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DOGE Bulls Prepare Show as Dogecoin Landing on Moon Nears


發布: 2024/01/07 22:00 閱讀: 454



Dog-themed cryptocurrency Dogecoin (DOGE) has seen a marginal drop of 0.67% over the past 24 hours and is currently trading at $0.08. The daily and weekly charts for the dog-themed cryptocurrency depict a steady price drop as profit-taking ensues.

以狗為主題的加密貨幣狗狗幣(DOGE)在過去 24 小時內小幅下跌 0.67%,目前交易價格為 0.08 美元。以狗為主題的加密貨幣的每日和每週圖表顯示,隨著獲利回吐的發生,價格穩步下跌。

Dogecoin's dip comes after a stellar surge that saw it mark its 10th anniversary with a high of $0.10 on Dec. 11. The dip has caused Dogecoin to go below the MA 50 at $0.088 on its daily charts, potentially marking its third day of losses if it ends in the red.

狗狗幣在經歷了12 月11 日的0.10 美元高點的大幅飆升後迎來了其成立10 週年的下跌。這次下跌導致狗狗幣在日線圖上跌破MA 50 至0.088 美元,如果狗狗幣出現下跌,則可能會出現第三天的下跌。它以紅色結束。

Dogecoin has suffered four consecutive weeks of losses since early December, but bulls might be preparing to return as Dogecoin's big day approaches.

自 12 月初以來,狗狗幣已連續四周下跌,但隨著狗狗幣大日子的臨近,多頭可能準備捲土重來。

On Jan. 8, a physical Dogecoin will land on the moon via Astrobotic's Peregrine Lunar Lander, inside DHL MoonBox.

1 月 8 日,實體狗狗幣將透過 Astrobotic 的 Peregrine 月球登陸器(位於 DHL MoonBox 內)登陸月球。

Dogecoin has notably attracted moon-related activities. Tesla CEO Elon Musk spoke of a Doge-1 spacecraft to the moon, totally funded by Dogecoin, in 2021.

狗狗幣尤其吸引了與月球相關的活動。特斯拉執行長馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 談到了 2021 年將由狗狗幣 (Dogecoin) 完全資助的 Doge-1 太空船飛往月球。

While expectations are on the rise as Dogecoin's big day nears, Dogecoin vocal community member Mishaboar cautions against unrealistic expectations.


"As usual, Dogecoin and crypto newbies, do not consider any special events or dates as opportunities for easy speculation. Have fun, play with dog money, but stay cool, like Fonzie. Special dates in crypto are very often the theater for pump-and-dump events," Mishaboar wrote in an X post.

「像往常一樣,狗狗幣和加密貨幣新手,不要將任何特殊事件或日期視為簡單投機的機會。玩得開心,玩狗錢,但要保持冷靜,就像Fonzie 一樣。加密貨幣中的特殊日期通常是暴漲的劇院——和轉儲事件,」Mishaboar 在 X 帖子中寫道。

Dogecoin price action


Dogecoin dropped to a low of $0.076 on Jan. 23 but quickly recovered to above $0.08 in the days that followed. The bulls are keeping the price near $0.08, but they are having difficulty launching a significant relief rally.

狗狗幣於 1 月 23 日跌至 0.076 美元的低點,但在接下來的幾天迅速回升至 0.08 美元以上。多頭將價格維持在 0.08 美元附近,但他們很難發起大幅反彈。

TradingViewDOGE/USD daily chart, courtesy: TradingView

DOGE/USD 日線圖,禮貌:TradingView

If the present falls continue, Dogecoin may retest the previous support at $0.076; if this is breached, bears may push Dogecoin to the daily MA 200 at $0.072.

如果目前的下跌持續下去,狗狗幣可能會重新測試先前的支撐位 0.076 美元;如果突破這一點,空頭可能會將狗狗幣推至日均線 200 至 0.072 美元。

The first sign of strength will be a break and close above the daily MA 50 at $0.088, which might pave the way for a move up to $0.10. The area between $0.10 and $0.11 is expected to be a hurdle for bulls if the price makes a comeback.

強勢的第一個跡象將是突破日均線 50 美元並收於 0.088 美元上方,這可能為上漲至 0.10 美元鋪平道路。如果價格捲土重來,0.10 美元至 0.11 美元之間的區域預計將成為多頭的障礙。


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