首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 如果 DOGE 佔加密貨幣總市值的 1%,它可能會漲得這麼高

DOGE could go this high if it gains 1% of total crypto market cap

如果 DOGE 佔加密貨幣總市值的 1%,它可能會漲得這麼高

發布: 2024/01/28 06:07 閱讀: 919



Dogecoin (DOGE) currently ranks 10th among all cryptocurrencies by market cap. However, capital constantly shifts among projects and in or out of the cryptocurrency market itself.


With a market value of $11.40 billion, DOGE holds 0.72% of the entire $1.567 trillion crypto market. Essentially, each Dogecoin is priced at $0.0798, with 142.825 billion DOGE in circulation. In this context, Finbold looked to what would happen to the leading memecoin facing a capital inflow.

DOGE 的市值為 114 億美元,佔整個 1.567 兆美元加密貨幣市場的 0.72%。本質上,每個狗狗幣的價格為 0.0798 美元,流通中的 DOGE 為 1,428.25 億個。在這種背景下,芬博爾德研究了面臨資本流入的領先迷因幣會發生什麼。

Supply and demand frequently drive Dogecoin’s price up or down as funds move to and from other cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin, for instance, captures about 52% of the total market cap, boasting a nearly $820 billion valuation.

隨著資金進出其他加密貨幣,供需經常會推動狗狗幣的價格上漲或下跌。例如,比特幣約佔總市值的 52%,估值接近 8,200 億美元。

If Dogecoin captured just 1% more of the total crypto market value, its market cap would jump by $15.67 billion, reaching $27.07 billion. This could push DOGE’s price to $0.1895, assuming its circulating supply would stay steady.

如果狗狗幣佔加密貨幣總市值的比例再增加 1%,其市值將增加 156.7 億美元,達到 270.7 億美元。假設 DOGE 的流通供應量保持穩定,這可能會將 DOGE 的價格推至 0.1895 美元。

DOGE market cap vs. the total crypto index

DOGE 市值與總加密貨幣指數



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However, Dogecoin suffers from constant increases in its circulating supply, resulting in higher market caps for lower or similar prices. This happens because mining issues a fixed rate of 5 billion DOGE annually – a 3.5% inflation rate.

然而,狗狗幣的流通供應量不斷增加,導致較低或類似價格的市值較高。發生這種情況是因為挖礦每年發行 50 億 DOGE 的固定利率——通貨膨脹率為 3.5%。

Looking exclusively at the memecoin capitalization against the total crypto market cap index, Dogecoin has outperformed other cryptocurrencies, constantly absorbing capital into its ecosystem.

僅從 memecoin 資本與加密貨幣總市值指數來看,狗狗幣的表現優於其他加密貨幣,不斷將資本吸收到其生態系統中。

Notably, when the whole market retraced after the 2021 peak, DOGE retraced less. Currently, Dogecoin has outperformed the index by 161% since its inception, increasing its dominance.

值得注意的是,當整個市場在 2021 年高峰後回檔時,DOGE 回檔幅度較小。目前,狗狗幣自成立以來已跑贏該指數 161%,進一步增強了其主導地位。

Therefore, if this trend continues, DOGE might see the hypothetical inflow of 1% from the total crypto market cap. All in all, the memecoin must be able to find an increased demand superior to its supply inflation for its prices to reflect the aforementioned capital inflow.

因此,如果這種趨勢持續下去,DOGE 可能會看到加密貨幣總市值的 1% 的假設流入。總而言之,模因幣必須能夠找到高於其供應通膨的需求成長,以使其價格反映上述資本流入。

Disclaimer: The content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing, your capital is at risk.


Source: https://thebittimes.com/doge-could-go-this-high-if-it-gains-1-of-total-crypto-market-cap-tbt77956.html



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