首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 新加密貨幣今日發布、上市和預售 – ZKX、Azuro Protocol、UDAO

New Cryptocurrency Releases, Listings, & Presales Today – ZKX, Azuro Protocol, UDAO

新加密貨幣今日發布、上市和預售 – ZKX、Azuro Protocol、UDAO

發布: 2024/06/22 03:02 閱讀: 973

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


Emerging Cryptocurrencies: Recent Releases, Listings, and Presales


Cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, are gaining traction as alternatives to the weakening USD in global finance. This sentiment, along with the upcoming Ether spot ETF trade in July, has fueled interest in digital assets. Investors are seeking accessible market entry points amid the increasing hype and institutional adoption.

加密貨幣,尤其是比特幣,作為全球金融中美元疲軟的替代品而受到越來越多的關注。這種情緒,加上 7 月即將進行的以太幣現貨 ETF 交易,激發了人們對數位資產的興趣。隨著炒作和機構採用的不斷增加,投資者正在尋找可進入的市場切入點。

In response, new cryptocurrency releases, listings, and presales are emerging. This article highlights notable tokens that fit these criteria, exploring their unique features, utilities, and market prospects.


New Cryptocurrencies Released, Listed, and Offered for Presale


1. ZKX (ZKX)


ZKX is pioneering the integration of social elements in trading through PVP battles and competitions for perpetual futures. Leveraging its appchain, ZKX combines the efficiency of centralized exchanges with the self-custody and trust of DeFi. This approach offers exceptional scalability and high-speed APIs. ZKX currently operates on Ethereum and Starknet, aiming to seamlessly blend SocialFi and DeFi.

ZKX透過PVP對戰和永續合約競賽,開創性地將社交元素融入交易中。 ZKX利用其應用鏈,將中心化交易所的效率與DeFi的自我託管和信任結合起來。這種方法提供了卓越的可擴展性和高速 API。 ZKX 目前在以太坊和 Starknet 上運行,旨在無縫融合 SocialFi 和 DeFi。

The $ZKX token plays a pivotal role in the platform's ecosystem. Users can stake their tokens in time-locked pools, with staking duration and amount determining their voting power within the ZKX DAO. This mechanism also shares protocol revenue with stakers, encouraging long-term token holding. Longer staking periods result in higher revenue shares.

$ZKX 代幣在平台生態系統中發揮關鍵作用。用戶可以將其代幣質押到時間鎖定池中,質押期限和金額決定他們在 ZKX DAO 中的投票權。該機制還與利害關係人分享協議收入,鼓勵長期持有代幣。更長的質押期會帶來更高的收益分成。

ZKX has established strategic partnerships to enhance its platform. For instance, the DegenScore partnership grants Bekanz users three-day access to the closed testnet, along with rewards such as Shateigashira NFTs, OG1 role, and future $ZKX tokens.

ZKX 已建立策略合作夥伴關係以增強其平台。例如,DegenScore 合作夥伴關係向 Bekanz 用戶授予封閉測試網三天的存取權限,以及諸如 Shateigashira NFT、OG1 角色和未來的 $ZKX 代幣等獎勵。

The $ZKX token recently launched on KuCoin, Gate.io, and Bitget.

$ZKX 代幣最近在 KuCoin、Gate.io 和 Bitget 上推出。

2. Azuro Protocol (AZUR)


Azuro Protocol provides comprehensive tooling, oracle, and liquidity solutions for applications and EVM chains. It empowers developers to engage and monetize audiences through prediction apps and games, boosting user acquisition and retention.

Azuro Protocol 為應用程式和 EVM 鏈提供全面的工具、預言機和流動性解決方案。它使開發人員能夠透過預測應用程式和遊戲吸引受眾並從中獲利,從而提高用戶獲取和保留率。

Partnering with Azuro, developers can create a robust ecosystem of prediction apps on their chains, utilizing Azuro's advanced oracle and liquidity offerings. Azuro offers detailed insights into its architectural framework, aiding developers in understanding its capabilities.

與 Azuro 合作,開發人員可以利用 Azuro 先進的預言機和流動性產品,在其鏈上創建強大的預測應用程式生態系統。 Azuro 提供了對其架構框架的詳細見解,幫助開發人員了解其功能。

Azuro has forged strategic alliances to expand its services and reach. Notable collaborations include Chiliz, renowned for its blockchain-based fan engagement solutions in sports, and Sophon, which aims to advance on-chain entertainment through zkSync Hyperchain.

Azuro 建立了策略聯盟來擴大其服務和覆蓋範圍。值得注意的合作包括 Chiliz(以其基於區塊鏈的體育粉絲參與解決方案而聞名)和 Sophon(旨在透過 zkSync Hyperchain 推進鏈上娛樂)。

Azuro has also implemented significant upgrades to its subgraphs on Polygon and Gnosis Chain, migrating them to the Graph Protocol's Decentralized Network. This move enhances security, verifiability, reliability, and data handling performance.

Azuro 也對 Polygon 和 Gnosis Chain 上的子圖進行了重大升級,將它們遷移到圖協議的去中心化網路。此舉增強了安全性、可驗證性、可靠性和資料處理效能。



UDAO is a Web3 platform designed to assist individuals in acquiring job-relevant skills and securing employment. It aims to accelerate career advancement by offering personalized learning journeys, serving as a cost-effective alternative to traditional education. UDAO utilizes skill-based assessments to identify gaps and leverages AI to tailor learning experiences.

