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How Dogecoin defied odds: marking 10 years in the crypto world

狗狗幣如何克服困難:紀念加密貨幣世界 10 週年

發布: 2023/12/06 22:00 閱讀: 766



Explore Dogecoin’s 10-year journey from a meme-inspired joke to a major cryptocurrency, hitting a 52-week high as it celebrates its anniversary.

探索狗狗幣從一個受迷因啟發的笑話到主要加密貨幣的 10 年歷程,並在慶祝其周年紀念日時創下 52 週新高。

Initially a joke based on a popular internet meme, Dogecoin (DOGE) has surprisingly survived a decade in the competitive crypto market and is now celebrating its 10th anniversary.

最初是一個基於流行網路迷因的笑話,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 令人驚訝地在競爭激烈的加密貨幣市場中生存了十年,現在正在慶祝其誕生 10 週年。

As Dogecoin marks its anniversary, the cryptocurrency community is experiencing renewed optimism. The coin’s value has risen over 14% in the past 24 hours, reaching a 52-week peak of $0.10 as of Dec. 6.

隨著狗狗幣迎來週年紀念日,加密貨幣社群正在經歷新的樂觀情緒。截至 12 月 6 日,該代幣的價值在過去 24 小時內上漲了 14% 以上,達到 0.10 美元的 52 週高峰。

This growth is part of a broader trend seen in the lead-up to the anniversary, showcasing both the coin’s lasting appeal and the speculative nature of cryptocurrency markets.


As we commemorate Dogecoin’s 10th anniversary, let’s explore its journey from a meme to a major player in the cryptocurrency world.



Dogecoin, conceived in late 2013 as a parody by Adobe Product Marketing Manager Jackson Palmer and software engineer Billy Markus, has evolved into a significant digital currency, boasting a market capitalization exceeding $14 billion as of Dec 6. 

狗狗幣是 Adob​​e 產品行銷經理 Jackson Palmer 和軟體工程師 Billy Markus 於 2013 年底提出的模仿作品,現已發展成為一種重要的數位貨幣,截至 12 月 6 日市值超過 140 億美元。

This peer-to-peer digital currency, similar to Bitcoin (BTC), is distinct in its use of the Scrypt algorithm, setting it apart from Bitcoin’s SHA-256 mining requirements. 

這種點對點數位貨幣與比特幣 (BTC) 類似,其獨特之處在於使用了 Scrypt 演算法,使其有別於比特幣的 SHA-256 挖礦要求。

Its unique design features the well-known internet meme of a Japanese Shiba Inu with captions like “much wow” and “such tired.” Originally launched with a cap of 100 billion coins, this limit was later removed, making its supply limitless.

其獨特的設計以著名的日本柴犬網絡模因為特色,並配上“太棒了”和“太累了”等說明文字。最初發行時的上限為 1000 億枚,後來取消了這項限制,使其供應量變得無限。

Yet, it quickly captured global attention. Just a month after its launch, the Dogecoin website had over a million visits, indicating an instant, substantial following​​.


In 2014, Dogecoin supporters rallied to support various charitable and sporting causes. They raised $30,000 to send the Jamaican bobsled team to the 2014 Winter Olympics and assisted an Indian luger in participating in the same event. 

2014 年,狗狗幣支持者聚集起來支持各種慈善和體育事業。他們籌集了 3 萬美元,送牙買加雪橇隊參加 2014 年冬季奧運會,並協助印度雪橇隊參加同一賽事。

The community also raised funds for the 4 Paws For Ability charity and contributed $50,000 to a clean water project in Kenya. 

該社區還為 4 Paws For Ability 慈善機構籌集了資金,並向肯亞的一個清潔水計畫捐贈了 5 萬美元。

Since then, Dogecoin has gained traction not only as a comical cryptocurrency but also through community-driven initiatives, further solidifying its presence in the crypto market​.


The role of social media and Elon Musk


Dogecoin’s value has been notably impacted by social media trends and celebrity endorsements. 


In January 2021, a Reddit-driven surge saw Dogecoin’s price increase by over 800% in 24 hours. The coin received further boosts from high-profile figures like Elon Musk, Snoop Dogg, and Gene Simmons​​.

2021 年 1 月,在 Reddit 推動下,狗狗幣的價格在 24 小時內上漲了 800% 以上。該代幣得到了伊隆馬斯克、史努比狗狗和吉恩西蒙斯等知名人物的進一步推動。

Musk, in particular, has played a significant role in Dogecoin’s market movements. His tweets and public support have led to significant fluctuations in the coin’s value. 


For instance, Musk’s tweet in April 2021, referencing Dogecoin, led to a more than 100% increase in its price​​​​. In May 2021, Musk’s SpaceX announced a Dogecoin-funded rideshare mission to the Moon, marking the first space mission funded by a cryptocurrency. 

例如,馬斯克在 2021 年 4 月發布的推文提到了狗狗幣,導致其價格上漲了 100% 以上。 2021 年 5 月,馬斯克的 SpaceX 宣布了一項由狗狗幣資助的月球乘車共享任務,這標誌著第一個由加密貨幣資助的太空任務。

Moreover, in June 2022, Musk expressed his ongoing support for Dogecoin, stating, “I will keep supporting Dogecoin.” 


This statement came amidst Musk facing a lawsuit for $258 billion, where he is accused of running a pyramid scheme to back Dogecoin.

這項聲明是在馬斯克面臨 2,580 億美元訴訟之際發表的,他被指控透過傳銷來支持狗狗幣。

The strong community support and constant endorsement from Musk have led to a surge in DOGE’s popularity over the years, solidifying its acceptance and utility beyond its meme origins​​.

強大的社區支持和馬斯克的持續認可,多年來 DOGE 的受歡迎程度大幅上升,鞏固了其超越模因起源的接受度和實用性。

Amid this, the Dogecoin Foundation has been instrumental in supporting the Dogecoin ecosystem and community. Re-established in August 2021 with notable advisors, including Vitalik Buterin and Jared Birchall (representing Elon Musk), the foundation aims to promote the future of Dogecoin’s blockchain​.

其中,狗狗幣基金會在支持狗狗幣生態系統和社區方面發揮了重要作用。該基金會於 2021 年 8 月重新成立,由 Vitalik Buterin 和 Jared Birchall(代表馬斯克)等著名顧問組成,旨在促進狗狗幣區塊鏈的未來。

The future of DOGE


Dogecoin’s potential in mainstream commerce and online transactions could significantly shape its future. 


Its appeal lies in lower transaction fees and quicker processing times than many cryptocurrencies, making it suitable for small-scale transactions and regular use. 


However, investing in Dogecoin requires caution due to its susceptibility to speculative trading and influence from external factors like celebrity endorsements or social media trends. These influences can result in sudden and unpredictable shifts in its value, presenting risks for investors. 


Furthermore, the lack of a supply cap introduces additional complexity, as this could lead to inflationary impacts on its value. 


As with all digital currencies, DOGE is a highly speculative instrument, and you should never invest more than you can afford to lose.

與所有數位貨幣一樣,DOGE 是一種高度投機的工具,您的投資永遠不應該超過您所能承受的損失。

Read more: 15th anniversary of Bitcoin white paper: From concept to multi-billion-dollar market

了解更多:比特幣白皮書 15 週年:從概念到數十億美元的市場


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