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New Details About The Space Mission That Will Send Dogecoin To The Moon: Developers Revealed


發布: 2023/11/17 22:11 閱讀: 400

原文作者:Bitcoin Sistemi EN


New statements came from the official X account managed by Dogecoin (DOGE) developers about the space mission that aims to send a cryptocurrency wallet containing physical DOGE to the Moon.

由狗狗幣(DOGE)開發者管理的官方 X 帳戶發布了關於太空任務的新聲明,該太空任務旨在將包含實體 DOGE 的加密貨幣錢包發送到月球。

According to the statement made by the DOGE team, if no setbacks occur, the rocket containing physical DOGE will be launched on December 23, 2023.


In the statement, it was reported that the Moon mission will be carried out by Astrobotic, a private space company. The name of the rocket to be sent was determined as Vulcan Centaur Rocket. However, it should be noted that this Moon mission is not a launch specifically for DOGE. The wallet containing Dogecoin will be taken within the scope of the project, which is a small part of the mission and aims to have some people take symbolic items to the Moon as souvenirs.

聲明中稱,月球任務將由私人太空公司 Astrobotic 執行。此次發射的火箭名稱確定為火神半人馬火箭。不過要注意的是,這次登月任務並不是專門針對DOGE的發射。包含狗狗幣的錢包將在該項目範圍內被帶走,這是該任務的一小部分,旨在讓一些人將象徵性物品帶到月球作為紀念品。

Related News: Crypto Sleuth ZachXBT Warns: "This Project Will Be A Rugpull Scam Soon, Withdraw Your Funds Immediately"

相關新聞:加密貨幣偵探 ZachXBT 警告:“這個項目很快就會成為拉格拉騙局,立即撤回你的資金”

The project in question was funded by the DOGE community in 2015. The aim of the project was to turn DOGE's motto, 'To the Moon', into reality.

該計畫於 2015 年由 DOGE 社區資助。該計畫的目的是將 DOGE 的座右銘「To the Moon」變為現實。

In addition, Elon Musk also has a different project about DOGE and space. In 2021, Elon Musk announced that SpaceX would launch a Doge-1 satellite to the moon, funded entirely by Dogecoin.

此外,馬斯克還有一個關於DOGE和太空的不同計畫。 2021 年,馬斯克宣布 SpaceX 將向月球發射一顆 Doge-1 衛星,完全由狗狗幣資助。

*This is not investment advice.


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