首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣(DOGE)死了嗎?為什麼專家喜歡 Meme Moguls (MGLS) 和 Aave (AAVE)

Is Dogecoin (DOGE) dead? Why Experts Prefer Meme Moguls (MGLS) and Aave (AAVE)

狗狗幣(DOGE)死了嗎?為什麼專家喜歡 Meme Moguls (MGLS) 和 Aave (AAVE)

發布: 2023/11/28 20:09 閱讀: 930

原文作者:Captain Altcoin


狗狗幣(DOGE)死了嗎?為什麼專家喜歡 Meme Moguls (MGLS) 和 Aave (AAVE)

Dogecoin is one of the top currencies in terms of market capitalization, proving the power of the memecoin. But from a functionality and development perspective, we see little more than a meme. Seasoned crypto traders looking for bigger gains are turning to DeFi darling Aave and a memecoin exchange and play-to-earn game called Meme Moguls.

狗狗幣是市值最高的貨幣之一,證明了迷因幣的力量。但從功能和開發的角度來看,我們看到的只不過是一個迷因。尋求更大收益的經驗豐富的加密貨幣交易者正在轉向 DeFi 寵兒 Aave 和名為 Meme Moguls 的 memecoin 交易所和賺錢遊戲。

Keep reading to find out why.


Dogecoin is literally going to the moon but will the price follow?


As meme coin enthusiasts will know, Dogecoin hasn’t seen any meaningful development in a long time. According to GitHub, the last code commit was in July 2022. Instead, Dogecoin’s price has relied on tweets, comments, and memes from Elon Musk.

正如迷因幣愛好者所知,狗狗幣已經很長一段時間沒有看到任何有意義的發展了。根據 GitHub 的說法,最後一次代碼提交是在 2022 年 7 月。相反,狗狗幣的價格依賴於馬斯克的推文、評論和表情包。

Fast forward to today, and it seems that little has changed, as the currency crashed on November 18, after SpaceX’s unmanned starship exploded during a test flight.

快進到今天,情況似乎沒有什麼變化,11 月 18 日,SpaceX 的無人駕駛星際飛船在試飛期間爆炸後,貨幣崩潰了。

A deeper look into the analytics, provided by IntoTheBlock, shows that miners have been selling since Dogecoin reached the $0.08 mark, with the spaceship crash as merely the culmination of the already bearish sell pressure.

IntoTheBlock 提供的更深入的分析顯示,自從狗狗幣觸及 0.08 美元大關以來,礦商一直在拋售,而太空船墜毀只是本已看跌的拋售壓力的頂峰。

The only thing on Dogecoin’s X (formerly Twitter) account is a post about how they will be sending a physical Dogecoin to the moon in December. Cute, but not enough to compensate for the total lack of utility and development from Dogecoin.

狗狗幣的 X(以前的 Twitter)帳戶上唯一的內容是一篇關於他們將如何在 12 月將實體狗狗幣發送到月球的文章。可愛,但不足以彌補狗狗幣實用性和開發的完全缺乏。

Dogecoin is down by 4.2% over the last 24 hours.

狗狗幣在過去 24 小時內下跌了 4.2%。

Aave 重塑品牌,但真正的新聞在於他們與 Chainlink 的合作

Aave has announced that the name of their blockchain infrastructure company will change to Avara – which means “spacious” in Finnish. But the protocol name, and its functionality, will stay the same. They are also acquiring a self-custody wallet named Family. 

Aave 宣布其區塊鏈基礎設施公司的名稱將更改為 Avara,在芬蘭語中意為「寬敞」。但協定名稱及其功能將保持不變。他們還買了一個名為 Family 的自助錢包。

Aave is a DeFi protocol trusted by degens and institutions alike. A key requirement is the ability to have a large amount of liquidity available at any time. Without it, a whale might be unable to execute a large trade.

Aave 是一個受到 degens 和機構等信任的 DeFi 協議。一個關鍵的要求是能夠隨時擁有大量的流動性。沒有它,鯨魚可能無法執行大規模交易。

So what is really exciting for the multichain app Aave right now is that they have partnered with Chainlink’s CCIP (Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol). This means that liquidity can be shared across some of the biggest blockchains – Ethereum, Avalanche, Ethereum, Optimism, and Polygon. It also brings enhanced security for Aave and makes it easier and cheaper for people to vote on Aave initiatives.

因此,對於多鏈應用程式 Aave 來說,目前真正令人興奮的是他們與 Chainlink 的 CCIP(跨鏈互操性協定)合作。這意味著流動性可以在一些最大的區塊鏈之間共享——以太坊、Avalanche、以太坊、Optimism 和 Polygon。它還增強了 Aave 的安全性,並使人們能夠更輕鬆、更便宜地對 Aave 倡議進行投票。

Meme Moguls – The Aave/Meme 產業的 Chainlink

Dogecoin is just one memecoin, but thanks to Meme Moguls, DOGE fans will soon be able to trade this and other tokens in one place, while enjoying games and a community space to learn and earn.

狗狗幣只是一種 memecoin,但感謝 Meme Moguls,DOGE 粉絲很快就能在一個地方交易這種代幣和其他代幣,同時享受遊戲和社區空間來學習和賺錢。

How will this work? Meme Moguls will be a decentralized exchange for memecoins, with at least two different play-to-earn mechanisms. Fun + the opportunity to improve trading skills = $MGLS.

這將如何運作? Meme Moguls 將是一個去中心化的 memecoin 交易所,至少有兩種不同的賺錢機制。樂趣 + 提升交易技能的機會 = $MGLS。

Meme Moguls’ other unique proposition is the connection of the fragmented memecoin industry. Just like how Chainlink connects blockchains and unites cross-chain protocols like Aave.

Meme Moguls 的另一個獨特主張是碎片化的 memecoin 產業的連結。就像Chainlink如何連接區塊鏈並統一Aave這樣的跨鏈協議。

You probably heard about the man who made $1 million from $250 of PEPE. However, because of the limited liquidity, he couldn’t cash out. Meme Moguls will help to counter this issue by providing increased liquidity across the memecoin sector.

您可能聽說過那個用 250 美元的 PEPE 賺了 100 萬美元的人。但由於流動性有限,他無法套現。 Meme Moguls 將透過增加整個 memecoin 行業的流動性來幫助解決這個問題。

And for investors looking for the next big coin, the community will be invaluable.


For now, though, the way to profit is by joining the Meme Moguls presale. MGLS is halfway through the very first stage of the presale, meaning that current buyers are very early. It can be acquired at $0.0021, with the team giving away $10,000 to one person at the end of each presale stage. So if you missed the rallies seen by Dogecoin and Chainlink, rather than Fomoing into these coins, consider entering this project at the ground level.

不過,目前獲利的方法是加入 Meme Moguls 預售。 MGLS 的預售第一階段已經過半,這意味著目前的買家非常早。它的售價為 0.0021 美元,團隊在每個預售階段結束時向一人贈送 10,000 美元。因此,如果您錯過了狗狗幣和 Chainlink 的反彈,而不是買入這些代幣,請考慮從底層進入這個專案。

Visit Meme Moguls


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狗狗幣(DOGE)死了嗎?為什麼專家喜歡 Meme Moguls (MGLS) 和 Aave (AAVE) 首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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