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Dogecoin Above $0.1? Crypto Analyst Lists Reasons Why DOGE Price Will Continue To Rally

狗狗幣超過 0.1 美元?加密貨幣分析師列出了 DOGE 價格將繼續上漲的原因

發布: 2023/12/09 14:14 閱讀: 338



Dogecoin (DOGE) has been up close to 75% in the last 45 days and if one analyst’s projection is anything to go by, this rally isn’t coming to an end anytime soon. This comes at a time when many are hoping that DOGE can hit the $0.10 mark and possibly reach new highs. 

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 在過去 45 天內上漲了近 75%,如果分析師的預測符合的話,那麼這種上漲不會很快結束。同時,許多人希望 DOGE 能夠觸及 0.10 美元大關,並可能創下新高。

Why DOGE’s Future Is Bullish 


In a video posted on his YouTube Channel, crypto analyst Austin Hilton highlighted Dogecoin’s significant gain in the last 45 days and discussed the future trajectory of the meme coin. Austin sounded so bullish on DOGE as he gave reasons why he believes this rally will continue. 

在他的 YouTube 頻道上發布的一段影片中,加密貨幣分析師 Austin Hilton 強調了狗狗幣在過去 45 天內的顯著收益,並討論了 meme 幣的未來軌跡。奧斯汀聽起來對 DOGE 非常看好,因為他給出了他相信這種反彈將持續下去的理由。

Firstly, he alluded to the fact that the crypto market as a whole was currently enjoying an upward trend as liquidity was flowing into the ecosystem. He noted that Bitcoin and other major altcoins have picked up as a result of this. DOGE hasn’t been left behind, as the meme coin is also riding this wave. 

首先,他提到,隨著流動性流入生態系統,整個加密貨幣市場目前正處於上升趨勢。他指出,比特幣和其他主要山寨幣因此回升。 DOGE 並沒有被拋在後面,迷因幣也順應了這一浪潮。

With this in mind, he believes that Dogecoin will continue to rise as more liquidity is expected to flow into altcoins like the meme coin. He attributed these inflows to the bullishness around Spot Bitcoin ETFs, which many expect the SEC to approve in January. 

考慮到這一點,他認為狗狗幣將繼續上漲,因為預計更多的流動性將流入像迷因幣這樣的山寨幣。他將這些資金流入歸因於現貨比特幣 ETF 的看漲,許多人預計 SEC 將在 1 月批准該 ETF。

The second reason why he is bullish on DOGE’s future is based on his assertion that December happens to be “very, very good” for crypto. As such, he doesn’t expect this December to be any different. So far, this month has undoubtedly been good for the crypto market, and this momentum is likely to continue as many position themselves ahead of January. 

他看好 DOGE 未來的第二個原因是基於他的斷言,即 12 月恰好對加密貨幣來說「非常非常好」。因此,他預計今年 12 月不會有任何不同。到目前為止,這個月無疑對加密貨幣市場有利,隨著許多人在 1 月之前做好準備,這種勢頭可能會持續下去。

Dogecoin Also Looking Good On The Charts


Several crypto analysts have also weighed in on DOGE’s future trajectory from a technical analysis perspective. Based on their projections, the meme coin could end the year on a high and possibly enjoy similar gains to the one it enjoyed in 2021

幾位加密貨幣分析師也從技術分析的角度對 DOGE 的未來軌跡進行了權衡。根據他們的預測,這款 Meme 代幣可能會在今年結束時創下新高,並可能獲得與 2021 年類似的收益。

Specifically, crypto analyst JD recently noted that Dogecoin’s MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) was on the verge of having another bullish cross. The last time this happened was in 2021, which led to the meme coin seeing a 370x gain in its price. Based on the chart that JD shared, this bullish cross could happen again in 2024.

具體來說,加密貨幣分析師 JD 最近指出,狗狗幣的 MACD(移動平均線收斂分歧)即將出現另一個看漲交叉。上一次發生這種情況是在 2021 年,當時 Meme 幣的價格上漲了 370 倍。根據京東分享的圖表,這種看漲交叉可能會在 2024 年再次發生。

Based on another crypto analyst’s projections, Dogecoin could gain over 900% in a move that will see it rise to $0.7, And 2024 is also predicted to be the year that this could happen. The fundamentals also complement these technical analyses as there are plans in place to send DOGE to the moon (and up the charts).

根據另一位加密貨幣分析師的預測,狗狗幣可能會上漲 900% 以上,從而升至 0.7 美元,預計 2024 年也將是這種情況發生的一年。基本面也補充了這些技術分析,因為已經有計劃將 DOGE 送上月球(並登上排行榜)。

At the time of writing, DOGE is trading at $0.09, up by over 1.50%, according to data from CoinMarketCap.

根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,截至撰寫本文時,DOGE 的交易價格為 0.09 美元,上漲超過 1.50%。


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