首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣繼續吸引人們的關注,而一種新的 Meme 加密貨幣悄悄累積了超過 95 萬美元的資金

Dogecoin Continues to Attract Attention, While a New Meme Cryptocurrency Silently Amasses Over $950K

狗狗幣繼續吸引人們的關注,而一種新的 Meme 加密貨幣悄悄累積了超過 95 萬美元的資金

發布: 2023/12/28 16:33 閱讀: 896





  • Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) is gearing up for its launch, with its ongoing blockchain ICO raising over $950,000
  • Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) 正在準備推出,其正在進行的區塊鏈 ICO 籌集了超過 95 萬美元

  • Bullish Dogecoin (DOGE) investors express confidence in DOGE’s potential to reach $0.150.
  • 看漲狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的投資者對 DOGE 達到 0.150 美元的潛力充滿信心。

This article evaluates the experts’ outlook on two top crypto coins: DOGE and $RBLZ. While Dogecoin has experienced a decline recently, Rebel Satoshi stands out with its innovative approach and noteworthy performance in its cryptocurrency ICO. Let’s delve into the reasons why adding Rebel Satoshi to your portfolio could be a prudent choice.

本文評估了專家對兩種頂級加密貨幣的前景:DOGE 和 $RBLZ。雖然狗狗幣最近經歷了下跌,但 Rebel Satoshi 憑藉其創新方法和在加密貨幣 ICO 中的出色表現脫穎而出。讓我們深入研究為什麼將 Rebel Satoshi 添加到您的投資組合可能是一個謹慎的選擇。

Dogecoin Price Prediction: DOGE Will Buck Bearish Trend Soon


An announcement on December 19 revealed a shift in the Peregrine-1 lunar lander launch, featuring a physical Dogecoin, with the new target set for January 8. Initially planned for December 24-26, the delay was necessary to conduct a wet dress rehearsal.

12 月19 日的公告顯示,Peregrine-1 月球著陸器的發射發生了變化,以實體狗狗幣為特色,新目標定於1 月8 日。最初計劃於12 月24 日至26 日進行,但由於進行濕裝彩排而需要延後。

Since this announcement, the value of DOGE has increased. As of December 19, DOGE traded at $0.090, but it marginally increased to $0.0245 on December 27. Meanwhile, Dogecoin bulls are confident of a rise in the coming weeks because of the crypto market bull wave. Thus, they expect DOGE to rise to $0.150 before January 2024.

自本公告發布以來,DOGE 的價值有所增加。截至 12 月 19 日,DOGE 的交易價格為 0.090 美元,但在 12 月 27 日小幅上漲至 0.0245 美元。同時,由於加密市場牛市浪潮,狗狗幣多頭對未來幾週的上漲充滿信心。因此,他們預計 DOGE 在 2024 年 1 月之前將上漲至 0.150 美元。

Conversely, some analysts have a bearish forecast for Dogecoin because of recent signals from technical indicators like the 20-day EMA. Thus, they expect DOGE to dip to $0.070 by the end of December. In light of the bearish prediction for Dogecoin, investors may consider leveraging Rebel Satoshi as an alternative opportunity.

相反,由於近期 20 日均線等技術指標發出的訊號,一些分析師會對狗狗幣做出看跌預測。因此,他們預計 DOGE 到 12 月底將跌至 0.070 美元。鑑於狗狗幣的看跌預測,投資者可能會考慮利用 Rebel Satoshi 作為替代機會。



Rebel Satoshi’s Presale Surges 100% In December With Further Gains On The Horizon

Rebel Satoshi 12 月預售飆升 100%,進一步上漲即將到來

Meme coins currently boast a market cap of $22 billion, and Rebel Satoshi aims to contribute an additional $100 million in its pursuit of decentralizing the financial system. Rebel Satoshi is assembling a growing community of rebels advocating against oppressive elites to redistribute wealth.

Meme 幣目前的市值為 220 億美元,Rebel Satoshi 計畫再貢獻 1 億美元,以實現金融體系的去中心化。反叛者中本聰正在組建一個不斷壯大的反叛者社區,倡導反對壓迫性精英,重新分配財富。

Embracing meme culture, Rebel Satoshi prioritizes unity and sustainable monetary rewards inspired by successful DeFi projects. Virtual gatherings and interactive quests will maintain an engaging atmosphere.

Rebel Satoshi 擁抱 meme 文化,優先考慮團結和可持續的貨幣獎勵,這些獎勵受到成功的 DeFi 項目的啟發。虛擬聚會和互動任務將保持引人入勝的氛圍。

The platform’s utility token, $RBLZ, plays a crucial role. Users require $RBLZ for participation in the Rebel Artefacts Vault, an NFT marketplace housing 9,999 rebel-themed digital art and collectibles. Staking $RBLZ offers users an avenue for low-effort passive income.

該平台的實用代幣 $RBLZ 發揮著至關重要的作用。用戶需要 $RBLZ 才能參與 Rebel Artefacts Vault,這是一個 NFT 市場,擁有 9,999 件反叛主題的數位藝術品和收藏品。質押 $RBLZ 為用戶提供了一條輕鬆獲得被動收入的途徑。

Rebel Satoshi’s presale, commencing on Bonfire Night (November 5), pays homage to the rebellious hero Guy Fawkes. Remarkable progress has been achieved, with over 80 million $RBLZ tokens sold, totaling over $950,000 invested. In Citizens Round 3, $RBLZ is valued at $0.02. With only two rounds remaining in the presale before $RBLZ’s launch, anticipation builds for the project’s future.

《叛逆中本聰》的預售將於營火之夜(11 月 5 日)開始,向叛逆英雄蓋伊福克斯致敬。已經取得了顯著的進展,已售出超過 8000 萬美元的 RBLZ 代幣,投資總額超過 95 萬美元。在《公民》第 3 輪中,$RBLZ 的價值為 0.02 美元。 $RBLZ 啟動前預售僅剩兩輪,人們對專案的未來充滿期待。

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

如需最新更新和更多信息,請務必訪問 Rebel Satoshi 官方預售網站或透過 Telegram 聯繫 Rebel Red

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The post Dogecoin Continues to Attract Attention, While a New Meme Cryptocurrency Silently Amasses Over $950K appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

狗狗幣繼續吸引人們的關注,而一種新的 Meme 加密貨幣悄悄地累積了超過 95 萬美元,該貼文首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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