首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣(DOGE)和邦克幣(BONK)有望捲土重來; NuggetRush (NUGX) 的上升軌跡仍在繼續

Dogecoin (DOGE) and Bonk (BONK) Eye a Comeback; NuggetRush’s (NUGX) Upward Trajectory Continues

狗狗幣(DOGE)和邦克幣(BONK)有望捲土重來; NuggetRush (NUGX) 的上升軌跡仍在繼續

發布: 2024/02/05 06:06 閱讀: 680



狗狗幣(DOGE)和邦克幣(BONK)有望捲土重來; NuggetRush (NUGX) 的上升軌跡仍在繼續



  • DOGE and BONK gain momentum; eye a rally.
  • DOGE和BONK勢頭強勁;關注集會。

  • NugetRush’s presale continues to sell out fast.
  • NugetRush 的預售繼續快速售空。

  • As a new meme coin that integrates gaming utilities, NuggetRush is tipped to soar by 6,000% after its launch.
  • 作為一款整合了遊戲實用程式的新迷因幣,NuggetRush 預計在推出後將飆升 6,000%。



Following the SEC decision on Bitcoin ETFs, the market took a downturn and is largely bearish. Experiencing a significant drop are Dogecoin (DOGE) and Bonk (BONK). However, with investor sentiment post BTC ETF on the rise, Dogecoin and Bonk are eyeing a comeback, making the altcoins to watch.

美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 對比特幣 ETF 做出決定後,市場出現低迷,基本上看跌。經歷大幅下跌的是狗狗幣(DOGE)和邦克幣(BONK)。然而,隨著 BTC ETF 後投資者情緒的上升,狗狗幣和 Bonk 正在考慮捲土重來,這使得山寨幣值得關注。

At the same time, NuggetRush (NUGX), one of the most bullish new ICOs, continues its upward trajectory, with the presale selling out fast. Primed to skyrocket after its launch, it is the best new crypto to invest in.

同時,最受看好的新 ICO 之一 NuggetRush (NUGX) 繼續保持上升趨勢,預售迅速售罄。它在推出後有望飆升,是最值得投資的新加密貨幣。

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NuggetRush (NUGX): Promising and Bullish ICO

NuggetRush (NUGX):有前途且看漲的 ICO

The ICO world is filled with potential, and NuggetRush (NUGX) is one of them. It stands out for several reasons, ranging from its unique concept to its fast-growing community. As a result, it is primed to skyrocket after its launch, hence the upward trajectory and the presale selling out fast.

ICO 世界充滿潛力,NuggetRush (NUGX) 就是其中之一。它之所以脫穎而出,有幾個原因,從獨特的概念到快速成長的社區。因此,它在推出後勢必會飆升,因此其上升軌跡和預售很快就被搶購一空。

Although it boasts memetic features, it stands out from most ETH meme coins or dog coins. It combines memes with utility by standing at the intersection of play-to-earn (P2E), memes, NFTs, and GameFi.

儘管它擁有模因特徵,但它從大多數 ETH 模因幣或狗幣中脫穎而出。它站在玩賺錢 (P2E)、迷因、NFT 和 GameFi 的交叉點,將迷因與實用性結合起來。

The upcoming game will feature a thrilling and immersive gold mining experience and opportunities to earn valuable in-game assets. Items collected while playing the game can be traded on the NFT marketplace for real gold or cash.

即將推出的遊戲將帶來驚險、身臨其境的金礦開採體驗,並有機會賺取寶貴的遊戲內資產。玩遊戲時收集的物品可以在 NFT 市場上交易真金或現金。

In round 5 of the ICO, a token costs only $0.018—a remarkably low entry point. Set to soar after launch, analysts predict a 6,000% jump. More importantly, besides being a compelling investment, it is also a safe one, as the smart contract has been audited by SolidProof. This highlights the team’s dedication to security and transparency. 

在 ICO 的第 5 輪中,代幣成本僅為 0.018 美元——這是一個非常低的入門點。分析師預測,推出後將飆升 6,000%。更重要的是,它除了是一項引人注目的投資之外,也是一項安全的投資,因為智能合約已經過 SolidProof 的審查。這凸顯了團隊對安全性和透明度的奉獻精神。

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Dogecoin (DOGE): Aiming for a Rebound


Dogecoin (DOGE) is popularly known as the OG of meme coins. Since its launch in 2013, it has maintained a leading status within the meme ecosystem. Not only that, it is also among the top altcoins in the overall crypto market.

狗狗幣(DOGE)被普遍稱為模因幣的 OG。自2013年推出以來,它一直在meme生態系統中保持領先地位。不僅如此,它還是整個加密市場中頂級的山寨幣之一。

The latest market downturn saw Dogecoin lose significant ground as the bulls were unable to hold their stance. Bearish pressure fueled by the BTC decline resulted in cascading selling and a dip in sentiment, with DOGE taking a hit.


However, lately, Dogecoin has been gaining momentum, aiming for a comeback. With a strong bullish wave to ride, DOGE is among the best cryptos to buy now.

然而,最近狗狗幣勢頭強勁,可望捲土重來。隨著強勁的看漲浪潮的到來,DOGE 是目前最值得購買的加密貨幣之一。



Bonk (BONK): Gearing up for Another Run

Bonk (BONK):為另一場比賽做好準備

After its rise to the top 100 cryptos, the best meme coins cannot be listed without mentioning Bonk (BONK). Currently, it is the third most popular meme coin, behind only Dogecoin and Shiba Inu.

在躋身前 100 名加密貨幣之後,最好的 meme 幣不能不提到 Bonk(BONK)。目前,它是第三大最受歡迎的迷因幣,僅次於狗狗幣和柴犬。

Bonk’s rise to the top was on the back of the soaring popularity of the Solana ecosystem and being the first dog-themed meme coin within the ecosystem. Its unique narrative makes it stand out from other dog coins, contributing to its ascent.

Bonk 的崛起得益於 Solana 生態系統人氣的飆升,並且是該生態系統中第一個以狗為主題的迷因幣。其獨特的敘述使其從其他狗幣中脫穎而出,為其崛起做出了貢獻。

Following its explosive growth last year—especially in the final quarter—profit-taking continues. This has resulted in a price pullback, and those who FOMOed can be seen hoping for a comeback. With a rally imminent, Bonk is a promising play not to miss out on.

繼去年的爆炸性成長之後——尤其是最後一個季度——獲利了結仍在繼續。這導致了價格回調,而那些「害怕錯過」的人則希望能夠捲土重來。隨著反彈即將到來,Bonk 是一個不容錯過的有前途的遊戲。





Dogecoin and Bonk are eyeing a comeback after a rise in momentum. Meanwhile, NuggetRush, a top ICO, is set to skyrocket post-launch. With its launch date near, you can become an early adopter by following the link below.

狗狗幣和邦克在勢頭上升後正著眼於捲土重來。與此同時,頂級 ICO 項目 NuggetRush 在推出後價格將飆升。隨著其發布日期的臨近,您可以透過以下連結成為早期採用者。

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

造訪 NuggetRush 預售網站

The post Dogecoin (DOGE) and Bonk (BONK) Eye a Comeback; NuggetRush’s (NUGX) Upward Trajectory Continues appeared first on BitcoinWorld.

後狗狗幣(DOGE)和邦克幣(BONK)可望捲土重來; NuggetRush (NUGX) 的上升軌跡仍在繼續,首先出現在 BitcoinWorld 上。


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