首頁 > 資訊新聞 > DOGE 價格飆升,而狗狗幣則進入「貪婪」區域

DOGE Price Prints Surge, While Dogecoin Shifts into 'Greed' Zone

DOGE 價格飆升,而狗狗幣則進入「貪婪」區域

發布: 2023/12/30 06:11 閱讀: 956



DOGE 價格飆升,而狗狗幣則進入「貪婪」區域

The original meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin, which was launched in early December 2013 by Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, showcased a rise of almost 6% and then demonstrated an almost similar fall, still adding slightly more than 2% within the last 24 hours.

最初的迷因加密貨幣狗狗幣於2013 年12 月初由比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus) 和傑克遜·帕爾默(Jackson Palmer) 推出,上漲了近6%,然後又出現了幾乎類似的下跌,在過去24 小時內仍上漲了2% 以上。

In the meantime, data shared by @DogecoinFear account on Twitter (part of CFGI – cryptocurrency Fear and Greed Index) shows that DOGE has entered the so-called “Greed” zone.

同時,@DogecoinFear 帳戶在 Twitter 上分享的數據(CFGI——加密貨幣恐懼與貪婪指數的一部分)顯示 DOGE 已進入所謂的「貪婪」區域。

Dogecoin Fear and Greed Index is 57 - Greed pic.twitter.com/8MNZiXM9n0

狗狗幣恐懼和貪婪指數為 57 - 貪婪 pic.twitter.com/8MNZiXM9n0

— Doge Fear and Greed Index (@DogecoinFear) December 29, 2023

— Doge 恐懼與貪婪指數 (@DogecoinFear) 2023 年 12 月 29 日

Dogecoin rushes into “Greed” zone


This is an indicator of a possible approaching correction on this particular cryptocurrency market. However, the price, at least for now, is going up. Dogecoin is exchanging hands at $0.0926 on Binance at the time of this writing.

這是這個特定加密貨幣市場可能即將出現調整的指標。然而,至少目前,價格正在上漲。截至撰寫本文時,狗狗幣在幣安上的交易價格為 0.0926 美元。

When CFGI shows that a cryptocurrency is within a “fear” or “extreme fear” zone, this indicates that savvy investors and traders are likely to start accumulating this crypto. There is also a “neutral” position between those two zones.

當 CFGI 顯示某種加密貨幣處於「恐懼」或「極度恐懼」區域時,這表明精明的投資者和交易者可能會開始累積這種加密貨幣。這兩個區域之間也有一個「中立」位置。

Earlier today, according to data provided by the CFGI website, Dogecoin was in the neutral position, and overall “greed” and “neutral” readings have been changing with each other rapidly today.

今天早些時候,根據 CFGI 網站提供的數據,狗狗幣處於中性位置,整體「貪婪」和「中性」讀數今天正在快速變化。

Dogecoin whales’ activity surges


Earlier this week, popular cryptocurrency tracker Whale Alert shared details of a massive Dogecoin transfer made from an anonymous wallet to the Robinhood asset trading platform. The whale shoveled 230,000,000 DOGE evaluated at $21,610,674 at the time of the transfer.

本週早些時候,流行的加密貨幣追蹤器 Whale Alert 分享了從匿名錢包到 Robinhood 資產交易平台的大規模狗狗幣轉帳的詳細資訊。鯨魚鏟走了 230,000,000 DOGE,在轉帳時估值為 21,610,674 美元。

🚨 230,000,000 #DOGE (21,610,674 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to #Robinhoodhttps://t.co/nKOlwHI8Gw

🚨 230,000,000 #DOGE(21,610,674 美元)從未知錢包轉移到#Robinhoodhttps://t.co/nKOlwHI8Gw

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) December 28, 2023

- 鯨魚警報 (@whale_alert) 2023 年 12 月 28 日

This was more or less exactly the time frame mentioned above, when Dogecoin jumped by 5.66%, reaching $0.0951 per coin. A week before that, the aforementioned blockchain sleuth also reported more than $10 million worth of Dogecoin moved, but this time it was withdrawn from Robinhood.

這或多或少正是上面提到的時間範圍,當時狗狗幣上漲了 5.66%,達到每枚狗狗 0.0951 美元。此前一周,上述區塊鏈偵探還報告稱,價值超過 1000 萬美元的狗狗幣被轉移,但這次是從 Robinhood 撤回的。

Overall, Whale Alert has been reporting massive DOGE transfers quite often recently, a lot of them involving Robinhood, which indicates the rising activity of large investors known as “whales” within the cryptocurrency community. On Dec. 1, Whale Alert registered 300 million Dogecoin transferred to Robinhood, then also about five transactions slightly less than 100 million DOGE each.

總體而言,Whale Alert 最近經常報告大規模 DOGE 轉賬,其中許多涉及 Robinhood,這表明加密貨幣社區中被稱為「鯨魚」的大型投資者的活動不斷增加。 12 月 1 日,Whale Alert 登記了 3 億狗狗幣轉移到 Robinhood,隨後還有約 5 筆交易,每筆交易金額略低於 1 億狗狗幣。

Dogecoin’s market capitalization currently stands at $13,181,067,311, and DOGE occupies 10th place on the CoinMarketCap leading analytics website owned by Binance. Among the most influential supporters of it is tech billionaire Elon Musk, who calls himself “The DogeFather.”

狗狗幣的市值目前為 13,181,067,311 美元,DOGE 在幣安旗下的 CoinMarketCap 領先分析網站上排名第 10 位。最有影響力的支持者之一是科技億萬富翁伊隆馬斯克,他自稱「狗狗之父」。


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