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The Cryptocurrency Rollercoaster: Where Will Bitcoin, Ethereum, and XRP Go From Here?


發布: 2023/09/26 10:38 閱讀: 557

原文作者:BTC Peers



The cryptocurrency market has been on a wild ride in recent weeks, with major coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and XRP seeing major price swings. This past week proved no different, with more volatility that has crypto investors on the edge of their seats. What lies ahead, and can any sense be made of the erratic price movements? This vital news may provide some key insights.

最近幾週,加密貨幣市場一直處於瘋狂狀態,比特幣、以太幣和 XRP 等主要貨幣的價格大幅波動。事實證明,過去的一週也不例外,波動性加大,讓加密貨幣投資人坐立難安。未來會發生什麼事?對不穩定的價格走勢有何意義?這一重要新聞可能會提供一些關鍵見解。

The cryptocurrency rollercoaster took investors through stomach-churning twists and turns again this past week. Bitcoin trended upward early on but then reversed course. Ethereum and XRP also experienced whipsaw-like volatility. While crypto enthusiasts thrill at the sector's wild undulations, the question remains: where are prices heading in the coming week? Understanding the key support and resistance levels for these major cryptos provides guidance during this unpredictable ride.

過去一周,加密貨幣的過山車再次讓投資者經歷了令人反胃的曲折。比特幣早期呈上升趨勢,但隨後逆轉。以太坊和 XRP 也經歷了鋸齒狀的波動。儘管加密貨幣愛好者對該行業的劇烈波動感到興奮,但問題仍然存在:未來一周價格將走向何方?了解這些主要加密貨幣的關鍵支撐位和阻力位可以為這一不可預測的旅程提供指導。

In this article, we will break down the critical price levels to monitor for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and XRP in the week ahead. Opinions from experts provide perspective on the key factors impacting the embattled crypto sector. We will also present an argumentative statement on how decentralization and Bitcoin can aid in uncertain times like these. Predictions will be made about where prices may go from current levels. Parallels will be drawn to other boom and bust cycles throughout history. And most importantly, answers will be provided to critical questions crypto investors are asking during this period of intense uncertainty.

在本文中,我們將細分未來一週監控比特幣、以太幣和 XRP 的關鍵價格水準。專家的意見提供了對影響陷入困境的加密貨幣行業的關鍵因素的看法。我們也將就去中心化和比特幣如何在這樣的不確定時期提供幫助提出一個爭論性的聲明。將對價格從當前水準的走向進行預測。歷史上的其他繁榮和蕭條週期將有相似之處。最重要的是,加密貨幣投資者在這個高度不確定的時期提出的關鍵問題將得到答案。

News Update: Bitcoin Struggles to Maintain Upward Momentum


Bitcoin started the past week on an upbeat note, rising nearly 3% on Monday. This took the cryptocurrency back above its 50-day and 200-day moving averages in a sign of potential positive momentum building. However, the good times were short-lived. Bitcoin was rejected again at a key overhead resistance level that has been a persistent hurdle over the past few months. Prices subsequently reversed course on Thursday, erasing the earlier gains and finishing the week down around 2%.

比特幣上週開局樂觀,週一上漲近 3%。這使得加密貨幣回到了 50 日和 200 日移動均線上方,這是潛在積極勢頭正在增強的跡象。然而,美好時光是短暫的。比特幣再次在關鍵的上方阻力位被拒絕,這是過去幾個月一直存在的障礙。隨後價格在周四逆轉,抹去了早先的漲幅,本週收盤下跌約 2%。

Technical indicators have turned increasingly bearish amidst the failed breakout attempt. The "death cross" pattern has emerged again on Bitcoin price charts, with the 50-day moving average crossing below the 200-day. This is commonly viewed as a sign of a coin stuck in a downtrend. The MACD and RSI indicators also reflect building downside momentum at the moment.

