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U.Today's Top Three Crypto News Stories:
SEC Delays XRP ETF Decision
On March 11th, the SEC announced a delay in its decision on Grayscale's application to convert its XRP trust into an ETF. The agency stated it needs more time to review the proposed rule change, extending the decision deadline to May 21, 2025. Following the announcement, XRP's price initially dropped 1.2% but has since recovered, trading at $2.32 (up 7.11% at the time of writing). Grayscale's application, filed in late January and acknowledged in mid-February, marked the first XRP ETF filing received by the SEC.
3月11日,SEC宣布延遲其對Grayscale將其XRP信託轉換為ETF的申請的決定。 該機構表示,需要更多時間來審查擬議的規則更改,將決策截止日期延長至2025年5月21日。宣布後,XRP的價格最初下跌1.2%,但此後恢復了,交易價格為2.32美元(在寫作時上漲了7.11%)。 Grayscale的申請於1月下旬提起,並於2月中旬確認,標誌著SEC收到的第一個XRP ETF申請。
8.42 Billion Dogecoin (DOGE) Fuels Futures Trading Surge
As Dogecoin returns to pre-crash levels, open interest in DOGE futures has surged 6% overnight. This reflects renewed trader confidence, with a total of 8.42 billion DOGE committed to futures contracts. DOGE is currently priced at $0.1675, up 2.84% in the last 24 hours. Binance holds the largest share of DOGE futures (2.19 billion DOGE), followed by OKX (889.74 million DOGE) and Bybit (1.38 billion DOGE). The ongoing filing for a Dogecoin ETF with the SEC, coupled with a rising number of active DOGE addresses, suggests growing optimism and potential for future price increases.
隨著Dogecoin恢復爆炸前的水平,對Doge Futures的開放興趣在一夜之間飆升了6%。 這反映了新的交易者信心,總共有84.2億托兒所致力於期貨合約。 Doge目前的價格為0.1675美元,在過去24小時內上漲了2.84%。 Binance擁有Doge Futures(21.9億輛)的最大份額,其次是OKX(8.8974億多輛)和Bybit(13.8億輛Doge)。 與SEC的Dogecoin ETF進行的持續申請,再加上數量不斷增長的主動地址,這表明樂觀情緒不斷增長,並可能提高未來價格。
OKX Denies EU Investigation Following Bloomberg Report
OKX has denied being under investigation by EU regulators, contradicting a Bloomberg report suggesting scrutiny of its Web3 service in relation to a significant hack at Bybit. The EU regulators are assessing OKX's compliance with the Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCA). While potential penalties exist for violations, OKX maintains its Web3 wallet services are comparable to industry standards and that it has frozen funds stolen in the Bybit hack. OKX has accused Bybit of spreading misinformation and offered assistance in addressing the aftermath of the $1.4 billion hack, allegedly perpetrated by the Lazarus Group, a North Korean hacking collective. Read the original article on U.Today
OKX否認正在接受歐盟監管機構的調查,這與彭博社報告相矛盾,該報告暗示其與Bybit的重大黑客有關其Web3服務的審查。 歐盟監管機構正在評估OKX在加密資產法規(MICA)中遵守市場。 儘管存在違規行為的潛在處罰,但OKX維護其Web3錢包服務與行業標準相當,並且它凍結了在Bybit Hack中被盜的資金。 OKX指控拜比特(Bybit)傳播錯誤信息,並提供了協助,以解決據稱是由朝鮮黑客集體拉撒路集團(Lazarus Group)實施的14億美元黑客攻擊的後果。 閱讀有關U.Today的原始文章