首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 這些不斷下降的 Solana 鏈上指標是否應該讓 SOL 持有者擔心?

Should These Declining Solana On-Chain Metrics Worry SOL Holders?

這些不斷下降的 Solana 鏈上指標是否應該讓 SOL 持有者擔心?

發布: 2024/09/12 17:00 閱讀: 310



Solana's on-chain data does not present a positive picture for this rapidly growing L1 blockchain network. Several key metrics have experienced a decline over the past few days.

Solana 的鏈上數據並沒有為這個快速成長的 L1 區塊鏈網路呈現出正面的景象。過去幾天,幾個關鍵指標都出現了下降。

Despite this, the SOL price is showing relative resilience, rising 3% today and currently trading around $135. Let's analyze these metrics to determine if they indicate a cause for concern for Solana holders.

儘管如此,SOL 價格仍表現出相對彈性,今天上漲 3%,目前交易價格約為 135 美元。讓我們分析這些指標,以確定它們是否表明 Solana 持有者擔心的原因。

Solana's New Accounts and Active Wallets

Solana 的新帳戶和活躍錢包

According to Solscan's data, the number of active wallets has dropped to approximately 3 million today. In comparison, just a few days ago, active wallets exceeded 5 million. Notably, SUI's network, with a significantly smaller market cap, had over 1 million active wallets recently.

根據 Solscan 的數據,如今活躍錢包數量已降至約 300 萬個。相比之下,就在幾天前,活躍錢包突破了500萬。值得注意的是,SUI 的網路市值明顯較小,但最近活躍錢包數量超過 100 萬。

This disparity could be concerning, as Solana boasts a market cap roughly 20 times larger than SUI, yet this metric is now just 3 times higher.

這種差異可能令人擔憂,因為 Solana 的市值大約是 SUI 的 20 倍,但這項指標現在只高出 3 倍。

It's worth noting that Solana's 5+ million active accounts yesterday represented a 3-month high. Throughout the summer months, active wallets generally hovered around 1 million daily.

值得注意的是,Solana 昨天的活躍帳戶數超過 500 萬,創 3 個月新高。整個夏季,每日活躍錢包數量普遍徘徊在 100 萬左右。

However, the number of new accounts created has declined compared to the summer. Over the past 3 months, July saw over 20 million new accounts, while in September, that number has ranged between 8 and 11 million.

然而,與夏季相比,新創建的帳戶數量有所下降。在過去 3 個月中,7 月新增帳戶超過 2,000 萬,而 9 月這一數字在 800 到 1,100 萬之間。

The number of transactions has also experienced a gradual decline over the last 3 months, fluctuating between 250 and 300 million daily.

過去三個月的交易量也逐漸下降,每天在 2.5 億至 3 億筆之間波動。

Additionally, Solana's leading decentralized exchanges, Jupiter and Raydium, have witnessed a decrease in active users within the past 24 hours. Specifically, Raydium has reported over 40% fewer users compared to the same time yesterday.

此外,Solana 領先的去中心化交易所 Jupiter 和 Raydium 的活躍用戶在過去 24 小時內有所下降。具體來說,Raydium 報告稱,與昨天同一時間相比,用戶數量減少了 40% 以上。

Should These Metrics Concern Solana Holders?

這些指標應該引起 Solana 持有者的注意嗎?

The recent decline in on-chain metrics may raise concerns among Solana traders, but it's essential to consider these numbers in context.

最近鏈上指標的下降可能會引起 Solana 交易者的擔憂,但必須在上下文中考慮這些數字。

Solana has experienced significant growth over the past year, and it is typical for any blockchain network to exhibit some fluctuation in user activity.

Solana 在過去一年中經歷了顯著增長,對於任何區塊鏈網路來說,用戶活動出現一些波動都是很常見的。

The decrease in active wallets and new accounts could stem from various factors, such as market conditions, seasonal trends, or temporary shifts in user behavior. To gain a clearer understanding, it's crucial to monitor these metrics over a more extended period.


Solana's robust ecosystem and ongoing development efforts suggest that the network retains significant potential for growth and adoption.

Solana 強大的生態系統和持續的開發工作表明該網路保留了巨大的成長和採用潛力。

CaptainAltcoin's team will continue to track Solana's performance and on-chain metrics, providing updates on any noteworthy changes.

CaptainAltcoin 的團隊將繼續追蹤 Solana 的表現和鏈上指標,提供任何值得注意的變化的更新。


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