首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 新加密貨幣今日發布、上市和預售 – EMAIL 代幣、Xeon 協議、20EX

New Cryptocurrency Releases, Listings, & Presales Today – EMAIL Token, Xeon Protocol, 20EX

新加密貨幣今日發布、上市和預售 – EMAIL 代幣、Xeon 協議、20EX

發布: 2024/06/27 01:03 閱讀: 582

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


新加密貨幣今日發布、上市和預售 – EMAIL 代幣、Xeon 協議、20EX

TON's partnership with Telegram has introduced several "play-to-earn" projects, bringing cryptocurrency to a broader investor audience. Notable projects like Notcoin (NOT) have launched on the TON network, reflecting growing momentum toward widespread cryptocurrency adoption. Simultaneously, Hong Kong has begun a trial for China's digital Yuan, indicating increasing acceptance of digital currencies.

TON 與 Telegram 的合作推出了多個「邊玩邊賺錢」的項目,將加密貨幣帶給更廣泛的投資者受眾。 Notcoin (NOT) 等著名項目已在 TON 網路上啟動,反映出廣泛採用加密貨幣的勢頭不斷增強。同時,香港已開始試驗中國的數位人民幣,顯示數位貨幣的接受度不斷提高。

Amidst this favorable market outlook, investors are keenly seeking new cryptocurrency launches, listings, and presales. This article aims to assist by compiling a comprehensive list of such tokens.


New Cryptocurrency Releases, Listings, and Presales Today


1. Xeon Protocol (XEON)

1. 至強協議(XEON)

Xeon Protocol is an ERC20 hedging and lending platform designed to provide investors with OTC tools for unlocking additional liquidity and managing risk. It allows investors to hedge ERC20 tokens through Call Options, Put Options, and Equity Swaps. Additionally, investors can use ERC20 tokens as collateral for loans, with all transactions being handled on the blockchain using trustless OTC mechanisms.

Xeon Protocol 是一個 ERC20 對沖和借貸平台,旨在為投資者提供場外交易工具,以釋放額外的流動性和管理風險。它允許投資者透過看漲期權、看跌期權和股權互換對沖 ERC20 代幣。此外,投資者可以使用 ERC20 代幣作為貸款抵押品,所有交易均使用無需信任的場外交易機制在區塊鏈上處理。

Given the volatile nature of the crypto market, Xeon Protocol aims to empower users with advanced solutions to protect their investments. Unlike other DeFi platforms, Xeon Protocol values ERC20 tokens based on their DEX pair value and accepts them as collateral for OTC deals. This inclusive approach allows investors to turn volatility into opportunity, particularly for those holding ERC20 tokens. The protocol addresses the industry's current limitation, where ERC20 tokens are often excluded from basic financial tools, which are only available on Dexes like Uniswap.

鑑於加密貨幣市場的波動性,至強協議旨在為用戶提供先進的解決方案來保護他們的投資。與其他 DeFi 平台不同,Xeon Protocol 根據 DEX 貨幣對價值對 ERC20 代幣進行估值,並接受它們作為 OTC 交易的抵押品。這種包容性的方法使投資者能夠將波動性轉化為機會,特別是對於那些持有 ERC20 代幣的投資者。該協議解決了該行業當前的局限性,即 ERC20 代幣通常被排除在基本金融工具之外,而這些工具只能在 Uniswap 等 Dexe 上使用。

Xeon Protocol has formed a strategic partnership with Proof Platform, a prominent incubator known for its robust token launch features and portfolio of successful projects. This collaboration aims to enhance Xeon's position as a leading DeFi tool suite for all ERC20 tokens and beyond.

Xeon Protocol 與 Proof Platform 建立了策略合作夥伴關係,Proof Platform 是一家著名的孵化器,以其強大的代幣發行功能和成功專案組合而聞名。此次合作旨在增強 Xeon 作為所有 ERC20 代幣及其他代幣的領先 DeFi 工具套件的地位。

Additionally, Xeon Protocol has integrated with PaalMind to utilize AI for improved customer support, real-time data updates, interactive communication, and presentation of protocol information. This partnership leverages custom data feeds and large language models (LLMs) to enhance users' understanding of the protocol.

