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Dogecoin: Bullish Trends Signal Potential Price Surge


發布: 2023/12/18 06:22 閱讀: 503

原文作者:Crypto News Land



  • Dogecoin teeters around $0.094, nearing a critical level at $0.090, which could escalate selling pressure.
  • 狗狗幣在 0.094 美元附近徘徊,接近 0.090 美元的關鍵水平,這可能會加劇拋售壓力。

  • Despite ups and downs, Dogecoin’s uptrend holds as long as it stays above descending moving averages.
  • 儘管有起有落,只要狗狗幣保持在下降的移動平均線之上,它的上升趨勢就會持續下去。

  • CoinCodex predicts a 0.99% increase for Dogecoin by December 22, 2023.
  • CoinCodex 預測到 2023 年 12 月 22 日,狗狗幣將上漲 0.99%。

Dogecoin (DOGE) continues to sway near the $0.094 mark, approaching a pivotal level at $0.090. This delicate position hints at a potential escalation in selling pressure, raising concerns among investors and analysts alike.

狗狗幣(DOGE)繼續在 0.094 美元關卡附近波動,接近 0.090 美元的關鍵水平。這種微妙的立場暗示拋售壓力可能會升級,引發投資人和分析師的擔憂。

Despite the market’s turbulence, Dogecoin manages to maintain its upward trajectory, displaying resilience as it remains above the descending moving averages. This steadfastness in the face of fluctuations serves as a beacon of hope for enthusiasts and traders, emphasizing the coin’s resilience in sustaining its bullish momentum.


CoinCodex has forecasted a marginal yet optimistic 0.99% increase in Dogecoin’s value by December 22, 2023. This prediction fuels anticipation among the Dogecoin community, as it aligns with the current technical indicators pointing towards a favorable sentiment.

CoinCodex 預測,到 2023 年 12 月 22 日,狗狗幣的價值將小幅但樂觀地增長 0.99%。這項預測激發了狗狗幣社群的預期,因為它與當前指向有利情緒的技術指標相符。

The recent history of Dogecoin’s price movements reflects a series of ups and downs. Notably, the altcoin’s price rally faced a temporary halt around the $0.1050 mark, failing to sustain the upward momentum beyond a historical price level recorded on April 3rd. 

狗狗幣最近的價格走勢歷史反映了一系列的起伏。值得注意的是,山寨幣的價格漲勢在 0.1050 美元關卡附近暫時停滯,未能維持超過 4 月 3 日記錄的歷史價格水平的上漲勢頭。

However, despite reaching a high of $0.1063 on December 6, the subsequent pullback saw Dogecoin reclaiming ground above the 21-day simple moving average. This reaffirms its commitment to the ongoing uptrend.

然而,儘管狗狗幣在 12 月 6 日觸及 0.1063 美元的高點,但隨後的回調導致狗狗幣收復 21 天簡單移動平均線上方。這重申了對持續上漲趨勢的承諾。

Amidst these developments, the broader sentiment surrounding Dogecoin remains neutral, according to technical indicators. However, the Fear & Greed Index depicts a value of 73 (Greed), signaling a certain degree of optimism prevailing in the market.

根據技術指標,在這些事態發展中,圍繞狗狗幣的更廣泛情緒仍然保持中性。然而,恐懼與貪婪指數的數值為 73(貪婪),顯示市場普遍存在一定程度的樂觀情緒。

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The post Dogecoin: Bullish Trends Signal Potential Price Surge appeared first on Crypto News Land.

狗狗幣:看漲趨勢訊號潛在價格飆升的貼文首先出現在 Crypto News Land 上。


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