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Dogecoin Creator Billy Markus And Elon Musk Reacts To IRS $24 Bln Fine On FTX

狗狗幣創始人比利馬庫斯和埃隆馬斯克對 FTX 上的 IRS 罰款 240 億美元做出反應

發布: 2023/12/02 20:03 閱讀: 508



狗狗幣創始人比利馬庫斯和埃隆馬斯克對 FTX 上的 IRS 罰款 240 億美元做出反應

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has imposed a $24 billion fine on the defunct crypto exchange FTX as the government is unable to provide any estimated figures of the fraud.

由於政府無法提供任何估計的詐欺數據,美國國稅局 (IRS) 對已關閉的加密貨幣交易所 FTX 處以 240 億美元的罰款。

On November 30, the IRS filed tax allegations that had gone “unexplained” for months. The IRS then threatened to stall the Debtors’ progress and any disbursement to consumers and other creditors indefinitely, according to FTX in court.

11 月 30 日,美國國稅局 (IRS) 提出了幾個月來「無法解釋」的稅務指控。據 FTX 在法庭上稱,美國國稅局隨後威脅要無限期地拖延債務人的進展以及向消費者和其他債權人的任何付款。

Billy Markus And Elon Musk’s Reaction on IRS FTX Fine

比利馬庫斯和埃隆馬斯克對 IRS FTX 罰款的反應

Reacting to the whopping amount of tax due, Dogecoin creator Billy Markus has taken a dig into the IRS. In an X post, pointing towards IRS Billy stated that collecting taxes may take precedence over paying victims of frauds.

為了應對巨額應繳稅款,狗狗幣的創造者比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus)對美國國稅局(IRS)進行了深入調查。在 X 貼文中,比利指向國稅局,表示收稅可能優先於向詐騙受害者付款。

Additionally, Billy emphasized the apparent mismatch in priorities, implying that the system prioritizes getting the government’s part over reimbursing those who have incurred financial losses as a result of fraud.


Along with Billy, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk also showed his curiosity about the case. Musk who’s also a dogecoin proponent has commented “Wow” on the same post. Although it’s just a mere reaction, the comment is evident that the fine has gathered so many eyes.

和比利一樣,SpaceX 執行長馬斯克也表達了對此案的好奇。馬斯克也是狗狗幣的支持者,他在同一篇文章中發表了「哇」的評論。雖然這只是一個簡單的反應,但這則評論顯然吸引了許多人的目光。

Many X users along with the victims of the FTX collapse have commented on the post. Citing Billy as right, users want the IRS to return the exploited funds to users.

許多 X 用戶以及 FTX 崩潰的受害者都對該貼文發表了評論。引用比利的話來說,用戶希望國稅局將被利用的資金退還給用戶。

FTX went bankrupt in early November 2022. The reports revealed that an associated trading firm, Alameda Research, drew the majority of its worth from speculative cryptocurrency tokens.

FTX 於 2022 年 11 月初破產。報告顯示,其關聯交易公司 Alameda Research 的大部分價值來自投機性加密貨幣代幣。

Also Read: Grayscale Executives Update Investors About GBTC’s Approval As Spot Bitcoin ETF

另請閱讀:Grayscale 高層向投資者通報 GBTC 獲準成為現貨比特幣 ETF 的最新情況

IRS Vs FTX Till Now

迄今為止 IRS 與 FTX

According to the filing on Wednesday, the IRS has filed 47 pending claims against FTX. The filings estimate a total tax burden to be around $24 billion. Meanwhile, FTX’s advisers claim that the corporation not only has no tax liability but also has over $11 billion in net taxable losses.

根據週三提交的文件,美國國稅局 (IRS) 已向 FTX 提交了 47 項待決索賠。文件估計總稅負約 240 億美元。同時,FTX 的顧問聲稱該公司不僅沒有納稅義務,而且還有超過 110 億美元的淨應稅虧損。

The defunct crypto exchange has requested that the tax claims be valued at zero or an amount determined at trial. Otherwise, the majority of the company’s assets would have to be set aside for IRS claims, according to the corporation.


While the IRS records against FTX are very brief, the allegations say that the company owes a variety of taxes. It includes unemployment, payroll withholding, income, and partnership taxes.

雖然美國國稅局針對 FTX 的記錄非常簡短,但指控該公司欠各種稅款。它包括失業稅、工資預扣稅、所得稅和合夥稅。

The Department of Justice slapping Binance with a $4 billion fine is one of the largest penalties ever issued on a cryptocurrency exchange. If the IRS’s charges are found to be true, FTX’s $24 billion tax penalties will take the first place.

美國司法部對幣安處以 40 億美元罰款,這是有史以​​來對加密貨幣交易所發出的最大罰款之一。如果美國國稅局的指控被認定屬實,FTX 的 240 億美元稅收罰款將首當其衝。

Also Read: Hashdex Submits Amended Bitcoin ETF Filing To US SEC: Bloomberg

另請閱讀:Hashdex 向美國 SEC 提交修訂後的比特幣 ETF 文件:彭博社

The post Dogecoin Creator Billy Markus And Elon Musk Reacts To IRS $24 Bln Fine On FTX appeared first on CoinGape.

狗狗幣創始人比利馬庫斯和埃隆馬斯克對 FTX 上的 IRS 240 億美元罰款的反應首先出現在 CoinGape 上。


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