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Must-Have Cryptos to Get Before BTC ETF Approval

在 BTC ETF 批准之前必須擁有的加密貨幣

發布: 2023/12/09 14:31 閱讀: 271

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


在 BTC ETF 批准之前必須擁有的加密貨幣

Currently, a significant shift is underway in the cryptocurrency market: Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), Ripple (XRP), Polygon (MATIC) and ScapesMania are emerging as key players. This notable transition coincides with the market's anticipation of the Bitcoin ETF approval – an event that could potentially heighten cryptocurrencies' legitimacy as an investment class. Although Bitcoin's rally has temporarily halted, altcoins such as Ethereum and Solana underscore a burgeoning interest in alternative forms of digital currency by reaching new heights. This trend, a diversification in investor interest, indicates an exploration of other digital assets' potential beyond Bitcoin.

目前,加密貨幣市場正在發生重大轉變:以太坊(ETH)、狗狗幣(DOGE)、瑞波幣(XRP)、Polygon(MATIC)和ScapesMania正在成為主要參與者。這一顯著的轉變恰逢市場對比特幣 ETF 批准的預期——這一事件可能會提高加密貨幣作為投資類別的合法性。儘管比特幣的漲勢暫時停止,但以太坊和 Solana 等山寨幣達到了新的高度,凸顯了人們對替代形式數位貨幣的興趣日益濃厚。這種投資者興趣多元化的趨勢表明人們正在探索比特幣以外的其他數位資產的潛力。

Ride the Wave of Innovation with ScapesMania

與 ScapesMania 一起駕馭創新浪潮

While some are facing an uncertain future, the trajectory of a presale project is far easier to predict. ScapesMania (MANIA) is a well-balanced, meticulously designed project that acts as a gaming ecosystem. Through DAO governance, backers will be able to influence and benefit from a multi-billion-dollar industry. A wide range of features paired with the best technology, a professional team, and a long-term, highly ambitious vision can make ScapesMania the next big thing in crypto. Presale discounts and stage bonuses only add to the project's appeal.

雖然有些項目面臨不確定的未來,但預售項目的軌跡更容易預測。 ScapesMania (MANIA) 是一個平衡良好、精心設計的項目,可作為遊戲生態系統。透過 DAO 治理,支持者將能夠影響價值數十億美元的產業並從中受益。廣泛的功能與最好的技術、專業的團隊以及長期、雄心勃勃的願景相結合,可以使 ScapesMania 成為加密領域的下一個重大事件。預售折扣和階段獎金只會增加項目的吸引力。

Presale is Live Now – Join Now for a Chance to Benefit with MANIA

預售現已開始 – 立即加入,即有機會受益於 MANIA

Backed by an award-winning developer crew, ScapesMania stands for transparency: every member’s social media profile is public. The project can achieve this not just by bringing big innovation to the game, but by putting its community front and center. Driving customer engagement and making sure that everyone benefits through great tokenomics and generous rewards is what makes ScapesMania the project with a bright future ahead.

在屢獲殊榮的開發團隊的支持下,ScapesMania 代表著透明度:每個成員的社群媒體資料都是公開的。該項目不僅可以透過為遊戲帶來重大創新來實現這一目標,還可以透過將社區放在首位和中心來實現。推動客戶參與並確保每個人都透過出色的代幣經濟和豐厚的獎勵受益,這使得 ScapesMania 成為一個擁有光明未來的計畫。

Presale is Live, Learn More About Major Benefits


Ethereum (ETH): The Trailblazer of Smart Contracts


A dormant whale, possessing a significant stake in the crypto space's dominant player Ethereum (ETH), recently made an unprecedented move, transferring over $60 million of unrealized profits. This action, a reflection of burgeoning interest and movement within Ethereum's (ETH) ecosystem, is indeed noteworthy at graduate-level punctuation use.

一隻休眠鯨魚在加密貨幣領域的主導者以太坊 (ETH) 中擁有大量股份,最近做出了前所未有的舉動,轉移了超過 6000 萬美元的未實現利潤。這項行動反映了以太坊(ETH)生態系統內日益增長的興趣和運動,在研究生層級的標點符號使用中確實值得注意。

Ethereum (ETH) price has been fluctuating within a range of $1841-$2199, influenced by various market factors. The 10-day and 100-day moving averages stand at $2203 and $1793, respectively, providing insights into its short-term and long-term price trends.

受各種市場因素影響,以太坊(ETH)價格一直在1841-2199美元區間波動。 10日和100日移動平均線分別位於2,203美元和1,793美元,可以洞察其短期和長期價格趨勢。

Ethereum's (ETH) future appears promising yet uncertain when we consider the current market dynamics and technical indicators. Whales' potential price surge or increased volatility may result from their movement of large holdings. To determine Ethereum (ETH) price trajectory, we must critically analyze the support levels at $1272 and $1630, along with resistance levels at $2347 and $2705.

