the past. Positioned at the intersection of technology and purpose, Pandoshi aims to ignite the next cryptocurrency price explosion in 2024.

結論隨著投資熱潮青睞引人注目的迷因幣,Pandoshi 提供了一個更有前途的選擇,並有系統化的開發支援。隨著加密貨幣先驅為 Web3 的大規模採用奠定了基礎,像 Pandoshi 這樣以願景為主導的創新者代表著未來,而不是過去轉瞬即逝的趨勢。 Pandoshi 定位於技術和目的的交叉點,目標是在 2024 年引發下一次加密貨幣價格爆炸。

Click Here To Buy PAMBO Tokens

點擊此處購買 PAMBO 代幣

Visit the links below for more information about Pandoshi (PAMBO):
Website: https://pandoshi.com/
Whitepaper: https://docs.pandoshi.com/

請訪問以下鏈接,以了解有關 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 的更多信息:網站:https://pandoshi.com/Whitepaper:https://docs.pandoshi.com/


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