由於突破嘗試失敗,技術指標變得越來越看跌。比特幣價格圖表上再次出現「死亡交叉」模式,50日移動平均線下穿200日移動平均線。這通常被視為代幣陷入下跌趨勢的跡象。 MACD 和 RSI 指標也反映出目前下行動能正在增強。

While the technical picture looks gloomy for Bitcoin in the near-term, some analysts say upcoming events could shift the tide. Notably, the SEC is expected to approve a spot Bitcoin ETF in October, which would be a major win for crypto and unlock significant new institutional investment. For now, the key resistance level to watch is around $27,000. Breaking above that decisively could signal the long-awaited trend reversal crypto investors yearn for.

雖然短期內比特幣的技術面看起來很黯淡,但一些分析師表示,即將發生的事件可能會扭轉局勢。值得注意的是,美國證券交易委員會預計將在 10 月批准現貨比特幣 ETF,這將是加密貨幣領域的重大勝利,並釋放重要的新機構投資。目前,值得關注的關鍵阻力位在 27,000 美元左右。果斷突破這一點可能標誌著加密貨幣投資者期待已久的趨勢逆轉。

Ethereum Fights to Maintain Footing Above $1,600

以太坊努力維持在 1,600 美元上方

As the second largest cryptocurrency, Ethereum often moves in sympathy with Bitcoin. But this past week saw Ethereum charting its own course. After gaining 33% on the year coming into last week, Ethereum slipped lower by around 2% week-over-week. The price is struggling to hold support above $1,600 currently.

作為第二大加密貨幣,以太坊的走勢常常與比特幣一致。但在過去的一周,以太坊制定了自己的路線。在上週上漲 33% 後,以太幣每週下跌約 2%。目前價格正努力維持在 1,600 美元上方的支撐位。

More concerning for Ethereum advocates is that the price has been forming a series of lower highs recently, reflecting declining upside momentum. The technicals look ominous, with two large red "engulfing" candlesticks last week reflecting strong selling pressure.


All eyes are on whether Ethereum can avoid breaking below $1,600 this coming week. If so, bulls may have a shot to regain control and mount a rally heading into October. But failure to hold at that level could open the floodgates and lead to a retest of 2022 lows near $1,000. The $2,000 level remains an important longer term target to flip back to support and confirm a new bull market.

所有的目光都集中在以太坊能否避免本週跌破 1,600 美元。如果是這樣,多頭可能有機會重新獲得控制權並在進入十月之前發起反彈。但如果未能守住這一水平,可能會打開閘門,並導致重新測試 2022 年接近 1,000 美元的低點。 $2,000 水準仍然是一個重要的長期目標,可以回升至支撐位並確認新的牛市。

XRP 在法律勝利後失去動力

XRP blitzed higher earlier this month after Ripple Labs secured a partial legal victory in its drawn-out battle with the SEC. The cryptocurrency shot up roughly 20% following the favorable ruling. But the excitement quickly faded, with XRP giving back almost all those gains over the past couple weeks.

在 Ripple Labs 在與 SEC 的曠日持久的鬥爭中取得部分法律勝利後,XRP 本月早些時候大幅走高。在有利的裁決之後,加密貨幣上漲了約 20%。但這種興奮很快就消退了,XRP 幾乎回吐了過去幾週的所有漲幅。

Technically, XRP looks vulnerable having fallen back below its key 200-day moving average. This "death cross" scenario reflects weakening upside momentum and tilt toward a bearish bias. XRP experienced a nearly 3% drop this past Thursday, giving back most of the gains earlier in the week.

從技術上講,XRP 看起來很脆弱,已經跌破了關鍵的 200 日移動均線。這種「死亡交叉」情景反映了上行動能減弱和看跌傾向的傾向。 XRP 上週四下跌近 3%,回吐了本週稍早的大部分漲幅。

The $0.50 level is the linchold for XRP currently. A decisive break below that risks opening up a drop toward $0.40. For now, bulls need the $0.50 support to hold firm this weekend, which potentially gives the cryptocurrency a platform to recover back above its 200-day moving average on any positive crypto sentiment next week.

