首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 新加密貨幣今日發布、上市和預售 – Particle Trade、WELL3、NATIX Network

New Cryptocurrency Releases, Listings, & Presales Today – Particle Trade, WELL3, NATIX Network

新加密貨幣今日發布、上市和預售 – Particle Trade、WELL3、NATIX Network

發布: 2024/07/04 22:04 閱讀: 848

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


新加密貨幣今日發布、上市和預售 – Particle Trade、WELL3、NATIX Network

Cryptocurrency Market Update: Emerging Trends and Promising New Releases


The surge in "play-to-earn" projects has significantly expanded cryptocurrency accessibility. Recent project performances, such as Notcoin (NOT), have generated market enthusiasm, reflecting the growing momentum towards widespread cryptocurrency adoption. Additionally, the pilot launch of China's digital Yuan in Hong Kong signals an increasing acceptance of digital currencies.

「邊玩邊賺錢」計畫的激增顯著擴大了加密貨幣的可及性。 Notcoin(NOT)等近期項目的表現引發了市場熱情,反映出加密貨幣廣泛採用的勢頭不斷增強。此外,中國數位人民幣在香港試點推出標誌著人們對數位貨幣的接受度不斷提高。

To empower informed investment decisions, this article provides a comprehensive list of recent cryptocurrency releases, listings, and presales catering to enthusiastic investors.


New Cryptocurrency Releases, Listings, and Presales


Particle introduces an ecosystem of liquidity restaking protocols that facilitate permissionless leverage trading and interest rate swaps through LAMM. Notably, LAMM is the first protocol to list and trade any ERC20 token with leverage, similar to how Uniswap popularized Automated Market Makers (AMMs) for token trading.

Particle 引入了一個流動性重新抵押協議生態系統,透過 LAMM 促進無需許可的槓桿交易和利率掉期。值得注意的是,LAMM 是第一個透過槓桿列出和交易任何 ERC20 代幣的協議,類似於 Uniswap 推廣自動做市商 (AMM) 進行代幣交易的方式。

NATIX Network's innovative AI technology transforms cameras into smart, privacy-compliant devices. This technology has been successfully implemented at organizations like E.ON, the City of the Hague, and Deutsche Telekom, effectively addressing privacy concerns associated with camera usage.

NATIX Network 的創新人工智慧技術將攝影機轉變為智慧、符合隱私要求的設備。該技術已在 E.ON、海牙市和德國電信等組織成功實施,有效解決了與攝影機使用相關的隱私問題。

WELL3 harnesses blockchain technology in the wellness sector to enhance health data management. The project leverages a Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network (DePIN) and Decentralized Identity (DID) systems to provide users with benefits such as platform governance, airdrop rewards, and secure data processing supported by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

WELL3 利用健康領域的區塊鏈技術來增強健康資料管理。該專案利用去中心化實體基礎設施網路 (DePIN) 和去中心化身分識別 (DID) 系統,為用戶提供亞馬遜網路服務 (AWS) 支援的平台治理、空投獎勵和安全資料處理等優勢。

Promising Projects


Particle Trade (PTC)

粒子貿易 (PTC)

Particle enables traders to long or short any token with leverage, provided sufficient liquidity exists. The maximum leverage depends on the concentration of supplied liquidity. The user-friendly trading interface resembles a simplified perpetual contract UI.


LAMM operates without price oracles, eliminating the risk of price oracle manipulation and price-based liquidations. Instead, it employs a premium model similar to fixed-term borrowing, minimizing the risk of involuntary liquidations.

LAMM 在沒有價格預言機的情況下運行,消除了價格預言機操縱和基於價格的清算的風險。相反,它採用類似於定期借款的溢價模式,最大限度地降低非自願清算的風險。

Particle has formed strategic partnerships with entities such as Flooring Protocol, ParaX ai, Yat Fantasy, and ThrusterFi, enhancing its offerings and expanding its reach in decentralized finance (DeFi).

Particle 已與 Flooring Protocol、ParaX ai、Yat Fantasy 和 ThrusterFi 等實體建立戰略合作夥伴關係,增強其產品並擴大其在去中心化金融 (DeFi) 領域的影響力。



NATIX aims to integrate its proprietary AI with 45 billion existing cameras worldwide, creating an extensive crowd-sourced camera network. Any camera can run the AI software to collect metadata in a privacy-compliant manner, contributing to a Decentralized Dynamic Map (DDMap).

NATIX 的目標是將其專有的人工智慧與全球 450 億個現有攝影機集成,創建一個廣泛的眾包攝影機網路。任何攝影機都可以運行人工智慧軟體,以符合隱私的方式收集元數據,從而形成去中心化動態地圖(DDMap)。

Camera owners earn cryptocurrency as their real-time data is monetized, supporting various applications and fostering a new geospatial data economy.


NATIX Network's flagship product, Drive&, is an AI-based driver assistant application that rewards users for capturing events during their drives, enhancing safety and engagement while providing financial incentives.

NATIX Network 的旗艦產品 Drive& 是一款基於人工智慧的駕駛員助理應用程序,它獎勵用戶在駕駛過程中捕捉事件,提高安全性和參與度,同時提供經濟誘因。



WELL3's platform integrates seamlessly with external infrastructures, extending its reach and compatibility with various blockchain platforms. The project has attracted nearly 1 million users and is backed by investors like Animoca Brands and Newman Group.

WELL3 的平台與外部基礎設施無縫集成,擴展了其與各種區塊鏈平台的覆蓋範圍和相容性。該項目吸引了近 100 萬用戶,並得到了 Animoca Brands 和 Newman Group 等投資者的支持。

Pepe Unchained ($PEPU)

解放的佩佩 ($PEPU)

Pepe Unchained operates as a Layer 2 solution on the Ethereum Network, aiming to enhance transaction efficiency and reduce costs. The project allocates 30% of its 8 billion PEPU tokens for staking, offering an attractive APY of 872%.

Pepe Unchained 作為以太坊網路上的第 2 層解決方案運行,旨在提高交易效率並降低成本。該項目將其 80 億個 PEPU 代幣中的 30% 用於質押,提供了 872% 的有吸引力的年化收益。

The presale has already raised over $2.1 million, indicating strong early demand. Pepe Unchained presents a promising proposition for investors in the memecoin market, combining advanced technology with strategic planning.

預售已籌集超過 210 萬美元,顯示早期需求強勁。 Pepe Unchained 將先進技術與策略規劃相結合,為 memecoin 市場的投資者提供了一個充滿希望的主張。

Recent Cryptocurrency Listings


  • Particle Trade (PTC) on Uniswap
  • NATIX Network (NATIX) on KuCoin, Gate.io, MEXC, CoinList, and Raydium Protocol
  • WELL3 ($WELL) on Bybit, Bitget, and Uniswap

Uniswap 上的粒子交易 (PTC) KuCoin、Gate.io、MEXC、CoinList 和 Raydium 上的 NATIX 網路 (NATIX) Bybit、Bitget 和 Uniswap 上的 WELL3 ($WELL)


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