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Dogecoin Army Ready to Use DOGE on X: Survey

狗狗幣大軍準備在 X 上使用 DOGE:調查

發布: 2024/01/18 06:00 閱讀: 773



狗狗幣大軍準備在 X 上使用 DOGE:調查

DOGE-themed account @dogeofficialceo has published a post on the X/Twitter social media network to survey other Dogecoin fans if they are ready to start using DOGE for payments and tipping on the platform should it be integrated by its owner, Elon Musk.

以DOGE 為主題的帳戶@dogeofficialceo 在X/Twitter 社交媒體網絡上發布了一篇帖子,調查其他狗狗幣粉絲是否準備好開始使用DOGE 進行支付,並在該平台被其所有者埃隆·馬斯克整合後給小費。

Numerous responses to it show that, indeed, the DOGE community is willing to do so. Some DOGE fans stated that they would agree to do that if users link their wallets into the platform.

對此的眾多回應表明,DOGE 社群確實願意這樣做。一些 DOGE 粉絲表示,如果用戶將錢包連結到該平台,他們會同意這樣做。

hard yes pic.twitter.com/z8JTM9XD6y

硬體是的 pic.twitter.com/z8JTM9XD6y

— Ʌlpha Doge (@MrDylanKrug) January 17, 2024

- Ʌlpha Doge (@MrDylanKrug) 2024 年 1 月 17 日

The Dogecoin community got stirred up approximately a week ago as news spread that Elon Musk was preparing to kickstart peer-to-peer payments on X. The company’s official blog post stated that P2P payments will be introduced this year, making the platform offer “more utility and opportunities for commerce” and also let X take yet another step toward becoming an “everything app,” in accordance with the plan voiced by its new owner, Elon Musk, as he was closing the $44 billion deal on purchasing Twitter in October 2022. Last year, X secured licenses for payment processing across various U.S. states.

大約一周前,有消息傳出,埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk) 正準備在X 上啟動點對點支付,狗狗幣社區引起了軒然大波。該公司的官方博客文章表示,P2P 支付將於今年推出,使該平台提供“更多”實用性和商業機會”,並且根據其新所有者埃隆·馬斯克在2022 年10 月完成以440 億美元收購Twitter 的交易時提出的計劃,X 又向成為“一切應用程式」邁出了一步. 去年,X 獲得了美國各州的支付處理許可證。

In his earlier interviews, Musk once stated that Dogecoin is far better suited for payments than Bitcoin, and before acquiring the company, he mentioned many times that implementing DOGE as a means of payment on Twitter would be a good idea since he is a big fan of Dogecoin himself. DOGE was inspired by memes, and Musk is a great meme lover, who likes posting them on his X page frequently.

在先前的訪談中,馬斯克曾表示狗狗幣比比特幣更適合支付,在收購該公司之前,他多次提到在Twitter 上使用狗狗幣作為支付手段將是一個好主意,因為他是比特幣的忠實粉絲狗狗幣本人。 DOGE 的靈感來自 meme,而 Musk 是一位偉大的 meme 愛好者,他喜歡經常將它們發佈在他的 X 頁面上。

While Musk has not made any official statements about whether DOGE will be officially used on X, he did make it clear that the company (all of his companies, actually) is not going to create a native cryptocurrency. Thus, he dispelled rumors about an “X coin” being launched.

雖然馬斯克尚未就 DOGE 是否會在 X 上正式使用發表任何官方聲明,但他確實明確表示該公司(實際上是他的所有公司)不會創建原生加密貨幣。由此,他闢謠了「X幣」即將上線的傳聞。

Over billion DOGE moved this week

本週轉移了超過 10 億美元的 DOGE

According to Whale Alert blockchain sleuth, over the past 24 hours, an anonymous buyer withdrew 67,903,623 Dogecoin from Robinhood – a popular brokerage platform. Earlier this week, the same source reported a much bigger amount of these meme coins transferred – 990,000,000 DOGE worth $79,757,842 at the time when the transaction was made.

據 Whale Alert 區塊鏈偵探稱,在過去 24 小時內,一位匿名買家從流行的經紀平台 Robinhood 提取了 67,903,623 狗狗幣。本週早些時候,同一消息來源報導稱,這些 meme 代幣的轉移金額要大得多——交易完成時價值 79,757,842 美元的 990,000,000 DOGE。

🚨 67,903,623 #DOGE (5,549,241 USD) transferred from #Robinhood to unknown wallethttps://t.co/381LGoHzwD

🚨 67,903,623 #DOGE(5,549,241 美元)從 #Robinhood 轉移到未知錢包https://t.co/381LGoHzwD

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) January 16, 2024

— 鯨魚警報 (@whale_alert) 2024 年 1 月 16 日

In the meantime, over the past 24 hours, the original meme cryptocurrency DOGE has lost around 2.85%, dropping to $0.0805.

同時,在過去 24 小時內,最初的 meme 加密貨幣 DOGE 下跌了約 2.85%,跌至 0.0805 美元。


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