此外,Xeon Protocol 還與 PaalMind 集成,利用 AI 改進客戶支援、即時數據更新、互動式通訊和協定資訊呈現。這種合作關係利用自訂資料來源和大型語言模型 (LLM) 來增強使用者對協定的理解。

Furthermore, Xeon Protocol has completed KYC verification with AssureDefi, and three core team members verified it. This commitment to transparency is crucial as the platform approaches its upcoming Token Generation Event (TGE). In summary, Xeon Protocol offers a unique approach to managing ERC20 tokens, providing robust liquidity and risk management tools while fostering transparency and strategic partnerships to enhance its ecosystem.

此外,至強協議已與AssureDefi完成KYC驗證,並由三名核心團隊成員驗證。隨著平台即將到來的代幣生成活動(TGE),這種對透明度的承諾至關重要。總而言之,至強協議提供了一種獨特的方法來管理 ERC20 代幣,提供強大的流動性和風險管理工具,同時促進透明度和策略合作夥伴關係,以增強其生態系統。

2. EtherMail Token (EMT)

2. EtherMail 代幣(EMT)

EtherMail is an innovative email platform that bridges Web2 and Web3. It simplifies the transition for users and brands into the world of Web3. Specifically, it offers encrypted peer-to-peer email communication, wallet integration, and rewards for engaging with promotional emails. EtherMail aims to enhance businesses' outreach by sharing relevant content with NFT and Token holders, fostering stronger relationships.

EtherMail 是一個連結 Web2 和 Web3 的創新電子郵件平台。它簡化了用戶和品牌進入 Web3 世界的過渡。具體來說,它提供強化的點對點電子郵件通訊、錢包整合以及參與促銷電子郵件的獎勵。 EtherMail 旨在透過與 NFT 和代幣持有者分享相關內容來增強企業的影響力,從而培養更牢固的關係。

One of the key features of EtherMail is its token rewards system. Users can earn $EMT tokens to participate in marketing campaigns. Another notable aspect is the consensual marketing and AI integration, which gives users control over the promotional content they receive. The AI algorithms tailor content based on user preferences. This enhances the relevance and effectiveness of marketing efforts.

EtherMail 的主要功能之一是其代幣獎勵系統。用戶可以獲得 $EMT 代幣來參與行銷活動。另一個值得注意的方面是共識行銷和人工智慧集成,這使用戶可以控制他們收到的促銷內容。人工智慧演算法根據用戶偏好自訂內容。這增強了行銷工作的相關性和有效性。

Furthermore, EtherMail offers premium features, providing access to advanced functionalities within the platform. $EMT tokens further support the ecosystem's growth. These tokens incentivize developers to build and integrate decentralized applications (dApps) that enhance the platform's capabilities.

此外,EtherMail 還提供高級功能,可存取平台內的高級功能。 $EMT 代幣進一步支持生態系統的發展。這些代幣激勵開發人員建立和整合去中心化應用程式(dApp),以增強平台的功能。

EtherMail utilizes blockchain technology to ensure secure and anonymous email communication, keeping users' data private. This approach to user empowerment gives individuals full ownership and control over their inboxes, marking a significant departure from traditional email services dominated by large tech companies.

EtherMail 利用區塊鏈技術確保安全和匿名的電子郵件通信,確保用戶資料的隱私。這種使用者授權方法使個人能夠完全擁有和控制自己的收件匣,這標誌著與大型科技公司主導的傳統電子郵件服務的顯著背離。

The consensual marketing model allows users to opt-in to receive promotional content and be compensated with $EMT tokens. This creates a mutually beneficial relationship between advertisers and consumers. For individuals, EtherMail offers a private and secure Web3 Inbox. On the other hand, businesses can utilize the Marketing Hub and Advertisement Platform for targeted, blockchain-synced campaigns.

