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When Will Dogecoin Breach Its All-Time High of $0.73?

狗狗幣何時會突破 0.73 美元的歷史高點?

發布: 2023/12/15 17:39 閱讀: 230



Dogecoin is on the brink of deleting a ‘zero’ as it’s currently trading at the $0.096 mark. Another leg up could take DOGE’s price to reach $0.1 and get back on track to its previous glory years. Top cryptocurrencies are moving in tandem with Bitcoin’s rise above $42,000 making leading altcoins to reach new monthly highs. Dogecoin had reached an all-time high of $0.73 in May 2021 as Tesla CEO Elon Musk repeatedly spoke about the memecoin.

狗狗幣正處於刪除「零」的邊緣,因為它目前的交易價格為 0.096 美元。如果 DOGE 的價格再上漲,可能會達到 0.1 美元,並回到之前的輝煌歲月。頂級加密貨幣的走勢與比特幣升至 42,000 美元以上的走勢同步,使得領先的山寨幣創下月度新高。 2021 年 5 月,隨著特斯拉執行長馬斯克多次談論迷因幣,狗狗幣達到了 0.73 美元的歷史新高。

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However, DOGE dipped in price after hitting its ATH of $0.73 never to recover again. The leading meme currency is on a downward spiral for two consecutive years showing no signs of a recovery. In this article, we will highlight when Dogecoin could breach its ATH of $0.73 and reach a new high.

然而,DOGE 的價格在觸及 0.73 美元的 ATH 後下跌,再也沒有恢復過來。領先的表情包貨幣連續兩年呈螺旋式下降,沒有任何復甦的跡象。在本文中,我們將重點介紹狗狗幣何時可能突破 0.73 美元的 ATH 並達到新高。

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Dogecoin: DOGE To Breach Its All-Time High in 2029?

狗狗幣:DOGE 將在 2029 年突破歷史新高?

‘Price Predictions‘, a machine-learning algorithm, has forecasted that Dogecoin could breach its all-time high of $0.73 only in 2029.

機器學習演算法「價格預測」預測狗狗幣只有在 2029 年才會突破 0.73 美元的歷史新高。

The AI has predicted that Dogecoin’s price could climb above its May 2021 ATH, and reach $0.77 in December 2029.

AI 預測狗狗幣的價格可能會攀升至 2021 年 5 月的最高點之上,並在 2029 年 12 月達到 0.77 美元。

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“As the year ends, Dogecoin is expected to reach a new all-time high of $0.7722 in December 2029. The average price of DOGE could be around $0.74, providing it receives the support it needs,” predicted the AI.

AI 預測:“到年底,狗狗幣預計將在 2029 年 12 月達到 0.7722 美元的歷史新高。只要獲得所需的支持,狗狗幣的平均價格可能會在 0.74 美元左右。”

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However, the forecast indicates that DOGE will not reach $1 by the end of this decade in 2030. The meme currency could be trading in Cents for the next seven years and not trade in single digits. The maximum DOGE could be by the end of 2030 is $0.83, according to the price prediction.

然而,預測表明,到 2030 年,DOGE 將不會達到 1 美元。這種模因貨幣可能在未來七年以美分交易,而不是以個位數交易。根據價格預測,到 2030 年底,DOGE 的最高價格可能為 0.83 美元。

At press time, Dogecoin was trading at $0.096 and is down nearly 0.1% in the 24-hour day trade. DOGE is also down close to 87% from its all-time high of $0.73, which it reached in May 2021.

截至發稿時,狗狗幣交易價格為 0.096 美元,在 24 小時交易中下跌近 0.1%。 DOGE 也較 2021 年 5 月達到的歷史高點 0.73 美元下跌了近 87%。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/when-will-dogecoin-breach-its-all-time-high-of-0-73-tbt73774.html



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