首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 最佳去中心化專案:SHIB 和 DOGE 投資者在預售 370 萬美元後加入尖端 DeFi 平台

Best Decentralized Projects: SHIB & DOGE Investors Join Cutting-edge DeFi Platform After $3.7M Presale

最佳去中心化專案:SHIB 和 DOGE 投資者在預售 370 萬美元後加入尖端 DeFi 平台

發布: 2024/04/08 01:44 閱讀: 850



最佳去中心化專案:SHIB 和 DOGE 投資者在預售 370 萬美元後加入尖端 DeFi 平台

Shiba Inu and Dogecoin captured investors’ attention over the last two years, but a new decentralized project could beat these. Algotech, an innovative algorithmic trading platform, has raised a staggering $3.7 Million in just a few weeks of presale, and it’s showing no signs of slowing down.

柴犬和狗狗幣在過去兩年吸引了投資者的注意力,但一個新的去中心化計畫可能會擊敗這些計畫。 Algotech 是一個創新的演算法交易平台,在預售的短短幾週內就籌集了驚人的 370 萬美元,而且沒有任何放緩的跡象。

Algotech’s (ALGT) presale achievements should not shock those aware of the efficacy of automated algorithmic trading systems. These algo-traders can identify trends and take advantage of pricing inefficiencies more efficiently than human traders with advanced machine learning models that look at monumental amounts of market data. Those days are gone when people had their eyes fixed on moving candlestick charts or were losing sleep over a violently fluctuating portfolio. Now algorithms will do all the work.

Algotech (ALGT) 的預售成績不應讓那些意識到自動演算法交易系統功效的人感到震驚。這些演算法交易者可以透過查看大量市場數據的先進機器學習模型,比人類交易者更有效地識別趨勢並利用定價效率低下的優勢。人們盯著移動的蠟燭圖或因劇烈波動的投資組合而失眠的日子已經一去不復返了。現在演算法將完成所有工作。

Shiba Inu And Dogecoin Holders Exploring New Avenues 


SHIIB and DOGE, two of the most iconic meme coins, wooed investors worldwide with their whimsical branding and dedicated communities. However, many holders of these coins are now seeking diversification and exploring opportunities beyond meme investing like Algotech. 

SHIIB 和 DOGE 是兩種最具代表性的迷因幣,以其異想天開的品牌和專注的社群吸引了全世界的投資者。然而,這些代幣的許多持有者現在正在尋求多元化,並探索像 Algotech 這樣的 meme 投資之外的機會。

SHIB is a decentralized, community-led currency held by millions across the globe. Since its inception in late 2020, the Ethereum-based SHIB token has grown to become a worldwide phenomenon. It is now accepted as a form of payment at hundreds of locations, either directly or through third-party intermediaries. 

SHIB 是一種去中心化的、社區主導的貨幣,全球有數百萬人持有。自 2020 年底推出以來,基於以太坊的 SHIB 代幣已發展成為全球現象。現在數百個地點都直接或透過第三方中介機構接受它作為一種付款方式。

SHIB was hovering at around $0.000027 with a 24-hour trading volume of $670 Million. The cryptocurrency price is up 2.83% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #12, with a live market cap of $16 Billion. It has a circulating supply of 589 trillion SHIB coins.

SHIB 徘徊在 0.000027 美元左右,24 小時交易量為 6.7 億美元。加密貨幣價格在過去 24 小時內上漲了 2.83%。目前 CoinMarketCap 排名第 12,即時市值為 160 億美元。它的流通供應量為 589 兆個 SHIB 幣。

Meanwhile, Dogecoin (DOGE) is based on the popular “doge” Internet meme and features a Shiba Inu on its logo. The open-source digital currency was created by Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer and was forked from Litecoin in December 2013. 

同時,狗狗幣(DOGE)基於流行的「doge」網路迷因,並在其標誌上有一隻柴犬。這種開源數位貨幣由 Billy Markus 和 Jackson Palmer 創建,於 2013 年 12 月從萊特幣中分叉出來。

DOGE price was around $0.178167 today, with a 24-hour trading volume of $2 billion. Dogecoin is up 0.55% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #8, with a live market cap of $25 Billion. It has a circulating supply of 143 billion DOGE coins.

