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Dogecoin and Bitcoin Head to Moon With Epic Rocket Launch Today


發布: 2024/01/08 16:05 閱讀: 379




In a groundbreaking move, Dogecoin and Bitcoin are taking a leap into the cosmos today as they embark on a journey with the United Launch Alliance's (ULA) Vulcan Centaur rocket. The Dogecoin Foundation's recent social media update confirmed that the rocket's cargo includes a real replica of DOGE, in addition to the Astrobotic Peregrine lunar lander, a vital component of NASA's initiative.

今天,狗狗幣和比特幣帶著聯合發射聯盟 (ULA) 的火神半人馬座火箭踏上太空之旅,這是一項開創性的舉措。狗狗幣基金會最近的社群媒體更新證實,除了 NASA 計畫的重要組成部分 Astrobotic Peregrine 月球登陸器之外,火箭的貨物還包括 DOGE 的真實複製品。

Simultaneously, the BitMex exchange, in collaboration with its founder Arthur Hayes, declared its intention to send Bitcoin, the leading cryptocurrency, on the same historic lunar journey. Hayes enthusiastically dubbed the mission "Bitcoin to the Moon," foreseeing its legendary status in the cryptocurrency realm.

同時,BitMex 交易所與其創辦人 Arthur Hayes 合作,宣布打算將領先的加密貨幣比特幣送上同樣歷史性的月球之旅。海耶斯熱情地將這項任務稱為“比特幣登月”,預見了它在加密貨幣領域的傳奇地位。

United Launch Alliance (@ulalaunch) will launch their first Vulcan Centaur rocket in a few hours. The rocket will carry the @astrobotic Peregrine lunar lander, as part of NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services initiative, and the @NASAArtemis program.This will be on board!🧵 pic.twitter.com/GyUaPikTlU

聯合發射聯盟 (@ulalaunch) 將在幾個小時內發射他們的第一枚火神半人馬火箭。作為 NASA 商業月球有效載荷服務計劃和 @NASAArtemis 計劃的一部分,該火箭將搭載 @astrobotic Peregrine 月球著陸器。這將在船上!🧵 pic.twitter.com/GyUaPikTlU

— Dogecoin Foundation (@DogecoinFdn) January 8, 2024

— 狗狗幣基金會 (@DogecoinFdn) 2024 年 1 月 8 日

The mission


After a series of delays spanning five years, the Vulcan Centaur heavy-lift launch vehicle is making its debut today, carrying the Peregrine lunar lander for NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services program. The intricate journey of DOGE and BTC to the moon is slated to unfold in nine distinct stages, from the initial launch to a high elliptical orbit to landing on the lunar surface.

經過五年的一系列延誤後,火神半人馬重型運載火箭今天首次亮相,搭載了美國宇航局商業月球有效載荷服務計劃的遊隼月球著陸器。 DOGE 和 BTC 錯綜複雜的月球之旅預計將分九個不同的階段展開,從最初的發射到高橢圓軌道,再到登陸月球表面。

The collaboration between the crypto world and space exploration represents a significant milestone for both industries, capturing the interest of enthusiasts worldwide. At the time of writing, the launch has already taken place. No problems occurred on takeoff. It can be officially stated: Dogecoin and Bitcoin to the moon!



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