首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣 (DOGE) 觸及 4 個月高點,門羅幣 (XMR) 和 InQubeta (QUBE) 佔據中心舞台

Dogecoin (DOGE) Hits 4-Month High, Monero (XMR) & InQubeta (QUBE) Take Center Stage

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 觸及 4 個月高點,門羅幣 (XMR) 和 InQubeta (QUBE) 佔據中心舞台

發布: 2023/12/12 06:01 閱讀: 582

原文作者:Captain Altcoin


As Bitcoin sparks a renewed frenzy in the crypto market, it’s not just the serious contenders who are getting a piece of the action. Dogecoin (DOGE) – originally conceived as a lighthearted meme coin – is back in the spotlight, hitting a 4-month high and trading above $0.10 for the first time since April. But the fun doesn’t stop there. Monero (XMR) and InQubeta (QUBE) are stealing some of the spotlight and positioning themselves among the best cryptos to buy now.

隨著比特幣在加密貨幣市場引發新一輪狂熱,參與其中的不僅是那些強大的競爭者。狗狗幣(DOGE)最初被認為是一種輕鬆愉快的迷因幣,如今又重新成為人們關注的焦點,觸及 4 個月高點,交易價格自 4 月以來首次突破 0.10 美元。但樂趣還不止於此。 Monero (XMR) 和 InQubeta (QUBE) 正在搶盡風頭,並將自己定位為目前最值得購買的加密貨幣之一。

Dogecoin (DOGE): The Meme That Won’t Quit


Dogecoin (DOGE), the crowned king of meme cryptocurrencies, has experienced a remarkable resurgence, gaining over 10% on December 6 and boasting a 27% increase in a week according to data from TradingView. Surging in tandem with Bitcoin’s climb from $38,000 to $44,000, DOGE is proving it’s a high-beta asset with a history of amplifying Bitcoin’s movements.

狗狗幣(DOGE),迷因加密貨幣之王,經歷了驚人的復甦,根據 TradingView 的數據,12 月 6 日漲幅超過 10%,一周內漲幅達 27%。隨著比特幣從 38,000 美元攀升至 44,000 美元,DOGE 正在證明它是一種高貝塔資產,具有放大比特幣走勢的歷史。

As its altcoin price soars, the notional open interest tied to it has spiked by 58% to $625 million in a week, reaching levels not seen since November 2022. Funding rates on various exchanges signal a bullish sentiment, with rates exceeding 50%, indicating a strong preference for long or bullish positions.

隨著其山寨幣價格飆升,與之相關的名目未平倉合約在一周內飆升58%,達到6.25 億美元,達到2022 年11 月以來的最高水平。各個交易所的融資利率都顯示出看漲情緒,利率超過50%,顯示對多頭或看漲頭寸的強烈偏好。

However, seasoned investors are keeping a watchful eye on extreme bullish actions, considering them potential indicators of speculative froth, characteristic of a bullish trend’s tail end.


Monero (XMR): A Beacon of Privacy and Security


In the realm of privacy-focused cryptocurrencies, Monero (XMR) stands out. Prioritizing confidentiality and security, this crypto for beginners employs advanced cryptographic techniques, such as confidential transactions, ring signatures, and stealth addresses. This commitment to privacy has made XMR a preferred choice for individuals seeking financial confidentiality in their transactions.

在註重隱私的加密貨幣領域,門羅幣(XMR)脫穎而出。這種初學者的加密貨幣優先考慮機密性和安全性,採用先進的加密技術,例如機密交易、環簽名和隱形地址。這種對隱私的承諾使 XMR 成為在交易中尋求財務保密的個人的首選。

As part of diversified investment strategies, many seasoned and beginner cryptocurrency investors turn to Monero to benefit from its unique features and long-term growth potential. In a market where privacy is increasingly valued, Monero’s focus on security continues to make it one of the leading contenders in the privacy-focused digital currency space.


InQubeta (QUBE): Revolutionizing AI Startup Funding

InQubeta (QUBE):徹底改變人工智慧新創企業融資

Now, shifting the spotlight to the rising star, InQubeta (QUBE). This Ethereum-based token is making waves in the crypto space with a mission to fuel the ambitions of AI-powered startups. Since the launch of its presale, InQubeta has raised more than $6.6 million, marking it as one of the best coins to invest in this year.

現在,將焦點轉移到後起之秀 InQubeta (QUBE)。這種基於以太坊的代幣正在加密貨幣領域掀起波瀾,其使命是推動人工智慧新創企業的雄心壯志。自啟動預售以來,InQubeta 已籌集超過 660 萬美元,使其成為今年最值得投資的代幣之一。

InQubeta’s ecosystem is replete with innovative features, including cutting-edge and the most popular NFTs and crypto-staking solutions. The platform enables anyone to participate in the future of artificial intelligence by investing in fractional NFTs from emerging AI companies. The primary currency within the InQubeta ecosystem, the QUBE token, holds the promise of gradual price ascent.

InQubeta 的生態系統充滿了創新功能,包括尖端和最受歡迎的 NFT 和加密貨幣質押解決方案。該平台使任何人都可以透過投資新興人工智慧公司的分數 NFT 來參與人工智慧的未來。 InQubeta 生態系統中的主要貨幣 QUBE 代幣預計將實現價格逐步上漲。

By staking QUBE ERC20 coins on the platform, participants unlock rewards from a dedicated pool fueled by a 2% and 5% buy and sell tax. Staking not only opens the door to the NFT marketplace but also supports startup projects, allowing users to reap rewards through unique and equity-based NFTs.

透過在平台上質押 QUBE ERC20 代幣,參與者可以從由 2% 和 5% 的買賣稅推動的專用池中解鎖獎勵。質押不僅打開了 NFT 市場的大門,還支持新創項目,讓用戶透過獨特的、基於股權的 NFT 獲得獎勵。

Final Thoughts – Explore the Excitement with InQubeta

最後的想法 – 與 InQubeta 一起探索令人興奮的事情

DOGE, XMR, and QUBE are among the most promising altcoins to watch this year because of their bullish performance and increased investor interest in their respective projects. However, amidst the DOGE resurgence and Monero’s commitment to privacy, InQubeta stands out as a unique force in the crypto space, focusing on the future of AI. 

DOGE、XMR 和 QUBE 是今年最值得關注的山寨幣之一,因為它們的看漲表現以及投資者對各自項目的興趣增加。然而,在 DOGE 的復興和門羅幣對隱私的承諾中,InQubeta 作為加密貨幣領域的獨特力量脫穎而出,專注於人工智慧的未來。

Explore the opportunities available with InQubeta by visiting their website, and stay updated on their milestones and community activities by joining their growing community on X (formerly Twitter). The future of AI and cryptocurrency awaits – take action and be a part of it with InQubeta (QUBE). 

透過造訪 InQubeta 的網站探索 InQubeta 提供的機會,並透過加入其不斷成長的 X(以前稱為 Twitter)社群來了解其里程碑和社群活動的最新動態。人工智慧和加密貨幣的未來等著您——採取行動並與 InQubeta (QUBE) 一起參與其中。

Visit InQubeta Presale 

訪問 InQubeta 預售

Join The InQubeta Communities

加入 InQubeta 社區

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The post Dogecoin (DOGE) Hits 4-Month High, Monero (XMR) & InQubeta (QUBE) Take Center Stage appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 觸及 4 個月高點,門羅幣 (XMR) 和 InQubeta (QUBE) 佔據中心舞台,首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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