首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 隨著 890,000 個新地址的添加,狗狗幣的採用呈爆炸式增長

Dogecoin Adoption Explodes As 890,000 New Addresses Are Added

隨著 890,000 個新地址的添加,狗狗幣的採用呈爆炸式增長

發布: 2024/02/03 22:00 閱讀: 904



Dogecoin has been witnessing an impressive increase in the number of addresses created on the network. Such network expansion is also significant, as crypto analyst Ali Martinez had mentioned how this “could soon reflect positively” on DOGE’s prices.

狗狗幣網路上創建的地址數量出現了令人印象深刻的增長。這種網路擴張也很重要,正如加密貨幣分析師 Ali Martinez 所提到的那樣,這「很快就會對 DOGE 的價格產生積極的影響」。

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890,000 New Dogecoin Addresses Created

創建了 89 萬個新狗狗幣地址

Market Intelligence platform IntoTheBlock revealed in an X (formerly Twitter) post that over 890,000 new Dogecoin addresses have been created in the past 7 days. This happened in a week where a record-breaking 247,240 new DOGE addresses were created on January 29 alone. 

市場情報平台 IntoTheBlock 在 X(以前稱為 Twitter)貼文中透露,過去 7 天內創建了超過 89 萬個新的狗狗幣地址。光是 1 月 29 日這一周,就創造了創紀錄的 247,240 個新 DOGE 地址。

Noteworthy is the fact that the meme coin wasn’t only seeing an influx of new investors but also an increase in its network activity, suggesting that these users were actively using it. IntoTheBlock noted that the new users made their first transactions, with the new adoption rate reaching as high as 86%. 

值得注意的是,迷因幣不僅吸引了新投資者的湧入,而且其網路活動也有所增加,這表明這些用戶正在積極使用它。 IntoTheBlock 指出,新用戶完成了第一筆交易,新用戶採用率高達 86%。

DOGE currently trading at $0.07899 on the daily chart: TradingView.com

DOGE 目前在日線圖上的交易價格為 0.07899 美元:TradingView.com

Interestingly, Dogecoin had previously been reported to be one of the crypto networks continuing to see substantial growth at the beginning of 2024 after a “booming 2023.” Last year, the network was said to have seen a 22% increase in the number of wallets holding the meme coin. 

有趣的是,此前有報導稱,狗狗幣是繼「蓬勃發展的 2023 年」之後,在 2024 年初繼續實現大幅增長的加密網路之一。去年,據說該網路持有 meme 幣的錢包數量增加了 22%。

As a result, DOGE was able to compete with some notable crypto tokens, boasting more token holders than ADA, XRP, and LINK. Meanwhile, there has been an increase in the number of daily transactions on the DOGE network since November. Although the figures dropped sometime in January, data from BitInfoCharts shows that they have picked up once again. 

因此,DOGE 能夠與一些著名的加密代幣競爭,擁有比 ADA、XRP 和 LINK 更多的代幣持有者。同時,自 11 月以來 DOGE 網路上的每日交易數量有所增加。儘管這一數字在一月份的某個時候有所下降,但 BitInfoCharts 的數據顯示,這些數字再次回升。

Interestingly, Dogecoin has recorded over a million daily transactions for the past five days, a period dating back to January 30. 

有趣的是,自 1 月 30 日起,過去 5 天狗狗幣每日交易量已超過 100 萬筆。

Reasons For DOGE’s Increased Activity 


IntoTheBlock also outlined two things that could be the reason behind the influx of new users to the Dogecoin network and its increased activity. The first is the renewed interest in Doginals following the release of Doom on the Dogecoin chain. Bitcoinist reported how the blockchain had immortalized the 1993 Video Game ‘DOOM’ with the help of the Doginals feature. 

IntoTheBlock 還概述了可能是新用戶湧入狗狗幣網路及其活動增加背後原因的兩件事。首先是在 Dogecoin 鏈上發布 Doom 後,人們對 Doginals 重新產生了興趣。 Bitcoinist 報導了區塊鏈如何借助 Doginals 功能讓 1993 年的電玩遊戲「DOOM」永垂不朽。

Similar to Bitcoin Ordinals, Doginals is a network functionality that allows users to inscribe data onto Shibes (the smallest unit of DOGE).

與比特幣序數類似,Doginals 是一種網路功能,允許用戶將資料寫入 Shibes(DOGE 的最小單位)。

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Meanwhile, the market intelligence platform alluded to X Payments as the second factor driving Dogecoin’s network growth. There have continued to be speculations that the X platform might integrate DOGE payments into its proposed payment service once it finally launches. 

同時,市場情報平台暗示 X Payments 是推動狗狗幣網路成長的第二個因素。一直有猜測稱,一旦 X 平台最終推出,它可能會將 DOGE 支付整合到其提議的支付服務中。

These rumors are further strengthened because of the fondness that Elon Musk (the owner of the X platform) has for the meme coin. 

由於馬斯克(X 平台所有者)對 meme 幣的喜愛,這些謠言進一步得到強化。

Featured image from Adobe Stock, chart from TradingView

精選圖片來自 Adob​​e Stock,圖表來自 TradingView


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