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Dogecoin (DOGE) Hits 90 Million Address Milestone: Details

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 達到 9000 萬地址里程碑:詳細信息

發布: 2024/06/29 01:05 閱讀: 764



狗狗幣 (DOGE) 達到 9000 萬地址里程碑:詳細信息

Dogecoin (DOGE) Total Addresses Surpass 90 Million Milestone

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 總地址突破 9,000 萬個里程碑

According to IntoTheBlock data, Dogecoin (DOGE) has reached a significant milestone with its total addresses surpassing 90 million. This figure represents the number of unique addresses that have ever held DOGE. Currently, the total number of DOGE addresses stands at 90.34 million.

根據IntoTheBlock數據,狗狗幣(DOGE)已經達到了一個重要的里程碑,其總地址超過9000萬。該數字代表曾經持有 DOGE 的唯一地址的數量。目前,DOGE地址總數為9034萬個。

Total Addresses vs. Addresses with Balance


It's important to distinguish between total addresses and total addresses with a balance (holders). The latter refers to addresses that currently hold DOGE. While multiple addresses may belong to a single individual, centralized exchanges may hold funds in a single address, contributing to the total address count.

區分總地址和有餘額(持有者)的總地址很重要。後者指的是目前持有 DOGE 的地址。雖然多個地址可能屬於一個人,但中心化交易所可能在單一地址中持有資金,從而增加了地址總數。

Dogecoin's Address Growth


Dogecoin's total addresses with a balance have seen steady growth since the beginning of 2024, indicating increasing interest in holding and investing in DOGE. As of now, 6.5 million addresses hold DOGE, while 83.84 million represent zero-balance addresses that previously held the cryptocurrency.

自 2024 年初以來,狗狗幣的餘額地址總數穩步增長,表明持有和投資 DOGE 的興趣不斷增加。截至目前,有 650 萬個位址持有 DOGE,而 8,384 萬個位址代表先前持有該加密貨幣的零餘額位址。

Dogecoin Price Analysis


Over the past 24 hours, DOGE has experienced a modest increase of 0.52%, reaching $0.124. In the last seven days, it has gained 1.11%.

在過去的 24 小時內,DOGE 小幅上漲了 0.52%,達到 0.124 美元。在過去的7天裡,它上漲了1.11%。

Dogecoin recently broke below the daily SMA 200 at $0.128 and has been trading within a range below this level. To signal a potential recovery, bulls need to push the price above the SMA 200. Success in this effort could pave the way for DOGE to challenge the daily SMA 50 at $0.15 and break out of its current trading range. Failure to regain this level may prolong the range-bound action between $0.12 and $0.18.

狗狗幣最近跌破 200 日均線 0.128 美元,並一直在低於該水平的區間內交易。為了發出潛在復甦的信號,多頭需要將價格推高至 200 SMA 上方。如果未能恢復這一水平,可能會延長 0.12 美元至 0.18 美元之間的區間波動。

Should the decline continue and DOGE falls significantly below $0.12, bears may gain the upper hand. This could lead to a further drop towards $0.10, where bulls will attempt to prevent further losses.

如果下跌持續,而 DOGE 大幅跌破 0.12 美元,空頭可能會佔上風。這可能導致價格進一步跌至 0.10 美元,多頭將試圖阻止進一步損失。


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