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Dogecoin (DOGE) Historic Pattern Spells Good Omen for November


發布: 2023/11/06 22:15 閱讀: 289



Dogecoin (DOGE) is not losing its grip on its latest uptrend, according to current on-chain metrics. The top meme coin is changing hands for $0.07264, up 2.71% in the past 24 hours. In the past week since the month started, Dogecoin has soared by 4.46%.

根據目前的鏈上指標,狗狗幣(DOGE)並沒有失去對其最新上升趨勢的控制。頂級 Meme 代幣以 0.07264 美元易手,在過去 24 小時內上漲 2.71%。本月以來的一週內,狗狗幣已飆升4.46%。

This week-to-date (WTD) uptick might be the start of a historic record for Dogecoin. According to data from CryptoRank, Dogecoin's growth since 2014 has been characterized by one November with a positive gain, sandwiched between two subsequent losses.

本週迄今為止(WTD)的上漲可能是狗狗幣歷史記錄的開始。根據 CryptoRank 的數據,狗狗幣自 2014 年以來的成長特徵是 11 月出現正收益,夾在隨後的兩次損失之間。

While November 2014 ended up in a 2.58% upsurge, November 2015 negated this trend by slumping 6.32%. The same bearish downtrend was recorded in November 2016 as DOGE printed a 2.72% drop. Bullish sentiments returned in November 2017 as the meme coin, with no competition at the time, printed more than 81% growth.

2014 年 11 月最終上漲 2.58%,而 2015 年 11 月則下跌 6.32%,抵銷了這一趨勢。 2016 年 11 月,DOGE 也出現了同樣的看跌下跌趨勢,下跌 2.72%。看漲情緒在 2017 年 11 月回歸,當時沒有競爭的 Meme 幣實現了超過 81% 的增長。

DOGE Monthly Returns via CryptoRank

透過 CryptoRank 獲得 DOGE 月度回報

The cycle continued again, with November 2018 and 2019 recording losses and November 2020 closing with 38.7% growth. The two subsequent Novembers also recorded downtrends of 23.4% and 14.6%, respectively, a drop many believe has set the pace for an imminent close this month. The pattern is quite glaring, and the optimism is higher with the current price outlook of the coin.

這個週期再次持續,2018 年 11 月和 2019 年錄得虧損,2020 年 11 月收盤時增加 38.7%。隨後的兩個 11 月也分別錄得 23.4% 和 14.6% 的下降趨勢,許多人認為這一下降為本月即將收盤奠定了基礎。這種模式非常明顯,就目前代幣的價格前景而言,樂觀情緒更高。

Wielding the Dogecoin charm


By default, Dogecoin has a shining legacy of support from the industry's biggest advocates, ranging from Elon Musk to Mark Cuban. While their advocacy seems to have tapered down in the past few months, investors still consider their influence to sustain the support for DOGE.

預設情況下,狗狗幣擁有來自該行業最大擁護者(從伊隆·馬斯克到馬克·庫班)的光輝支持。儘管他們的倡議力在過去幾個月似乎有所減弱,但投資者仍然考慮他們的影響力來維持對 DOGE 的支持。

This explains the obvious whale transactions recorded in recent times, with proof of growing DOGE utility as a payment token. Since 2020 to date, Dogecoin has welcomed hundreds of new meme coin competitors but has managed to maintain its market capitalization of $10.25 billion, which positions it as the ninth largest cryptocurrency.

這解釋了最近記錄的明顯鯨魚交易,並證明了 DOGE 作為支付代幣的實用性不斷增長。自 2020 年至今,狗狗幣迎來了數百家新的 meme 幣競爭對手,但仍成功保持了 102.5 億美元的市值,這使其成為第九大加密貨幣。

Current market indications also support DOGE's bullish drives, and time will tell whether the coin will once again repeat its history.

當前的市場跡像也支持 DOGE 的看漲動力,時間會證明該代幣是否會再次重複其歷史。


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