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Dogecoin Creator Billy Markus Picks Bitcoin Over Dogecoin


發布: 2024/06/18 08:09 閱讀: 983

原文作者:The Crypto Times



In response to a product designer's query on the preference between "One Dogecoin or One Bitcoin," Dogecoin (DOGE) co-creator Billy Markus expressed his choice for one Bitcoin.

在回答產品設計師關於「一枚狗狗幣還是一枚比特幣」的詢問時,狗狗幣(DOGE)聯合創始人比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus)表達了他對一枚比特幣的選擇。

Markus, known online as "Shibetoshi Nakamoto," co-founded Dogecoin in 2013 as a humorous satire on the cryptocurrency craze. Despite its initial intent as a parody, Dogecoin has garnered a sizable fan base and emerged as a top 10 cryptocurrency in terms of total value.

馬庫斯(Markus)在網路上被稱為“Shibetoshi Nakamoto”,他於 2013 年與他人共同創立了狗狗幣,以幽默諷刺加密貨幣熱潮。儘管狗狗幣最初的目的是模仿,但它已經贏得了相當大的粉絲群,並成為總價值排名前十的加密貨幣。

Dogecoin or Bitcoin? pic.twitter.com/HnsE990ua6
— DogeDesigner (@cb_doge) June 16, 2024

狗狗幣還是比特幣? pic.twitter.com/HnsE990ua6—DogeDesigner (@cb_doge) 2024 年 6 月 16 日

Markus's preference for Bitcoin is understandable considering its significantly higher value compared to Dogecoin. At current market prices, one Bitcoin is worth over 500,000 Dogecoins. Bitcoin's pioneering legacy and reputation as "digital gold" have established it as the leading cryptocurrency.

馬庫斯對比特幣的偏好是可以理解的,因為與狗狗幣相比,比特幣的價值要高得多。以當前市場價格計算,一枚比特幣價值超過 50 萬狗狗幣。比特幣的開創性遺產和「數位黃金」的聲譽使其成為領先的加密貨幣。

However, Dogecoin offers unique advantages distinct from Bitcoin. Dogecoin transactions are faster and incur lower fees, making it more suitable for small-scale, everyday payments. Its unlimited supply of 5 billion new coins per year encourages usage and spending over holding.

然而,狗狗幣具有與比特幣不同的獨特優勢。狗狗幣交易速度更快,費用更低,更適合小規模的日常支付。每年無限量供應 50 億枚新幣,鼓勵使用和支出而不是持有。

Furthermore, Dogecoin's playful, meme-driven branding has instilled it with a family-like camaraderie among its enthusiasts. From sponsoring NASCAR drivers in 2021 to raising significant funds for charitable causes, the "Doge Army" demonstrates the transformative power of an internet joke realized in the tangible world.

此外,狗狗幣有趣的、迷因驅動的品牌形象為其愛好者註入了家庭般的友誼。從贊助 2021 年 NASCAR 車手到為慈善事業籌集大量資金,「Doge Army」展示了一個網路笑話在現實世界中實現的變革力量。

While Markus may personally value Bitcoin's high price more, his creation, Dogecoin, continues to flourish on its own terms. Notably, there is ample room for both cryptocurrencies to coexist within the digital asset landscape.


Also Read: JPMorgan Reports Bitcoin Miners Hit $22.8 Billion Market Cap

另請閱讀:摩根大通報告比特幣礦工市值達到 228 億美元


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