UDAO 是一個 Web3 平台,旨在幫助個人獲得與工作相關的技能並確保就業。它旨在透過提供個人化的學習旅程來加速職業發展,作為傳統教育的一種經濟高效的替代方案。 UDAO 利用基於技能的評估來識別差距,並利用人工智慧來客製化學習體驗。

Beyond education, UDAO connects users with companies based on their skills and guides them through the hiring process. Employers can efficiently find suitable candidates through the platform's AI services.

除了教育之外,UDAO 還根據用戶的技能將用戶與公司聯繫起來,並指導他們完成招聘流程。雇主可以透過平台的人工智慧服務有效率地找到合適的候選人。

A key feature of UDAO is the UDAO Token, an integral hybrid digital asset in the platform's ecosystem. It serves multiple functions, including governance, utility, and rewards, fostering a collaborative community.

UDAO 的一個關鍵特徵是 UDAO 代幣,它是平台生態系統中不可或缺的混合數位資產。它具有多種功能,包括治理、效用和獎勵,培育協作社群。

UDAO has formed strategic partnerships to enhance its offerings, including Athlerse (a Web3 fitness app), industry leaders Udemy and IBM, and Edu3Labs (another Web3 Edtech project).

UDAO 已建立策略合作夥伴關係來增強其產品,包括 Athlerse(Web3 健身應用程式)、產業領導者 Udemy 和 IBM 以及 Edu3Labs(另一個 Web3 Edtech 專案)。

The UDAO token is listed on Gate.io, MEXC, and Coingecko. It currently trades at $0.393, with a 0.64% increase over the past 24 hours.

UDAO 代幣已在 Gate.io、MEXC 和 Coingecko 上市。目前交易價格為 0.393 美元,過去 24 小時上漲 0.64%。

4. Pepe Unchained (PEPU)

4. 被解放的佩佩 (PEPU)

Pepe Unchained distinguishes itself within the competitive memecoin landscape by positioning it as an evolved iteration of the original Pepe project. It operates as a Layer 2 Solution atop the Ethereum Network, aimed at enhancing transaction efficiency compared to its predecessor, leveraging faster speeds and lower costs. This initiative is the first Pepe-themed token to establish its blockchain infrastructure.**

Pepe Unchained 透過將其定位為原始 Pepe 專案的進化迭代,在競爭激烈的 memecoin 領域中脫穎而出。它作為以太坊網路之上的第 2 層解決方案運行,旨在比其前身提高交易效率,利用更快的速度和更低的成本。該計劃是第一個建立區塊鏈基礎設施的以 Pepe 為主題的代幣。 ** ** **

The project's narrative portrays Pepe as a figure seeking liberation from conventional limitations, symbolized by breaking away from outdated Layer 1 constraints. This thematic backdrop underscores its technological approach and ambition to attract investors seeking novelty and efficiency in the cryptocurrency market.


Pepe Unchained's strategic allocation of its 8 billion PEPU tokens reflects a structured roadmap designed to foster sustainable growth. With significant portions dedicated to presale (20%) and marketing (20%), initial momentum and investor engagement are prioritized. Liquidity, project finance, and chain operations receive 10%, ensuring operational stability and trading liquidity. Notably, a substantial 30% allocation towards staking emphasizes the project's commitment to incentivizing long-term investor participation.

Pepe Unchained 對 80 億個 PEPU 代幣的策略分配反映了旨在促進永續成長的結構化路線圖。其中很大一部分用於預售(20%)和行銷(20%),優先考慮初始動力和投資者參與。流動性、專案融資、連鎖經營獲得10%,確保營運穩定性及交易流動性。值得注意的是,30% 的大量分配用於質押,強調了該項目對激勵長期投資者參與的承諾。

The project's staking feature, offering an APY of 17600%, has garnered attention from investors interested in passive income opportunities. Early indications from the presale phase have shown promising demand, with PEPU tokens available at a presale price of $0.008 each, underscoring initial affordability and growth potential. Meanwhile, the PEPU's presale phase has realized $233,677 in funds, signifying investment interest.

該專案的質押功能,提供17600%的APY,吸引了對被動收入機會感興趣的投資者的注意。預售階段的早期跡象表明需求前景樂觀,PEPU 代幣的預售價格為每枚 0.008 美元,凸顯了初始的承受能力和成長潛力。同時,PEPU 的預售階段已實現 233,677 美元的資金,顯示投資興趣。

Investment options include purchasing PEPU tokens using ETH, USDT, or BNB, although staking returns are limited to ETH and USDT transactions. Moreover, flexibility in payment methods, including bank cards, enhances accessibility for potential investors. Lastly, Pepe Unchained's strategic roadmap outlines incremental growth stages following the presale, anticipating value appreciation as milestones are achieved. 

投資選項包括使用 ETH、USDT 或 BNB 購買 PEPU 代幣,但質押回報僅限於 ETH 和 USDT 交易。此外,包括銀行卡在內的支付方式的靈活性增強了潛在投資者的可及性。最後,Pepe Unchained 的策略路線圖概述了預售後的增量成長階段,預計隨著里程碑的實現,價值將會升值。 

Visit Pepe Unchained Presale

造訪 Pepe Unchained 預售

New Cryptocurrency Listings



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