首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 今天新的加密貨幣發布、上市和預售 – Renzo Restaked LST、EgonCoin、Pepe Unchained

New Cryptocurrency Releases, Listings, & Presales Today – Renzo Restaked LST, EgonCoin, Pepe Unchained

今天新的加密貨幣發布、上市和預售 – Renzo Restaked LST、EgonCoin、Pepe Unchained

發布: 2024/07/12 15:04 閱讀: 347

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


今天新的加密貨幣發布、上市和預售 – Renzo Restaked LST、EgonCoin、Pepe Unchained

New Cryptocurrency Releases, Listings, and Presales


Discussions surrounding cryptocurrencies have been a central topic of November's forthcoming US presidential elections. President Joe Biden and Republican candidate Donald Trump have also shown interest in the topic, indicating that digital assets might receive a favorable stance with the next administration.

圍繞加密貨幣的討論一直是 11 月即將舉行的美國總統選舉的中心話題。總統喬·拜登和共和黨候選人唐納德·川普也對此話題表現出了興趣,這表明數位資產可能會受到下一屆政府的青睞。

In other news, the cryptocurrency market witnessed mixed performance during the most recent intraday session. While Bitcoin dipped slightly, the US spot ETF market experienced positive inflows for the fourth consecutive session. Meanwhile, low-capped tokens, including new cryptocurrency launches, listings, and presales today, attracted investor attention. InsideBitcoins has compiled a list of these newly launched tokens, updating investors with current market information.

其他消息方面,加密貨幣市場在最近的盤中表現好壞參半。儘管比特幣小幅下跌,但美國現貨 ETF 市場連續第四個交易日出現資金流入。同時,低上限代幣,包括今天新的加密貨幣的發布、上市和預售,吸引了投資者的注意。 InsideBitcoins 編制了這些新推出的代幣的列表,為投資者提供最新的市場資訊。

New Cryptocurrency Releases, Listings, and Presales Today


1. Renzo Restaked LST (PZETH)

1. Renzo 重新啟動 LST (PZETH)

Renzo Protocol is a strategy manager and liquid restaking token provider for EigenLayer and Symbiotic. Its primary tokens, $ezETH and $pzETH, are designed to secure Actively Validated Services (AVSs) through restaking, offering higher returns than traditional ETH staking.

Renzo Protocol 是 EigenLayer 和 Symbiotic 的策略管理器和流動性重新抵押代幣提供者。其主要代幣 $ezETH 和 $pzETH 旨在透過重新質押來保護主動驗證服務 (AVS),從而提供比傳統 ETH 質押更高的回報。

Renzo Protocol simplifies the complexities associated with staking for end-users. It eliminates the need to manage node operations, optimize strategies, or interact with on-chain smart contracts. This user-friendly approach promotes permissionless innovation on Ethereum and aims to build trust within the ecosystem. Consequently, Renzo encourages the adoption of technologies like EigenLayer and Symbiotic.

Renzo 協議簡化了最終用戶質押相關的複雜性。它消除了管理節點操作、最佳化策略或與鏈上智慧合約互動的需求。這種用戶友好的方法促進了以太坊上的無許可創新,旨在在生態系統內建立信任。因此,Renzo 鼓勵採用 EigenLayer 和 Symbiotic 等技術。

Renzo's product offerings include the Restake feature, launched in beta on December 18, 2023. This application allows users to deposit native ETH, wBETH, or stETH to access EigenLayer Restaked points. The platform operates a distributed Ethereum validator infrastructure powered by Figment, P2P.org, and Luganodes, thus facilitating unrestricted participation on EigenLayer.

Renzo 的產品包括 Retake 功能,該功能於 2023 年 12 月 18 日推出測試版。該平台運行由 Figment、P2P.org 和 Luganodes 提供支援的分散式以太坊驗證器基礎設施,從而促進 EigenLayer 不受限制的參與。

Moreover, the withdrawal feature enables users to claim their underlying collateral in exchange for ezETH. This process is managed by the WithdrawQueue contract, which includes two main configurable parameters. Renzo does not cap ETH deposits on EigenLayer, accepting native ETH and LSTs (stETH and wbETH) backed by one LRT (ezETH).

此外,提款功能使用戶能夠索取其基礎抵押品以換取 ezETH。此流程由 WithdrawQueue 合約管理,其中包括兩個主要的可設定參數。 Renzo 不限制 EigenLayer 上的 ETH 存款,接受由一種 LRT (ezETH) 支持的原生 ETH 和 LST(stETH 和 wbETH)。

Renzo has established key partnerships to enhance its services. The collaboration with Figment_io on EigenLayer aims to secure AVSs and promote greater adoption. This partnership grants Renzo users access to Figment's industry-leading node operations.

