首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣和幣安失去了投資者的興趣,因為 MoonBag Coin 的 310 萬美元預售引發了 11 月 0.25 美元的預測

Dogecoin and Binance Lose Investor Interest as MoonBag Coin’s $3.1 Million Presale Sparks Predictions of $0.25 by November

狗狗幣和幣安失去了投資者的興趣,因為 MoonBag Coin 的 310 萬美元預售引發了 11 月 0.25 美元的預測

發布: 2024/07/05 01:09 閱讀: 204



狗狗幣和幣安失去了投資者的興趣,因為 MoonBag Coin 的 310 萬美元預售引發了 11 月 0.25 美元的預測

MoonBag Presale Surges Past Dogecoin and Binance

MoonBag 預售激增超過狗狗幣和幣安

The cryptocurrency market is abuzz with the excitement surrounding MoonBag (MBAG), the most promising meme coin presale of 2024. As the presale progresses, established coins like Dogecoin and Binance Coin (BNB) are struggling to keep pace.

加密貨幣市場因MoonBag (MBAG) 的興奮而熱鬧,它是2024 年最有前途的meme 代幣預售。跟上步伐。

MoonBag's Meteoric Rise


In its sixth presale stage, MoonBag has emerged as a highly sought-after investment, with projections of significant growth at launch. Investors are shifting their focus away from traditional players towards this promising newcomer.

在第六個預售階段,MoonBag 已成為備受追捧的投資,預計推出後將顯著成長。投資者正在將注意力從傳統企業轉向這個有前途的新企業。

MoonBag's allure stems from its exceptional presale incentives and a comprehensive tokenomics model. Its standout feature is an 88% annual percentage yield (APY), incentivizing long-term holding.

MoonBag 的吸引力源自於其卓越的預售激勵措施和全面的代幣經濟模型。其突出特點是年收益率 (APY) 為 88%,激勵長期持有。

Dogecoin's Struggles


Dogecoin, the social media sensation, has encountered challenges following the passing of its mascot, Kabosu. The coin has also faced a sell-off by major investors and uncertainty among the community. Analysts predict further price declines, highlighting the risks associated with relying on social media hype.


BNB's Regulatory and Operational Concerns

BNB 的監管和營運問題

BNB, previously a pillar of the Binance ecosystem, has experienced recent price volatility. A decline of 4.86% in the past 24 hours and a broader 5% drop over the past week have raised concerns. These fluctuations and a slight increase in circulating supply have created uncertainty around the coin's short-term stability.

BNB 曾是幣安生態系統的支柱,最近經歷了價格波動。過去 24 小時內下跌 4.86%,過去一週更廣泛下跌 5%,引發擔憂。這些波動和流通供應量的略有增加給代幣的短期穩定性帶來了不確定性。

MoonBag's Tokenomics and Investment Potential

MoonBag 的代幣經濟學和投資潛力

MoonBag's tokenomics model and strong community focus set it apart. The project plans post-launch buyback and coin burns, enhancing long-term stability and value. Its referral program further incentivizes adoption and growth.

MoonBag 的代幣經濟模型和強大的社區關注使其與眾不同。該項目計劃啟動後回購和代幣銷毀,以增強長期穩定性和價值。其推薦計劃進一步激勵了採用和成長。

How to Acquire MBAG Coins


Interested investors can visit the MoonBag website and connect their crypto wallet. The platform supports multiple currencies, including Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), and BNB. Purchases can be made seamlessly within the platform.

有興趣的投資者可以訪問 MoonBag 網站並連接他們的加密錢包。該平台支援多種貨幣,包括以太幣(ETH)、Tether(USDT)和BNB。可以在平台內無縫地進行購買。



As other cryptocurrencies face challenges, MoonBag's presale is thriving. Its exceptional rewards, strategic tokenomics, and vibrant community have fueled strong investor interest. Join the MoonBag presale to secure a promising investment opportunity in the rapidly evolving cryptocurrency landscape.

當其他加密貨幣面臨挑戰時,MoonBag 的預售卻蓬勃發展。其卓越的回報、策略性代幣經濟學和充滿活力的社區激發了投資者的濃厚興趣。加入 MoonBag 預售,在快速發展的加密貨幣領域獲得有前途的投資機會。

Official Links


  • Website: https://moonbag.org/
  • Presale: https://moonbag.org/presale
  • Telegram: https://t.me/moonbag_official
  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/moonbag_org

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice.



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