首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 隨著價格持續下滑,DOGE 和 BONK 不再是領頭羊,Block Rollblock 的新成員在進入價格發現階段後繼續上漲

DOGE and BONK No Longer Top Dogs As Price Continues To Slide, New Kid On Block Rollblock Continues Gains As It Enters Price Discovery

隨著價格持續下滑,DOGE 和 BONK 不再是領頭羊,Block Rollblock 的新成員在進入價格發現階段後繼續上漲

發布: 2024/07/01 22:02 閱讀: 675



隨著價格持續下滑,DOGE 和 BONK 不再是領頭羊,Block Rollblock 的新成員在進入價格發現階段後繼續上漲

DOGE and BONK Lose Dominance, While Rollblock Emerges as a Strong Contender

DOGE 和 BONK 失去主導地位,Rollblock 成為強有力的競爭者

Meme coins have dominated the cryptocurrency landscape in recent years, particularly in 2024. However, as the market matures, investors are seeking utility-driven assets that provide value beyond mere entertainment. While meme coins such as Dogecoin (DOGE) and Bonk (BONK) have experienced significant growth, they have also faced challenges in maintaining their momentum.

Meme 幣近年來在加密貨幣領域佔據主導地位,尤其是在 2024 年。雖然狗狗幣(DOGE)和邦克幣(BONK)等模因幣經歷了顯著增長,但它們在保持勢頭方面也面臨著挑戰​​。

Dogecoin (DOGE): Reduced Growth and Investor Sentiment


As the original meme coin, DOGE has gained widespread recognition. However, its price has faced a significant decline in recent months, falling below its previous all-time highs. This decline is attributed to a lack of utility, market volatility, and a shift in investor sentiment towards assets with tangible value.

作為最初的模因幣,DOGE 獲得了廣泛的認可。然而,近幾個月其價格大幅下跌,跌破先前的歷史高點。這種下降歸因於實用性的缺乏、市場波動以及投資者情緒轉向有形價值的資產。

Bonk (BONK): Meteoric Rise and Sudden Crash


Inspired by Shiba Inu, BONK experienced an explosive growth period in January 2024. However, its value plummeted shortly after, losing a significant portion of its initial gains. This volatility underscores the inherent risk associated with meme coins, which are prone to extreme price movements due to hype and speculation.


Rollblock (RBLK): Utility-Driven Gambling dApp Gains Traction

Rollblock (RBLK):實用程式驅動的賭博 dApp 獲得關注

In contrast to meme coins, Rollblock is a blockchain-based gambling dApp that offers tangible utility. It aims to address the transparency and trust issues plaguing the online gambling industry. By leveraging Ethereum's blockchain technology, Rollblock ensures the integrity and fairness of gambling activities.

與 meme 幣相比,Rollblock 是一個基於區塊鏈的賭博 dApp,提供有形的實用性。它旨在解決困擾線上賭博行業的透明度和信任問題。 Rollblock利用以太坊的區塊鏈技術,確保賭博活動的完整性和公平性。

Key Features of Rollblock

Rollblock 的主要特點

  • Tokenized dividends for holders
  • Deflationary tokenomics
  • Transparent and verifiable gambling experience
  • Entry point into the massive online gambling market

Presale Opportunity and Investor Interest


The RBLK token is currently in its presale phase, offering investors a favorable entry point. Early investors have recognized the potential of Rollblock's utility and dividend-bearing nature. The token is expected to enter price discovery as the presale progresses.

RBLK 代幣目前正處於預售階段,為投資者提供了有利的切入點。早期投資者已經認識到 Rollblock 的實用性和派息性質的潛力。隨著預售的進行,該代幣預計將進入價格發現階段。



While meme coins may have had their moment, the market is evolving towards assets with real-world applications and value. Rollblock, with its utility-driven gambling dApp and favorable presale pricing, is positioning itself as a strong contender in the cryptocurrency space. Investors seeking growth potential and utility in their investments may find Rollblock to be an attractive opportunity.

雖然迷因幣可能已經風光一時,但市場正在向具有現實世界應用和價值的資產發展。 Rollblock 憑藉著實用驅動的賭博 dApp 和優惠的預售價格,將自己定位為加密貨幣領域的有力競爭者。尋求投資成長潛力和效用的投資者可能會發現 Rollblock 是一個有吸引力的機會。

Discover Rollblock's Exciting Presale:

了解 Rollblock 令人興奮的預售:


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