Renzo 建立了重要的合作關係來增強其服務。與 Figment_io 在 EigenLayer 上的合作旨在確保 AVS 的安全並促進更廣泛的採用。此次合作使 Renzo 用戶能夠存取 Figment 業界領先的節點營運。

In addition, Renzo's partnership with Connext makes $ezETH widely supported across eight chains, facilitating easy and low-fee movement of $ezETH across ecosystems. This collaboration includes the Restake from Anywhere feature on Arbitrum, which offers one-click restaking, near-zero fees, and TVL retention within Arbitrum.

此外,Renzo 與 Connext 的合作使 $ezETH 在八個鏈上得到廣泛支持,促進 $ezETH 在生態系統中輕鬆且低費用的流動。此次合作包括 Arbitrum 上的「隨處重註」功能,可在 Arbitrum 內提供一鍵重註、接近零費用和 TVL 保留功能。

Furthermore, Renzo collaborates with Gauntlet_xyz and MorphoLabs to introduce the “ezETH only” LRT MetaMorpho vault, the Gauntlet LRT Core (gtLRT). Other notable partnerships include collaborations with Wormhole Crypto, Halborn Security, Biconomy, Balancer, SommFinance, and SevenSeas, with more in the pipeline.

此外,Renzo 與 Gauntlet_xyz 和 MorphoLabs 合作推出了「僅限 ezETH」的 LRT MetaMorpho 保險庫,即 Gauntlet LRT Core (gtLRT)。其他值得注意的合作夥伴包括與 Wormhole Crypto、Halborn Security、Biconomy、Balancer、SommFinance 和 SevenSeas 的合作,還有更多合作正在進行中。

In conclusion, Renzo Protocol presents a comprehensive solution for users seeking to simplify the process of ETH staking and restaking. Its strategic partnerships and user-friendly approach position it as a significant player in the Ethereum staking ecosystem, promoting innovation and adoption across various platforms.

總而言之,Renzo Protocol 為尋求簡化 ETH 質押和重新質押流程的使用者提供了一個全面的解決方案。其策略性合作夥伴關係和用戶友好的方法使其成為以太坊質押生態系統中的重要參與者,促進各個平台的創新和採用。

2. Pepe Unchained ($PEPU)

2. 被解放的佩佩 ($PEPU)

Pepe Unchained, an advanced iteration of the original Pepe project, has been making waves since its introduction into the digital asset market, surpassing the 3.2 million mark in its ongoing presale. The cryptocurrency operates as a Layer 2 solution on the Ethereum Network, promising enhanced transaction efficiency through faster speeds and reduced costs.

Pepe Unchained 是原始 Pepe 專案的高級版本,自引入數位資產市場以來一直掀起波瀾,目前預售數量已突破 320 萬大關。該加密貨幣作為以太坊網路上的第 2 層解決方案運行,承諾透過更快的速度和降低的成本來提高交易效率。

The project departs from traditional Layer 1 constraints, aiming to evolve Pepe into a more technologically robust entity. This narrative appeals to investors seeking innovation and improved crypto operational efficiency.

該計畫擺脫了傳統的 Layer 1 限制,旨在將 Pepe 發展成為一個技術更強大的實體。這種敘述吸引了尋求創新和提高加密貨幣營運效率的投資者。

The distribution of Pepe Unchained's 8 billion PEPU tokens is strategically planned for sustainable growth. Notably, 20% are earmarked for presale and another 20% for marketing, prioritizing initial momentum and investor engagement. Additionally, 10% is allocated to liquidity, project finance, and chain operations to ensure stability and trading liquidity. A substantial 30% is reserved for staking, emphasizing long-term investor participation.

Pepe Unchained 的 80 億個 PEPU 代幣的分配是為了永續成長而進行的策略規劃。值得注意的是,20% 指定用於預售,另外 20% 用於行銷,優先考慮初始動力和投資者參與。此外,10%分配給流動性、專案融資和連鎖運營,以確保穩定性和交易流動性。其中 30% 預留給質押,強調投資者的長期參與。

A notable feature is the staking option, offering an attractive APY of 585%, appealing to investors interested in passive income opportunities. Early presale results have been promising, with PEPU tokens priced at $0.008359 each, indicating affordability and potential for growth.

一個顯著的特點是質押選項,提供極具吸引力的 585% 的年化收益率,吸引對被動收入機會感興趣的投資者。早期的預售結果非常樂觀,PEPU 代幣的價格為每個 0.008359 美元,顯示了其可承受性和成長潛力。

Investors can purchase PEPU tokens using ETH, USDT, or BNB, with staking rewards available exclusively for ETH and USDT transactions. Including bank cards as a payment method enhances accessibility for potential investors.