目前 0.50 美元的水平是 XRP 的關鍵水平。若果斷跌破該水平,則有可能跌至 0.40 美元。目前,多頭需要 0.50 美元的支撐才能在本週末保持堅挺,這可能為加密貨幣提供一個平台,使其在下週出現任何積極的加密貨幣情緒時恢復到 200 天移動平均線之上。

A Neutral Perspective: Cautious Optimism Amidst Crypto Volatility


While the price action has been choppy in crypto markets lately, experienced investors know this is par for the course during periods of macro uncertainty. The Fed's aggressive rate hikes and recession fears hanging over markets are stiff headwinds facing both crypto and stocks currently.


That said, it is reasonable to expect the volatility to present money-making opportunities. The washout periods are often a time where fortunes are built by smart investors with a long-term perspective. Dollar-cost averaging into quality projects during bear markets has proven to be a winning strategy historically.


For speculators trading these markets, risk management is critical. The swift price swings provide chances to profit but also pose danger. Investors should size positions prudently, use stop losses, and avoid becoming over-leveraged during turbulent markets. Keeping a cool head and sticking to a sound trading plan is essential.


While more volatility likely lies ahead, the crypto bull market will eventually resume as macro conditions improve. Patience and prudence will be rewarded.


Bitcoin's Decentralization Can Aid During Periods of Uncertainty


The initial vision for Bitcoin was to create a decentralized digital currency that provides an alternative to fiat money controlled by central banks and governments. That ethos still holds true, and could potentially be beneficial during periods of economic distress.


Unlike traditional currencies, Bitcoin cannot be debased or devalued by any central authority. The supply dynamics are set in the code, with only 21 million BTC ever to be created through the transparent mining process. This provides significant advantages for individuals living in countries where rampant money printing has led to hyperinflation.

與傳統貨幣不同,比特幣不能被任何中央機構貶值或貶值。供應動態是在程式碼中設定的,透過透明的挖礦過程只能創造 2,100 萬個 BTC。這為生活在印鈔猖獗導致惡性通貨膨脹的國家的個人提供了顯著的優勢。

During times of geopolitical conflict, holding decentralized crypto assets rather than fiat currencies issued by governments provides diversification and can lower overall risk for investors. The borderless nature of cryptocurrencies allows funds to flow freely.


While Bitcoin faces plenty of challenges and criticisms, its core value proposition still resonates with many as a hard asset emerging as digital gold. This narrative is likely to continue driving crypto adoption higher over the long run.


Price Predictions - Turbulence Ahead but Upside Possible

價格預測 - 未來將出現動盪,但可能上漲

Given the tremendous volatility recently, it is exceptionally difficult to predict prices over the short run. Bitcoin and Ethereum could whipsaw wildly around current levels over the coming days and weeks. Clear chart technicals that can guide forecasting are notably absent.


That said, considering the profoundly oversold conditions that have emerged after a nearly year-long bear market, upside surprises are certainly feasible. If the U.S. avoids a deep recession, and inflation shows signs of moderating, crypto sentiment could improve swiftly.


In such a scenario, Bitcoin reclaiming the $27,000 resistance and making a run toward $30,000 is achievable in October. Ethereum could make headway back toward $2,000 if broader markets rally. Meanwhile XRP may try to retest overhead resistance around $0.70.

在這種情況下,比特幣預計在 10 月收復 27,000 美元阻力位並衝向 30,000 美元。如果更廣泛的市場反彈,以太坊可能會重返 2000 美元。同時,XRP 可能會嘗試重新測試 0.70 美元左右的上方阻力位。

The most prudent strategy likely involves holding positions now but waiting for confirmation of bottoming patterns before increasing exposure. The long journey back into bull territory won't happen overnight.