共識行銷模式允許用戶選擇接收促銷內容並獲得 $EMT 代幣補償。這在廣告商和消費者之間建立了互惠互利的關係。對於個人而言,EtherMail 提供私密且安全的 Web3 收件匣。另一方面,企業可以利用行銷中心和廣告平台進行有針對性的、區塊鏈同步的活動。

EtherMail has formed several partnerships to enhance its offerings. For instance, collaborations with Octo8Gaming, Primex, Nefture, InnMind, Superlotl, and Portalcoin aim to integrate gaming rewards, leverage spot trading, and enhance Web3 security. They also offer semi-permanent tattoos and connect gamers across various platforms.

EtherMail 已經建立了多個合作夥伴關係來增強其產品。例如,與 Octo8Gaming、Primex、Nefture、InnMind、Superlotl 和 Portalcoin 的合作旨在整合遊戲獎勵、利用現貨交易並增強 Web3 安全性。他們還提供半永久紋身,並在不同平台上連接遊戲玩家。

3. Pepe Unchained ($PEPU)

3. 被解放的佩佩 ($PEPU)

Pepe Unchained stands out in the crowded memecoin market by presenting itself as an advanced version of the original Pepe project. This token functions as a Layer 2 solution on the Ethereum Network, aiming to improve transaction efficiency with faster speeds and lower costs.

Pepe Unchained 透過將自己定位為原始 Pepe 項目的高級版本,在擁擠的 memecoin 市場中脫穎而出。該代幣充當以太坊網路上的第 2 層解決方案,旨在以更快的速度和更低的成本提高交易效率。

Unique in its approach, it is the first Pepe-themed token to create its blockchain infrastructure. The project's narrative portrays Pepe breaking free from the limitations of traditional Layer 1 constraints. Thus, this emphasizes a technological evolution designed to appeal to investors seeking innovation and efficiency in crypto.

它的方法獨特,是第一個創建區塊鏈基礎設施的以 Pepe 為主題的代幣。該項目的敘述描繪了 Pepe 擺脫了傳統 Layer 1 約束的限制。因此,這強調了旨在吸引尋求加密貨幣創新和效率的投資者的技術演進。

Moreover, the distribution of Pepe Unchained's 8 billion PEPU tokens reflects a carefully planned roadmap for sustainable growth. Notably, 20% of the tokens are allocated for presale and another 20% for marketing, prioritizing initial momentum and investor engagement.

此外,Pepe Unchained 的 80 億個 PEPU 代幣的分配反映了精心規劃的可持續成長路線圖。值得注意的是,20% 的代幣用於預售,另外 20% 用於行銷,優先考慮初始動力和投資者參與。

Furthermore, 10% is allocated to liquidity, project finance, and chain operations to ensure stability and trading liquidity. A significant 30% is reserved for staking, highlighting the project's focus on encouraging long-term investor participation.

此外,10%分配給流動性、專案融資和連鎖運營,以確保穩定性和交易流動性。其中 30% 預留用於質押,凸顯此專案著重鼓勵長期投資者參與。

The staking feature offers an impressive APY of 2535%, attracting investors interested in passive income.

質押功能提供高達 2535% 的年化年利率,吸引了對被動收入感興趣的投資者。

Early presale results indicate strong demand, with PEPU tokens priced at $0.0080641 each, suggesting both affordability and growth potential. So far, the presale has raised $815,134, with 2 days left until the next price increase. Investors can purchase PEPU tokens using ETH, USDT, or BNB, although staking returns are available only for ETH and USDT transactions.

早期預售結果顯示需求強勁,PEPU 代幣的價格為每個 0.0080641 美元,這表明了其承受能力和成長潛力。截至目前,預售已籌集 815,134 美元,距離下次漲價還有 2 天。投資者可以使用 ETH、USDT 或 BNB 購買 PEPU 代幣,但質押收益僅適用於 ETH 和 USDT 交易。

Including bank cards as a payment method also enhances accessibility for potential investors. Pepe Unchained's roadmap outlines incremental growth stages post-presale, anticipating value appreciation as milestones are reached. Overall, Pepe Unchained presents a compelling case for those interested in the memecoin market, combining innovative technology with strategic planning to attract diverse investors.

