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Dogecoin: New addresses rise, but there’s a catch


發布: 2023/12/25 06:11 閱讀: 296

原文作者:AMBCrypto - Latest Crypto News


  • The number of new Dogecoin addresses has increased by over 30%.
  • 狗狗幣新地址數量增加了 30% 以上。

  • Active addresses have increased to over 1 million.
  • 活躍地址已增至超過 100 萬。

Recently, Dogecoin [DOGE] observed an uptick in the creation of new addresses. AMBCrypto’s analysis of the accompanying chart revealed a notable increase of over 35% in new addresses over the last seven days.

最近,狗狗幣 [DOGE] 觀察到新地址的創建增加。 AMBCrypto 對隨附圖表的分析顯示,過去 7 天內新地址顯著增加了 35% 以上。

This development is important, as it suggests potential enhancements in liquidity and trading activity – factors that could contribute to a rise in the value of the meme coin.


More Dogecoin addresses become active


The surge in new addresses and the impressive growth of active addresses signal positive developments for Dogecoin.


Santiment’s analysis of the seven-day active addresses metric showed a consistent rise, with the current count at nearly 1.3 million.

Santiment 對 7 天活躍地址指標的分析顯示,其持續增長,目前數量接近 130 萬。

Comparing this to the average of around 450,000 before the 9th of December and the previous peak of around 944,000 on the 1st of December showed a substantial increase.


Source: Santiment


Furthermore, the Daily Active Addresses exhibited a recent uptick, reaching around 166,000, even though there has been a slight drop from this peak.

此外,每日活躍地址近期有所上升,達到 166,000 左右,儘管較高峰略有下降。

Notably, this figure remained higher than the average of around 45,000 in the preceding months. These trends suggested increased activity and engagement within the Dogecoin network and could contribute to its growth.

值得注意的是,這一數字仍高於前幾個月約 45,000 人的平均值。這些趨勢顯示狗狗幣網路內的活動和參與度增加,並可能有助於其成長。

The number of holders continues to grow


Another metric exhibiting consistent growth is the total number of Dogecoin holders, as Santiment’s chart indicated. From November to press time, there has been a substantial increase of over 400,000 holders.

正如 Santiment 的圖表所示,另一個顯示持續成長的指標是狗狗幣持有者總數。從11月份到發稿,持有者大幅增加超過40萬人。

The press time stood at around 5.7 million as of the latest data. The chart further illustrated an upward trend, suggesting that the number of holders may surpass the 6 million mark before the year concludes. 

截至最新數據,發稿時間約570萬條。這張圖表進一步顯示了上升趨勢,顯示持有者數量可能在年底前突破 600 萬大關。

Source: Santiment


DOGE’s downtrend continues


Dogecoin’s price trend delayed aligning with the positive trends observed in its on-chain metrics. A closer look at the chart showed fluctuating prices over the past seven days.

狗狗幣的價格趨勢延遲與其鏈上指標中觀察到的正面趨勢保持一致。仔細觀察圖表可以發現過去 7 天的價格波動。

How much are 1,10,100 DOGEs worth today?

今天 1,10,100 DOGE 值多少錢?

At the time of writing, DOGE was trading with a slight decline of less than 1%, extending the losses from the preceding trading session.

截至撰寫本文時,DOGE 的小幅跌幅不足 1%,延續了前一交易日的跌幅。

Source: TradingView


Additionally, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) line remained above the neutral line while near it. This trend signified a weakening of the bull trend for DOGE. 

此外,相對強弱指數(RSI)線仍位於中性線上方並接近中性線。這一趨勢標誌著 DOGE 牛市趨勢的減弱。


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