首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣因通貨膨脹而面臨下跌,新的通貨緊縮加密貨幣預計到 2024 年將超過它

Dogecoin Faces Decline Due to Inflation, New Deflationary Cryptocurrency Expected to Exceed It by 2024

狗狗幣因通貨膨脹而面臨下跌,新的通貨緊縮加密貨幣預計到 2024 年將超過它

發布: 2024/02/16 06:28 閱讀: 800



Dogecoin, once a darling of the cryptocurrency world, is encountering hurdles due to its inherent inflationary design, sparking concerns about its long-term viability. Amidst this backdrop, a new deflationary cryptocurrency is capturing the attention of the investment community. With its robust tokenomics and promising growth potential, this emerging digital asset is projected to outperform Dogecoin by 2024. 

狗狗幣曾經是加密貨幣世界的寵兒,但由於其固有的通貨膨脹設計而遇到障礙,引發了對其長期生存能力的擔憂。在此背景下,一種新的通縮加密貨幣正在引起投資界的注意。憑藉其強大的代幣經濟和廣闊的成長潛力,這種新興數位資產預計到 2024 年將超越狗狗幣。

Dogecoin (DOGE)

Dogecoin, initially created as a lighthearted meme currency, has enjoyed a surge in popularity and value, largely fueled by social media and celebrity endorsements. However, its inherent inflationary mechanism, designed to produce an unlimited supply of coins, is now posing significant challenges. This characteristic dilutes the value of individual Dogecoins over time, raising concerns about its sustainability and potential for long-term growth. As the market evolves, the spotlight is shifting towards new deflationary cryptocurrencies, which offer limited supplies to enhance value retention and investment appeal. These emerging tokens are gaining traction among investors who seek alternatives with mechanisms designed to potentially outpace Dogecoin’s performance by 2024, positioning themselves as the next leaders in the digital currency space.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 狗狗幣最初是作為一種輕鬆愉快的迷因貨幣而創建的,在社交媒體和名人代言的推動下,其受歡迎程度和價值不斷飆升。然而,其旨在無限供應代幣的固有通膨機制現在正構成重大挑戰。隨著時間的推移,這項特徵會稀釋單一狗狗幣的價值,引發人們對其永續性和長期成長潛力的擔憂。隨著市場的發展,人們的注意力正在轉向新的通貨緊縮加密貨幣,它們提供有限的供應以增強保值性和投資吸引力。這些新興代幣正在吸引投資者的關注,他們尋求替代方案,其機制旨在 2024 年可能超越狗狗幣的表現,將自己定位為數位貨幣領域的下一個領導者。

Pandoshi (PAMBO)

Pandoshi is swiftly becoming a focal point in the crypto space, attracting significant investment with its innovative strategy and impressive initial funding. With over $4.5 million already raised, the project has earned considerable trust from investors, hinting at a potential transformative effect on the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape. Distinct from typical meme coin narratives, Pandoshi operates as a sovereign, decentralized entity with a strong commitment to decentralization, protecting financial privacy, and fostering governance by its community.

Pandoshi (PAMBO)Pandoshi 正迅速成為加密貨幣領域的焦點,以其創新策略和令人印象深刻的初始資金吸引了大量投資。該項目已籌集超過 450 萬美元,贏得了投資者的相當大的信任,這暗示著對去中心化金融 (DeFi) 格局的潛在變革性影響。與典型的迷因幣敘事不同,Pandoshi 作為一個主權、去中心化實體運作,堅定致力於去中心化、保護金融隱私和促進社區治理。

Since the start of its presale, Pandoshi’s value has rocketed by 500%, rising from $0.002 to $0.01 in the latest, concluding phase. This surge underscores the market’s strong interest and demand for investment, making Pandoshi an attractive option for those seeking to enter the cryptocurrency market.

自預售開始以來,Pandoshi 的價值已飆升 500%,在最新的收尾階段從 0.002 美元上漲至 0.01 美元。這種激增凸顯了市場對投資的強烈興趣和需求,使 Pandoshi 對於那些尋求進入加密貨幣市場的人來說成為有吸引力的選擇。

The platform is underpinned by a robust infrastructure, featuring a Layer-2 Network based on the Proof of Stake protocol, which serves as an environmentally friendlier option than traditional Proof of Work systems. Its ecosystem includes a decentralized exchange, a secure Pandoshi Wallet, Metaverse gaming, educational initiatives, and crypto-compatible prepaid cards. Central to this ecosystem is the PAMBO token, which debuted on the Ethereum blockchain.

該平台以強大的基礎設施為基礎,具有基於權益證明協議的第 2 層網絡,與傳統的工作量證明系統相比,這是更環保的選擇。其生態系統包括去中心化交易所、安全的 Pandoshi 錢包、Metaverse 遊戲、教育計劃和加密相容的預付卡。這個生態系統的核心是 PAMBO 代幣,它在以太坊區塊鏈上首次亮相。

PAMBO is designed to grow increasingly scarce through a buy-and-burn method, acquiring tokens at market rates before removing them from circulation.

PAMBO 旨在透過「購買並銷毀」的方式使其變得越來越稀缺,在將其從流通中移除之前以市場價格獲取代幣。

This scarcity is further amplified by the project’s decentralized exchange, which levies transaction fees. These fees are then used to repurchase and retire PAMBO tokens from the market, enhancing their scarcity and value.

該項目的去中心化交易所收取交易費用,進一步加劇了這種稀缺性。然後,這些費用用於從市場上回購和退出 PAMBO 代幣,從而提高其稀缺性和價值。

The journey of Pandoshi’s presale has been meticulously organized across stages, reflecting its escalating value:

Pandoshi 的預售之旅經過精心組織,分階段進行,體現了其不斷升級的價值:

  • First Stage: Sold Out
  • Second Stage: Sold Out
  • Third Stage: Sold Out
  • Fourth Stage: Sold Out
  • Fifth and Final Stage: Offering tokens at $0.01 each

The introduction of the Pandoshi Wallet on the Google Play Store, celebrated on Twitter, marks a pivotal expansion, especially in accommodating EVM-compatible and upcoming non-EVM chains. An iOS version of the wallet is also expected to further extend its reach.

第一階段:售完第二階段:售完第三階段:售完第四階段:售完第五階段和最後階段:以每個0.01 美元的價格提供代幣Google Play 商店推出Pandoshi 錢包,並在Twitter 上慶祝,標誌著一個關鍵的擴展,特別是在容納EVM 方面- 兼容和即將推出的非 EVM 鏈。 iOS 版本的錢包也有望進一步擴大其覆蓋範圍。

The debut of the Pandoshi Wallet has significantly raised the project’s visibility, reinforcing investor confidence in its commitment to DeFi and its dedication to open-source development and community-driven governance. This initiative has sparked a surge in investor engagement, with many rushing to join the presale.

Pandoshi 錢包的首次亮相顯著提高了該項目的知名度,增強了投資者對其對 DeFi 的承諾以及對開源開發和社群驅動治理的奉獻的信心。這項舉措引發了投資者參與度的激增,許多人爭先恐後地參與預售。

Click Here To Buy PAMBO Tokens

點擊此處購買 PAMBO 代幣

Explore the following links for detailed information on Pandoshi (PAMBO):

瀏覽以下鏈接,以了解有關 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 的詳細資訊:

Website: https://pandoshi.com/
Whitepaper: https://docs.pandoshi.com/



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