當我們考慮當前的市場動態和技術指標時,以太坊(ETH)的未來似乎充滿希望但不確定。鯨魚潛在的價格飆升或波動性增加可能是由於其大量持倉的變動造成的。為了確定以太坊(ETH)的價格軌跡,我們必須嚴格分析 1,272 美元和 1,630 美元的支撐位,以及 2,347 美元和 2,705 美元的阻力位。

Dogecoin (DOGE): The Meme Coin with Serious Potential


Recently, over $600 million in open futures have locked for Dogecoin (DOGE). The fact that this surge in interest coincides with an 8-month high price signifies a renewed market enthusiasm for Dogecoin (DOGE).

最近,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的未平倉期貨已鎖定超過 6 億美元。事實上,這種興趣激增與 8 個月高點同時發生,標誌著市場對狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的熱情重新燃起。

The current price range for Dogecoin (DOGE) is between $0.0704 and $0.0919. The 10-day and 100-day moving averages are $0.0893 and $0.0688, respectively, indicating a bullish trend in the short term.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 目前的價格範圍在 0.0704 美元至 0.0919 美元之間。 10日和100日移動平均線分別為0.0893美元和0.0688美元,顯示短期趨勢看漲。

The future of Dogecoin (DOGE) appears promising: mainstream acceptance is increasing, and potential use cases are emerging. Nonetheless, its price could still be influenced by two key factors – the cryptocurrency's volatility and its dependence on community sentiment.


Ripple (XRP): The Digital Payment Protocol

Ripple (XRP):數位支付協議

Positive developments in Ripple (XRP) legal battles and increasing adoption within the digital payment sector fuel Ripple (XRP) impending market capitalization surpass that of BNB.

Ripple (XRP) 法律糾紛的積極進展以及數位支付領域日益普及的趨勢推動 Ripple (XRP) 的市值即將超越 BNB。

Ripple (XRP) is currently trading within a range of $0.538 to $0.711. The 10-day and 100-day moving averages are $0.625 and $0.558, respectively, suggesting a bullish momentum.

Ripple (XRP) 目前的交易範圍為 0.538 美元至 0.711 美元。 10 日和 100 日移動平均線分別為 0.625 美元和 0.558 美元,表明看漲勢頭。

The future of Ripple (XRP) bears optimism, as it holds potential for escalated adoption in cross-border payments. Still, its growth could face impact from incessant legal challenges and market competition.


Polygon (MATIC): The Ethereum's Internet of Blockchains

Polygon (MATIC):以太坊的區塊鏈互聯網

With a recent partnership with Wipro for supply chain management on its network, Polygon (MATIC) underscores its burgeoning influence in the blockchain space. Indeed, it has been making significant strides.

Polygon (MATIC) 最近與 Wipro 就其網路上的供應鏈管理建立了合作夥伴關係,突顯了其在區塊鏈領域日益增長的影響力。事實上,它已經取得了重大進展。

Polygon (MATIC) price has been fluctuating between $0.592 and $0.957. The moving averages indicate a bullish trend, with the 10-day average at $0.808 and the 100-day at $0.640.

Polygon (MATIC) 價格一直在 0.592 美元至 0.957 美元之間波動。移動平均線顯示看漲趨勢,10 日均線為 0.808 美元,100 日均線為 0.640 美元。

With escalating enterprise adoption and its pivotal role in scaling Ethereum, Polygon's (MATIC) future shines brightly. Nevertheless, its growth may face influence from competition within the layer-2 space and broader market trends.

隨著企業採用率的不斷提高及其在擴展以太坊方面的關鍵作用,Polygon (MATIC) 的未來一片光明。然而,其成長可能面臨第二層空間內的競爭和更廣泛的市場趨勢的影響。



The evolution of the cryptocurrency market sees Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), Ripple (XRP), Polygon (MATIC) and ScapesMania emerging as significant players, particularly in light of an expected approval for a Bitcoin ETF. This impending event might signal a turning point. It could potentially catapult cryptocurrencies into mainstream investment status: thus underlining diversification's critical role within digital assets.

加密貨幣市場的發展使得以太坊 (ETH)、狗狗幣 (DOGE)、瑞波幣 (XRP)、Polygon (MATIC) 和 ScapesMania 成為重要參與者,特別是考慮到比特幣 ETF 的預期批准。這一即將發生的事件可能標誌著一個轉捩點。它有可能使加密貨幣進入主流投資地位:從而強調多元化在數位資產中的關鍵作用。

With its innovative approach, ScapesMania carves a unique path. Simultaneously, Ethereum (ETH) and Polygon (MATIC) display their resilience and potential for growth. Similarly redefining their roles - Dogecoin (DOGE), gaining mainstream traction, Ripple (XRP), positioning itself as a leader in digital payments. Both continue to demonstrate significant influence on the market.

憑藉其創新方法,ScapesMania 開闢了一條獨特的道路。同時,以太坊 (ETH) 和 Polygon (MATIC) 顯示出其彈性和成長潛力。同樣重新定義了它們的角色 - 狗狗幣 (DOGE) 獲得了主流關注,瑞波幣 (XRP) 將自己定位為數位支付領域的領導者。兩者都繼續對市場產生重大影響。

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored article and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免責聲明:這是一篇贊助文章,僅供參考。它不反映 Crypto Daily 的觀點,也不打算用作法律、稅務、投資或財務建議。




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