今天DOGE價格約0.178167美元,24小時交易量為20億美元。狗狗幣在過去 24 小時內上漲了 0.55%。目前 CoinMarketCap 排名第 8,即時市值為 250 億美元。 DOGE 幣的流通量為 1,430 億枚。

However, the allure of Algotech lies in its ability to provide traders with a sophisticated, data-driven approach to navigating the often volatile and unpredictable cryptocurrency markets. By harnessing the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence, Algotech’s algorithms can identify patterns, trends, and opportunities that may be missed by manual traders.

然而,Algotech 的吸引力在於它能夠為交易者提供一種複雜的、數據驅動的方法來駕馭經常波動且不可預測的加密貨幣市場。透過利用機器學習和人工智慧的力量,Algotech 的演算法可以識別手動交易者可能錯過的模式、趨勢和機會。

Algotech Visions Of Consistent Crypto Profits 

Algotech 的加密貨幣利潤穩定願景

Algotech aims to “empower every investor with the tools and capabilities previously available only to the elite on Wall Street.” Features like blazing-fast trade execution, robust risk management, and seamless exchange integration, are attracting SHIB and DOGE investors.

Algotech 的目標是“為每位投資者提供以前只有華爾街精英才能使用的工具和功能。”超快的交易執行、強大的風險管理和無縫的交易所整合等功能正在吸引 SHIB 和 DOGE 投資者。

Which investor wouldn’t drool at the prospect of harnessing powerful algorithms to identify and capitalize on cryptocurrency pricing inefficiencies automatically? Instead of gambling on a billionaire-promoted coin, they can deploy advanced, battle-tested trading strategies like a mean reversion, breakout detection, and arming across fragmented exchange liquidity pools.


A game changer in the ultra-volatile, highly inefficient crypto market where human feelings and incomplete data dominate is to have a mathematical supercomputer that trades for you. Picture earning reliable, regular returns without having to constantly watch positions all day or running after over-hyped altcoins. This is what Algotech claims.

在極不穩定、效率極低的加密貨幣市場中,人類情感和不完整數據占主導地位,一個改變遊戲規則的因素是擁有一台可以為你進行交易的數學超級電腦。想像一下賺取可靠、定期的回報,而無需整天不斷地觀察頭寸或追逐過度炒作的山寨幣。這就是 Algotech 所聲稱的。

Algotech Presale Catches Fire, Over 15,000 Holders Reached

Algotech 預售火熱,超過 15,000 名持有者

Algotech (ALGT) presale is underway and has caught the attention of many investors as it has already raised more than $3.7 Million in just three weeks. The token sale that is currently in its 3rd stage is priced at $0.08.

Algotech (ALGT) 預售正在進行中,並引起了許多投資者的關注,因為它在短短三週內就籌集了超過 370 萬美元。目前處於第三階段的代幣銷售價格為 0.08 美元。

It contains 350 million underlying tokens with a projected launch price of $0.15, which incentivizes users by giving them equity participation in Algotech’s revenue-sharing model through its native currency, the ALGT token. Participants can earn up to an impressive 10% of the platform’s profits based on their holding sizes.

它包含 3.5 億個基礎代幣,預計發行價為 0.15 美元,透過其原生貨幣 ALGT 代幣讓用戶參與 Algotech 的營收分享模式,激勵用戶。根據其持股規模,參與者可以獲得高達 10% 的平台利潤,令人印象深刻。

Thus, meme-ability and hype cycles had Shiba and Doge ahead of the curve, but compared to Algotech, such flashes in the pan are likely to fade fast against the disruptive technology-driven potential of automatic trading platforms. With a successful ongoing fundraising and a bold roadmap, this AI-based crypto trading upstart has put both meme coin and institutional trading worlds on notice.

因此,迷因能力和炒作週期讓 Shiba 和 Doge 走在了前面,但與 Algotech 相比,這種曇花一現的現象可能會在自動交易平台的顛覆性技術驅動潛力面前迅速消失。憑藉著成功的持續募款和大膽的路線圖,這家基於人工智慧的加密貨幣交易新貴已經引起了迷因幣和機構交易界的關注。

Learn more:


Visit Algotech Presale

造訪 Algotech 預售

Join The Algotech Community

加入 Algotech 社區

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