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Could Dogecoin Boom In 2024? Here’s What The DOGE Charts Are Showing

狗狗幣會在 2024 年繁榮嗎? DOGE 圖表顯示的內容如下

發布: 2024/02/17 06:28 閱讀: 603



Dogecoin is the oldest meme coin and the most popular one having the highest market capitalization. DOGE exploded in the year 2021 and created a huge wealth for its investors. However, afterward, it went bearish and since then it has been in a tight consolidation. Meanwhile, there are multiple updates on the meme coin fluctuating its price and giving hype it.

狗狗幣是最古老的迷因幣,也是最受歡迎、市值最高的迷因幣。 DOGE在2021年爆發,為其投資者創造了巨額財富。然而,此後,它轉為看跌,此後一直處於緊密盤整之中。同時,模因幣的多次更新導致其價格波動並對其進行炒作。

How Dogecoin Got A Boom In 2021

狗狗幣如何在 2021 年蓬勃發展

Dogecoin made a big impact in 2021, showing the potential of meme coins to the crypto world. From the start to the middle of the year, Dogecoin soared over 130 times in market size, becoming the fourth-biggest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Binance Coin.

狗狗幣在 2021 年產生了巨大影響,向加密世界展示了迷因幣的潛力。從年初到年中,狗狗幣的市場規模飆升了130多倍,成為繼比特幣、以太幣和幣安幣之後的第四大加密貨幣。

The main reason for Dogecoin’s success was the support of Elon Musk, the boss of Tesla and SpaceX, who tweeted about it several times. Several celebrities joined him, such as Snoop Dogg and Gene Simmons from Kiss. Mark Cuban, who owns an NBA team, also helped Dogecoin by letting his fans buy stuff with it. His team did about 6,000 Dogecoin deals in April that year.

狗狗幣成功的主要原因是特斯拉和SpaceX老闆馬斯克的支持,他曾多次在推特上談論狗狗幣。一些名人也加入了他的行列,例如《吻樂隊》中的史努比狗狗和吉恩·西蒙斯。擁有一支 NBA 球隊的馬克庫班 (Mark Cuban) 也透過讓他的粉絲用狗狗幣購買東西來幫助狗狗幣。那年 4 月,他的團隊完成了約 6,000 筆狗狗幣交易。

Dogecoin’s huge growth happened at the same time as a general crypto boom that made Bitcoin reach a new high. People were willing to take more risks, and the Dogecoin fans on Reddit and elsewhere boosted the coin’s momentum. Dogecoin is still a popular coin in the market, and its price could change a lot depending on what famous people and the general social media says about it.

狗狗幣的巨大增長與加密貨幣的普遍繁榮同時發生,使比特幣達到了新高。人們願意承擔更多風險,Reddit 和其他地方的狗狗幣粉絲推動了該貨幣的發展勢頭。狗狗幣仍然是市場上流行的硬幣,其價格可能會根據名人和一般社交媒體對其的評價而發生很大變化。

Dogecoin Bullish Elements


While Dogecoin may be supported by a very large online community it is nevertheless based on pure blockchain technology. The blockchain is miner-friendly. And, DOGE has the support of famous celebrities and individuals who show their support and love on social media platforms.

雖然狗狗幣可能得到非常大的線上社群的支持,但它仍然基於純粹的區塊鏈技術。區塊鏈對礦工來說是友善的。而且,DOGE 得到了著名名人和個人的支持,他們在社群媒體平台上表達了他們的支持和愛。

Dogecoin Bearish Elements


The most disadvantageous factor behind the DOGE  bearishness is its lack of real utility and that it is more of a fun coin.  It has an unlimited supply which is also a bearish factor for the memecoin. Its value depends on its fans, who make it a gamble, a wild, and dangerous thing to own. The meme coin’s fans can get angry and mock those who disagree with them. Even the people who made Dogecoin don’t support the fans anymore.

DOGE 看跌背後最不利的因素是它缺乏真正的實用性,而且它更像是一種有趣的硬幣。它的供應量是無限的,這對 memecoin 來說也是一個看跌因素。它的價值取決於它的粉絲,他們認為擁有它是一場賭博,一種瘋狂而危險的東西。模因幣的粉絲可能會生氣並嘲笑那些不同意他們的人。即使是狗狗幣的創造者也不再支持粉絲了。

Will Dogecoin Get a Boom In 2024

狗狗幣會在 2024 年繁榮嗎

Dogecoin has been consolidating in a horizontal channel for more than 450 days. If the price breaks the upper resistance band of this consolidation phase, then investors might see the new higher levels.

狗狗幣已經在水平通道中盤整了 450 多天。如果價格突破此盤整階段的上部阻力帶,那麼投資者可能會看到新的更高水準。

Moreover, DOGE stands at the number 10th position according to CoinMarketCap data. It has a bigger market cap than the major cryptocurrencies like Polkadot, Polkadot, and others. 

此外,根據 CoinMarketCap 數據,DOGE 排名第十。它的市值比 Polkadot、Polkadot 等主要加密貨幣更大。

Additionally, it has a strong community and various solid endorsements like Elon Musk and Snoop Dogg. However, there are some bigger projects are also on the way like speculations surrounding the market that  DOGE will integrate with the X platform for the payment option. However, it is not confirmed but in the future, if this integration happens then doge might surge to the new targets.

此外,它還擁有強大的社區和 Elon Musk 和史努比狗狗 (Snoop Dogg) 等各種可靠的認可。然而,還有一些更大的項目正在進行中,例如市場猜測 DOGE 將與 X 平台整合支付選項。然而,這一消息尚未得到證實,但在未來,如果這種整合發生,那麼 doge 可能會飆升至新的目標。



Dogecoin, a meme-based cryptocurrency had a remarkable rise and fall in 2021. For some days the question rising in the crypto space is the DOGE dead or not? However, recent news and some technical factors are pointing towards the rise of crypto in the upcoming days.

狗狗幣(Dogecoin)是一種基於迷因的加密貨幣,在 2021 年經歷了顯著的上漲和下跌。幾天來,加密貨幣領域不斷出現的問題是 DOGE 是否已死?然而,最近的新聞和一些技術因素表明加密貨幣在未來幾天將會崛起。



Will Dogecoin reach the level of $1?


DOGE’s $1 target depends upon its adoption rate, market conditions, and any crucial development in its utility. However, the crypto space is unpredictable making certainties impossible. 

DOGE 的 1 美元目標取決於其採用率、市場狀況及其效用的任何重要發展。然而,加密貨幣空間是不可預測的,因此不可能確定確定性。

What did Dogecoin’s fans feel about DOGE?

狗狗幣的粉絲對 DOGE 有什麼看法?

There are different opinions, from strong support to doubt. On social media and online platforms, supporters celebrate its spirit and possibilities, while opponents highlight the difficulties it has in becoming widely accepted and used.


Is DOGE a good option for long-term Investment?


Dogecoin’s future as a long-lasting investment option depends on its usefulness, supply factors, leadership, and fan base. More work from developers and more real-life applications could improve its chances.



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