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DOGE-1 Moon Mission Date Confirmed, SpaceX To Launch Next Year

DOGE-1 月球任務日期已確定,SpaceX 將於明年發射

發布: 2023/11/29 17:40 閱讀: 518

原文作者:Coingape Staff


DOGE-1 月球任務日期已確定,SpaceX 將於明年發射

The DOGE-1 mission has received approval from the NTAI and FCC and is scheduled to launch in January of next year.


The DOGE-1 moon mission has been confirmed to be launched on January 12 the next year. The approval was given by the Federal Communications Commission under file number 0083-EX-CN-2022. On the same day, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) formally issued the license for Doge-1. Acceptance of all specified criteria is required for the approval, which is issued under the same file number.

DOGE-1月球任務已確定明年1月12日發射。該批准由聯邦通信委員會批准,文件編號為 0083-EX-CN-2022。同日,國家電信和資訊管理局(NTIA)正式為Doge-1頒發了許可證。批准需要接受所有指定標準,並以相同的文件編號發布。

Recent reports indicate that, after nearly two years of delays, the launch of Nova-C/IM-1 will proceed, including the deployment of the DOGE-1 Cubesat which will carry Dogecoin throughout the mission.

最近的報告表明,在延遲了近兩年之後,Nova-C/IM-1 的發射將繼續進行,包括部署 DOGE-1 立方體衛星,該衛星將在整個任務中攜帶狗狗幣。

DOGE Supporters Goes Haywire

As the news spread across the microblogging site, DOGE supporters expressed their happiness by sharing multiple posts on X. The major update came from X user Doge Norway regarding the launch update in January. Subsequently, the post was later confirmed to be liked by Elon Musk himself. This highlights the authenticity of the announcement and speculation among the cryptocurrency community.

DOGE 支持者陷入混亂隨著消息在微博網站上傳播開來,DOGE 支持者通過在 X 上分享多個帖子來表達他們的喜悅。主要更新來自 X 用戶 Doge Bulgaria 關於 1 月份發布更新的信息。隨後,該貼文後來被證實被伊隆馬斯克本人按讚。這凸顯了加密貨幣社群公告和猜測的真實性。

The launch has been postponed many times. Elon Musk, the tech mogul and crypto enthusiast, took to Twitter on May 9, 2021, to announce the launch of DOGE-1.

該發射已多次推遲。科技大亨和加密貨幣愛好者 Elon Musk 於 2021 年 5 月 9 日在 Twitter 上宣布推出 DOGE-1。

Elon Musk announced on Twitter on May 9, 2021, that DOGE-1 will be part of a rideshare on the Nova-C/IM-1 mission, a joint initiative between Intuitive Machines and NASA.

馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 於 2021 年 5 月 9 日在 Twitter 上宣布,DOGE-1 將成為 Nova-C/IM-1 任務共享出行的一部分,該任務是 Intuitive Machines 和 NASA 的聯合倡議。

However, SpaceX, the launch provider for Intuitive Machines, has caused multiple delays in the Nova-C mission. These delays, primarily due to postponements by SpaceX, are affecting the scheduled launch of DOGE-1. As a result, the crypto community is eagerly awaiting updates on the mission’s progress.

然而,Intuitive Machines 的發射提供者 SpaceX 卻導致 Nova-C 任務多次延遲。這些延誤主要是由於 SpaceX 的延遲,影響了 DOGE-1 的預定發射。因此,加密貨幣社群正在熱切等待任務進展的最新消息。

Jackson Palmer, one of the co-founders of Dogecoin, was dissatisfied with the announcement of the DOGE-1 mission’s launch date. This is due to his growing distaste for Bitcoin as well as his concerns about Elon Musk’s plans for Dogecoin.

狗狗幣聯合創始人之一傑克遜·帕爾默對宣布 DOGE-1 任務的發射日期感到不滿。這是由於他對比特幣越來越厭惡,以及他對馬斯克的狗狗幣計畫的擔憂。

Dogecoin Astrobotic Mission Updates

In another Dogecoin mission, Space tech firm Astrobotic is all set to launch its Peregrine Mission One, which will take physical DOGE to the moon’s surface. The launch is reported to take off on December 12. The coin will be included in the DHL Moonbox and transported via ULA’s Vulcan Centaur Rocket.

狗狗幣 Astrobotic 任務更新在另一項狗狗幣任務中,太空技術公司 Astrobotic 準備啟動其 Peregrine Mission One,該任務將把實體 DOGE 帶到月球表面。據報道,此次發射將於 12 月 12 日開始。這枚硬幣將被放入 DHL Moonbox 中,並透過 ULA 的 Vulcan Centaur 火箭進行運輸。

Both the DOGE-1 mission and Astrobotic’s moon mission are funded by the Dogecoin community. As the launch is approaching, the enthusiasm both in the crypto market and Doge supporters is gaining traction.

DOGE-1 任務和 Astrobotic 的月球任務均由狗狗幣社群資助。隨著發布的臨近,加密貨幣市場和 Doge 支持者的熱情越來越高。


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