Historical Parallels Provide Perspective


While crypto investors feel like they are in uncharted waters, history provides many parallels to draw upon. The famous Dutch "Tulip Mania" in the 1600s exemplified a speculative bubble. More recently, the dot-com boom and bust cycle in the late 1990s provides another useful comparison.

雖然加密貨幣投資者感覺自己處於未知領域,但歷史提供了許多可供參考的相似之處。 1600年代著名的荷蘭「鬱金香狂熱」就是投機泡沫的典型例子。最近,20 世紀 90 年代末的網路泡沫週期提供了另一個有用的比較。

The key takeaway is that emerging technologies often ride a wave of speculative mania before more sober value assessments take hold. The innovation ultimately transforms economies and provides life-changing rewards to investors, but periodic booms and busts occur along the way.


Cryptocurrencies are following this arc now. The staggering rally in 2021 amidst exuberance around NFTs and the "Metaverse" was likely a peak bubble period. The subsequent bear market seems extreme but within the norm historically. Once prices stabilize and real-world utility drives sustainable adoption, the true potential can be realized.

加密貨幣現在正在遵循這個軌跡。 2021 年,在 NFT 和「元宇宙」的繁榮中,驚人的反彈可能是泡沫高峰期。隨後的熊市看似極端,但在歷史正常範圍內。一旦價格穩定並且現實世界的公用事業推動可持續採用,真正的潛力就可以實現。

Staying focused on the long-term blockchain innovations underway rather than short-term prices remains crucial. This too shall pass.


Key Question: Is Now the Time to Buy the Dip?


Many long-term crypto investors view the recent weakness as an opportunity to "buy the dip" and bolster positions in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other emerging cryptos. Indeed, buying during extreme pessimism has yielded enormous returns historically after the inevitable recovery.


But as John Maynard Keynes famously quipped, "Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent." Timing perfect bottoms is incredibly hard. Dollar-cost averaging over an extended period can mitigate timing risks. Any purchases should be in amounts that buyers are willing to hold through additional near-term volatility.

但正如約翰·梅納德·凱恩斯 (John Maynard Keynes) 的名言所說,“市場保持非理性的時間可能比你保持償付能力的時間還要長。”要把握完美底部的時機非常困難。較長時期的平均成本可以降低時機風險。任何購買的金額都應該是買家願意在額外的近期波動中持有的金額。

Rather than attempting to predict the bottom, a prudent strategy involves waiting for some concrete sign of a trend reversal. Most analysts are looking for a decisive break above the key resistance zone of $27,000 to $30,000 in Bitcoin as the likely catalyst to signal the start of the next bull run.

謹慎的策略不是試圖預測底部,而是等待趨勢逆轉的具體跡象。大多數分析師都在尋找比特幣突破 27,000 美元至 30,000 美元關鍵阻力區的決定性突破,作為下一輪牛市開始的可能催化劑。

Key Question: Which Altcoins Have Promise Once the Bear Subsides?


While Bitcoin and Ethereum dominate headlines, much of the jaw-dropping upside in crypto bull markets occurs in smaller altcoins. Finding the next Dogecoin or Solana - obscure projects that massively gain in value - is the quest that energizes many crypto investors.


But risky speculative bets come with the possibility of spectacular losses and scams. Sticking to reputable coins that solve real-world problems is safest. Analyzing developer activity, security audit results, and transparency around leadership teams is important.


Based on fundamentals, some consensus picks to consider once prices stabilize include Polygon, Chainlink, Polkadot, Cardano, and Algorand. But only risk money one can afford to lose, as altcoins carry maximum risk along with their life-changing reward potential.

根據基本面,一旦價格穩定,需要考慮的一些共識選擇包括 Polygon、Chainlink、Polkadot、Cardano 和 Algorand。但只有人們可以承受損失的風險資金,因為山寨幣具有最大的風險以及改變生活的潛在回報。

The coming weeks may still bring gut-wrenching volatility. But having a plan based on logic rather than emotion is how fortunes are built in times like these. The long-term outlook remains positive for those able to look past the current chaos and stay the course.



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