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Dogecoin On The Brink: Factors That Indicate A DOGE Rally Is Just Starting


發布: 2023/11/18 06:00 閱讀: 810

原文作者:Scott Matherson


According to on-chain analytics, the next strong Dogecoin rally might be closer than we think. The meme token has been giving traders mixed signals for the past month, but signs like on-chain transaction volume and DOGE’s mission to the moon are starting to point to the next surge being right around the corner. 

根據鏈上分析,狗狗幣的下一次強勁反彈可能比我們想像的更接近。在過去的一個月裡,meme 代幣一直為交易者帶來了複雜的訊號,但鏈上交易量和 DOGE 登月任務等跡象開始表明下一次激增即將到來。

Despite the majority of cryptocurrencies being in the red over the past 24 hours as consolidation and modest selloffs continue, Doge has managed to post a gain of 6.87%. 

儘管隨著整合和小幅拋售的持續,大多數加密貨幣在過去 24 小時內都出現虧損,但 Doge 仍成功實現了 6.87% 的漲幅。

Dogecoin Transaction Volume Spikes


Price activity indicates that Dogecoin has gained more than 10% over the course of the past week. The cryptocurrency struggled to post gains like other popular cryptocurrencies for the most part of October’s rally. 

價格活動顯示狗狗幣在過去一周上漲了 10% 以上。在 10 月上漲的大部分時間裡,這種加密貨幣與其他流行的加密貨幣一樣難以實現上漲。

Price data from Coinmarketcap shows the crypto only spiked 19.7% from its October bottom of $0.0579 to end the month at $0.069. However, things changed in early November, as bulls and whales started to inject capital into the cryptocurrency. This influx pushed the cryptocurrency over the strong $0.76 support. 

Coinmarketcap 的價格數據顯示,該加密貨幣從 10 月的底部 0.0579 美元僅上漲了 19.7%,到月底為 0.069 美元。然而,情況在 11 月初發生了變化,多頭和鯨魚開始向加密貨幣注入資金。這種湧入將加密貨幣推高至 0.76 美元的強勁支撐位。

According to crypto analyst Rekt Capital, this breakout was the beginning of a shift in trend, with a spike to a $0.15 price target now in formation.

加密貨幣分析師 Rekt Capital 表示,這項突破是趨勢轉變的開始,目前正在形成 0.15 美元的價格目標。

Various on-chain monitors reveal that on-chain transactions have spiked at the same time. According to on-chain analytics platform Santiment, Dogecoin reached a total transaction volume of $665 million yesterday, its highest level in three months. Data from Coinmarketcap also puts the total transaction volume in the past 24 hours at $1.83 billion, an increase of over 240% from the previous day. 

各種鏈上監控顯示鏈上交易同時激增。根據鏈上分析平台 Santiment 的數據,狗狗幣昨天的總交易額達到 6.65 億美元,為三個月來的最高水準。 Coinmarketcap的數據也顯示,過去24小時總交易額為18.3億美元,較前一天成長超過240%。

Dogecoin millionaires figures are currently in decline, but that has not stopped whale activities as large transactions have spiked in the past week amid greater market pullback. IntoTheBlock’s large on-chain transaction metric shows that DOGE’s large on-chain transactions totaled $1.37 billion in the past 24 hours, a 69% increase from the prior day.

狗狗幣百萬富翁的數量目前正在下降,但這並沒有阻止鯨魚活動,因為過去一周隨著市場回調的加大,大宗交易激增。 IntoTheBlock 的大額鏈上交易指標顯示,DOGE 在過去 24 小時內的大額鏈上交易總額為 13.7 億美元,較前一天增長 69%。

Source: IntoTheBlock


Most of this heightened trading activity can be linked to increasing enthusiasm within the Dogecoin community surrounding robotics company Astrobotic’s launch of a physical Dogecoin token to the moon in December. For a token whose price is mostly driven largely by hype and excitement, the anticipation and achievement of this Moon mission could very well start a sustained upward trend for Dogecoin.

這種交易活動的增加大部分與狗狗幣社群對機器人公司 Astrobotic 於 12 月向月球推出實體狗狗幣代幣的熱情高漲有關。對於價格主要由炒作和興奮驅動的代幣來說,這次月球任務的預期和成就很可能會開啟狗狗幣的持續上漲趨勢。

Popular trading platform Robinhood has also been a major factor in this uptick in large transaction volume. A series of large-scale transactions linked to Robinhood started on November 7, when it received a transfer of 250 million DOGE, worth approximately $18.9 million at the time. Other notable transfers include a transfer of $10.6 million worth of DOGE from Robinhood to an unknown wallet and a transfer of 690 million DOGE between two private wallets.

受歡迎的交易平台 Robinhood 也是大交易量上升的一個主要因素。與 Robinhood 有關的一系列大規模交易於 11 月 7 日開始,當時它收到了 2.5 億 DOGE 的轉賬,當時價值約 1890 萬美元。其他值得注意的轉帳包括將價值 1,060 萬美元的 DOGE 從 Robinhood 轉移到一個未知的錢包,以及在兩個私人錢包之間轉移 6.9 億美元的 DOGE。

According to whale transaction tracker Whale Alerts, 375 million DOGE worth approximately $30.3 million was recently transferred to Robinhood.

根據鯨魚交易追蹤器 Whale Alerts 的數據,最近有 3.75 億枚 DOGE 被轉移到 Robinhood,價值約 3,030 萬美元。

DOGE bulls take control | Source: DOGEUSD on Tradingview.com

DOGE多頭佔據主導地位|資料來源:Tradingview.com 上的 DOGEUSD


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