投資者可以使用 ETH、USDT 或 BNB 購買 PEPU 代幣,並僅針對 ETH 和 USDT 交易獲得質押獎勵。將銀行卡作為支付方式可以提高潛在投資者的可及性。

Pepe Unchained's roadmap outlines incremental growth stages post-presale, anticipating value appreciation as milestones are achieved. Overall, Pepe Unchained offers a compelling proposition in the memecoin market, leveraging technological innovation and strategic planning to attract diverse investors.

Pepe Unchained 的路線圖概述了預售後的增量成長階段,預計隨著里程碑的實現,價值將會升值。總體而言,Pepe Unchained 在迷因幣市場上提供了令人信服的主張,利用技術創新和策略規劃來吸引多元化投資者。

3. EgonCoin (EGON)

3. 億康幣(EGON)

EgonCoin is a blockchain platform integrating various decentralized applications (dApps) and services into a unified ecosystem. The platform addresses prevalent blockchain issues, such as scalability, speed, and cost-effectiveness.

EgonCoin 是一個將各種去中心化應用程式(dApp)和服務整合到統一生態系統中的區塊鏈平台。該平台解決了普遍存在的區塊鏈問題,例如可擴展性、速度和成本效益。

Operating on its proprietary blockchain, EGONCHAIN, EgonCoin uses the Elevated Proof of Stake (EPoS) consensus mechanism. This mechanism improves security and transaction speeds while lowering associated costs. Furthermore, EPoS seeks to democratize the mining process, enabling a broader range of participants to contribute to network security and consensus.

EgonCoin 在其專有區塊鏈 EGONCHAIN 上運行,使用提升股權證明 (EPoS) 共識機制。這種機制提高了安全性和交易速度,同時也降低了相關成本。此外,EPoS 致力於使挖礦過程民主化,使更廣泛的參與者能夠為網路安全和共識做出貢獻。

A key advantage of cryptocurrencies is the ability to make peer-to-peer payments without third-party involvement. EgonCoin enhances this by offering faster, more secure, and cost-effective P2P transactions. This positions it as a competitive alternative in the crypto space.

加密貨幣的一個主要優勢是能夠在沒有第三方參與的情況下進行點對點支付。 EgonCoin 透過提供更快、更安全和更具成本效益的 P2P 交易來增強這一點。這使其成為加密貨幣領域的一個有競爭力的替代方案。

Additionally, EgonCoin functions as a utility coin on the Egon Exchange platform. Like Binance Coin (BNB) on Binance, it acts as a medium of exchange. It also provides users various benefits and discounts when used for fee payments on the platform. The discount rate depends on the user's activity level on the exchange. Moreover, EgonCoin holders can access exclusive events, promotions, and other perks. These benefits enhance the coin's value and foster a sense of community.

此外,EgonCoin 在 Egon Exchange 平台上充當實用硬幣。就像幣安上的幣安幣(BNB)一樣,它充當交換媒介。它還為用戶在平台上繳費時提供各種優惠和折扣。折扣率取決於用戶在交易所的活躍程度。此外,EgonCoin 持有者可以獲得獨家活動、促銷和其他福利。這些好處提高了硬幣的價值並培養了社區意識。

EgonCoin has formed strategic partnerships to strengthen its ecosystem. The collaboration with CoinLiquidity, a leading crypto market-making service provider, leverages advanced trading algorithms and extensive liquidity connections. This partnership offers comprehensive CEX solutions, enhancing listings and overall service quality.

EgonCoin 已建立策略合作夥伴關係以加強其生態系統。與領先的加密貨幣做市服務提供商 CoinLiquidity 的合作利用了先進的交易演算法和廣泛的流動性連接。此次合作提供全面的 CEX 解決方案,提高清單和整體服務品質。

The collaboration with Catapult Protocol, a bridge/swap platform created using the EgonCoin Blockchain, plans to launch its token on the EgonCoin Blockchain. This expands the platform's reach and utility. Following a recent blockchain upgrade, EgonCoin has integrated with Coinstore. This integration ensures that all EGON coin holders on Coinstore receive a 1:1 redistribution of their holdings in line with the updated system.

與使用 EgonCoin 區塊鏈創建的橋樑/交換平台 Catapult Protocol 合作,計劃在 EgonCoin 區塊鏈上推出其代幣。這擴大了平台的覆蓋範圍和實用性。在最近的區塊鏈升級之後,EgonCoin 已與 Coinstore 整合。這種整合確保 Coinstore 上的所有 EGON 代幣持有者都能根據更新的系統獲得 1:1 的重新分配。

EgonCoin is a versatile blockchain platform focusing on scalability, speed, and cost-effectiveness. Its unique features and strategic partnerships position it as a potential player in the evolving cryptocurrency landscape.

EgonCoin 是一個多功能區塊鏈平台,專注於可擴展性、速度和成本效益。其獨特的功能和策略合作夥伴關係使其成為不斷發展的加密貨幣領域的潛在參與者。


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