將銀行卡作為支付方式也增強了潛在投資者的可及性。 Pepe Unchained 的路線圖概述了預售後的增量成長階段,預計隨著里程碑的實現,價值將會升值。總體而言,Pepe Unchained 為那些對 memecoin 市場感興趣的人提供了一個令人信服的案例,將創新技術與策略規劃相結合,以吸引不同的投資者。

4. 20EX (20EX)


20Ex presents a comprehensive blockchain ecosystem encompassing a LaunchPad, cross-chain bridges, Layer2 solutions, and a multi-chain exchange. It supports BRC20 and RUNE tokens, emphasizing security and decentralization through UTXO-mode bridges for asset migration.

20Ex 提供了一個全面的區塊鏈生態系統,包括 LaunchPad、跨鏈橋、Layer2 解決方案和多鏈交易所。它支援BRC20和RUNE代幣,強調透過UTXO模式橋進行資產遷移的安全性和去中心化。

The Layer2 technology addresses data silos inherent in Bitcoin transactions, integrating UTXO mapping into 20Ex's architecture via its Cell model. This approach enables off-chain validation and resolves data fragmentation issues within BTC transactions.

Layer2 技術解決了比特幣交易中固有的資料孤島問題,透過 Cell 模型將 UTXO 映射整合到 20Ex 的架構中。這種方法可以實現鏈下驗證並解決 BTC 交易中的資料碎片問題。

Regarding infrastructure, 20Ex is developing a multi-chain exchange to facilitate seamless trading across major blockchain networks like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Polkadot. The exchange will feature robust account systems, wallets, and identity verification protocols supported by order-matching engines. Security audits and performance tests are integral to ensuring a secure trading environment.

在基礎設施方面,20Ex 正在開發多鏈交易所,以促進比特幣、以太坊和波卡等主要區塊鏈網路之間的無縫交易。該交易所將擁有強大的帳戶系統、錢包和由訂單匹配引擎支援的身份驗證協議。安全審計和效能測試對於確保安全的交易環境至關重要。

The ecosystem's LaunchPad offers two primary modes: "Firay Lunch" and IDO, supporting different token issuance models to foster community engagement and liquidity. Additionally, the UTXO-mode Cross-chain Bridge enhances asset security during cross-chain transfers, differing from traditional staking models by maintaining decentralization.

該生態系統的 LaunchPad 提供兩種主要模式:「Firay Lunch」和 IDO,支援不同的代幣發行模式,以促進社區參與和流動性。此外,UTXO模式的跨鏈橋透過保持去中心化來增強跨鏈轉移過程中的資產安全性,這與傳統的Stake模型不同。

In recent partnerships, 20Ex has collaborated with BitlayerLabs and Value Dex to enhance Bitcoin security and trading experiences across decentralized exchanges. These partnerships aim to innovate within the Bitcoin ecosystem, leveraging Layer 2 solutions and expanding trading possibilities across Solana and EVM chains. Moreover, collaborations with RuneDukes, CoinHome, BERU Protocol, and TaprootChain highlight 20Ex's commitment to integrating diverse blockchain projects and technologies into its ecosystem.

在最近的合作中,20Ex 與 BitlayerLabs 和 Value Dex 合作,以增強去中心化交易所的比特幣安全性和交易體驗。這些合作夥伴關係旨在在比特幣生態系統內進行創新,利用 Layer 2 解決方案並擴大 Solana 和 EVM 鏈上的交易可能性。此外,與 RuneDukes、CoinHome、BERU Protocol 和 TaprootChain 的合作凸顯了 20Ex 將多樣化的區塊鏈項目和技術整合到其生態系統中的承諾。

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