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Dogecoin Beats Shiba Inu, Pepe as the Most Profitable Meme Crypto


發布: 2023/09/11 20:30 閱讀: 654



The cryptocurrency industry has witnessed the emergence of numerous new assets in recent years. Dogecoin was created as a joke but gained tremendous popularity. Shiba Inu [SHIB] followed a similar path and created millionaires and billionaires during its early days. On the other hand, PEPE aimed to distinguish itself by avoiding the canine theme.

近年來,加密貨幣產業見證了許多新資產的出現。狗狗幣最初是作為一個笑話而創建的,但卻獲得了巨大的受歡迎。柴犬 [SHIB] 也遵循了類似的道路,並在早期創造了百萬富翁和億萬富翁。另一方面,PEPE 旨在透過避免犬類主題來區分自己。

Do these formerly popular and profitable meme coins still possess their charm? It appears that their appeal has dwindled. Since 2021, Dogecoin has failed to retest its all-time high range. However, a significant portion of its users have managed to make a profit. Additionally, 44% of the network consists of large addresses.

這些曾經流行且賺錢的迷因幣還具有魅力嗎?看來他們的吸引力已經下降了。自 2021 年以來,狗狗幣未能重新測試其歷史最高區間。然而,很大一部分用戶已經成功獲利。此外,44% 的網路由大位址組成。

Also Read: Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Prediction: September 2023

另請閱讀:狗狗幣 (DOGE) 價格預測:2023 年 9 月

PEPE coin secured the second position, with 21% of its holders seeing profits. Meanwhile, Shiba Inu trailed behind, and its derivative token, LEASH, had 19% of its holders experiencing gains at the current asset price.

PEPE 幣位居第二,21% 的持有者獲得了利潤。與此同時,Shiba Inu 緊隨其後,其衍生代幣 LEASH 有 19% 的持有者以當前資產價格獲得收益。

Shiba Inu has recently erased all the gains it experienced in July and August, revisiting its lowest point from December 2022. As of now, with the asset trading at $0.000007034, only 9% of its holders find themselves in a profitable position. This is quite surprising considering Shibarium just made its debut. Interestingly, the SHIB network hosts the second-highest number of whales. In contrast, Dogelon Mars [ELON] has a significantly higher whale concentration, standing at 75%.

Shiba Inu 最近抹去了7 月和8 月經歷的所有漲幅,重新回到2022 年12 月以來的最低點。截至目前,該資產交易價格為0.000007034 美元,只有9% 的持有者發現自己處於盈利狀態。考慮到 Shibarium 剛剛首次亮相,這是相當令人驚訝的。有趣的是,SHIB 網路擁有數量第二多的鯨魚。相較之下,Dogelon Mars [ELON] 的鯨魚集中度則明顯較高,達 75%。

Also Read: Shibarium Daily Transactions Soar to 177K: What’s Next for Shiba Inu?

另請閱讀:Shibarium 日交易量飆升至 17.7 萬:Shiba Inu 的下一步是什麼?

Will PEPE outshine the dogs on the crypto block?

PEPE 會在加密貨幣區塊上脫穎而出嗎?

There are several factors that come into play here, starting with token supply. Shiba Inu holds the highest total supply with one quadrillion tokens, followed by Dogecoin with an unlimited supply that increases by 10,000 coins per minute. PEPE has a fixed supply of 420.69 trillion tokens. It is essential to note that a cryptocurrency’s value is influenced by factors like demand and market sentiment as well.

這裡有幾個因素在起作用,首先是代幣供應。柴犬擁有最高的總供應量,達一兆個代幣,其次是狗狗幣,供應量無限,每分鐘增加 10,000 個代幣。 PEPE 的固定供應量為 420.69 兆代幣。值得注意的是,加密貨幣的價值也受到需求和市場情緒等因素的影響。

The launch of Shibarium has expanded the utility of Shiba Inu. The network has been striving to shed its image as a meme coin and instead focus on its potential real-world applications. Elon Musk has been making similar efforts with Dogecoin, but these endeavors have yet to yield significant results. Nonetheless, Dogecoin is widely embraced and utilized as a prominent form of payment at numerous locations. In contrast, PEPE has a defined roadmap. However, recent disruptions within the network have led many to question the project’s credibility.

Shibarium 的推出擴大了柴犬的用途。該網絡一直在努力擺脫其作為模因硬幣的形象,轉而專注於其潛在的現實世界應用。馬斯克(Elon Musk)一直在為狗狗幣做出類似的努力,但這些努力尚未產生顯著的成果。儘管如此,狗狗幣在許多地方都被廣泛接受並用作主要的支付方式。相比之下,PEPE 有明確的路線圖。然而,最近網路內的中斷導致許多人質疑該專案的可信度。

Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and PEPE are quite different from each other. In the end, the fate of these meme coins hinges on their capacity to maintain their user communities, successfully bring their products to fruition, and adjust to evolving market dynamics.

狗狗幣、柴犬和 PEPE 彼此之間有很大不同。最終,這些迷因幣的命運取決於它們維護用戶社群、成功實現產品成果以及適應不斷變化的市場動態的能力。

Also Read: PEPE Coin Falls 24% As Rug Pull Rumors Looms

另請閱讀:隨著地毯拉動謠言的出現,PEPE 代幣下跌 24%

  • crypto
  • 加密貨幣

  • cryptocurrency
  • 加密貨幣

  • Dogecoin
  • 狗狗幣

  • pepe
  • 佩佩

  • shib
  • 希布

  • shiba inu
  • 柴犬



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