首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣擁有 500 萬個地址,168,000 個每日活躍地址,表明其被廣泛採用

Dogecoin Boasts of 5M Addresses, 168,000 Daily Active Addresses, Indicating Massive Adoption

狗狗幣擁有 500 萬個地址,168,000 個每日活躍地址,表明其被廣泛採用

發布: 2023/11/30 06:06 閱讀: 432



狗狗幣擁有 500 萬個地址,168,000 個每日活躍地址,表明其被廣泛採用

  • Dogecoin now boasts five million addresses, indicating substantial adoption.
  • 狗狗幣現在擁有 500 萬個地址,這表明狗狗幣已被大量採用。

  • Daily active addresses soared to 168,000, a peak since March 2022.
  • 日活躍地址飆升至 168,000 個,為 2022 年 3 月以來的高峰。

  • Dogecoin sparks speculation of a potential surge to $1.5 in an upcoming bull run.
  • 狗狗幣引發了人們對即將到來的牛市中可能飆升至 1.5 美元的猜測。

Recent data from the crypto analytic platform IntoTheBlock revealed a striking surge in Dogecoin’s (DOGE) adoption, with its addresses holding at least one DOGE and hitting a five-million-dollar milestone.

加密分析平台 IntoTheBlock 的最新數據顯示,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的採用率出現了驚人的激增,其地址至少持有一個 DOGE,並達到了 500 萬美元的里程碑。

This surge in adoption mirrors a significant rise in daily user engagement, reaching an impressive 168,000 active addresses. 

採用率的激增反映了日常用戶參與的顯著上升,活躍地址達到了令人印象深刻的 168,000 個。

Notably, this marks the highest engagement level observed for Dogecoin since March 2022, indicating a renewed surge in user interest and activity within the Dogecoin network.

值得注意的是,這標誌著狗狗幣自 2022 年 3 月以來的最高參與度,顯示狗狗幣網路內的用戶興趣和活動再次激增。

The surge in addresses holding DOGE coincides with the cryptocurrency’s increasing popularity and utility. 

持有 DOGE 的地址激增,與加密貨幣的日益普及和實用性相一致。

See Also: Netflix’S Director Won $27 Million From A $4 Million Doge Gamble

另請參閱:Netflix 導演從 400 萬美元的 Doge 賭博中贏得 2700 萬美元

While some questioned the accuracy of the data, suggesting that 4.8 million addresses holding 1.5% of the circulating supply might be a result of Dogecoin fragments on the network (referred to as Doginals), IntoTheBlock emphasized that these fragments don’t necessitate large on-chain balances of DOGE to impact the recorded data.

雖然有些人質疑數據的準確性,認為持有 1.5% 流通供應量的 480 萬個地址可能是網絡上狗狗幣碎片(稱為 Doginals)的結果,但 IntoTheBlock 強調,這些碎片並不需要大量的DOGE的鏈平衡會影響記錄的數據。

This surge in user activity and address numbers has fueled optimistic speculations within the cryptocurrency community. 


Despite Dogecoin trading at $0.07 and experiencing a slight dip of 3.5% over the past 24 hours, there’s growing speculation about the potential for a significant surge in value. 

儘管狗狗幣的交易價格為 0.07 美元,並且在過去 24 小時內小幅下跌了 3.5%,但人們越來越多地猜測其價值可能會大幅上漲。

Rumors suggest that Dogecoin might rally to $1.5 in an anticipated bullish market run, although the certainty of this prediction remains uncertain. Despite market fluctuations, the recent buzz surrounding Dogecoin’s milestones underscores its resilience and popularity.

有傳言稱,在預期的多頭運行中,狗狗幣可能會上漲至 1.5 美元,儘管這一預測的確定性仍不確定。儘管市場波動,但最近圍繞狗狗幣里程碑的熱烈討論凸顯了其彈性和受歡迎程度。

The post Dogecoin Boasts of 5M Addresses, 168,000 Daily Active Addresses, Indicating Massive Adoption appeared first on BitcoinWorld.

狗狗幣擁有 500 萬個地址,168,000 個每日活躍地址,表明大規模採用的貼文首先出現在 BitcoinWorld 上。


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